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Advertisements & Notices

... -NAVAL PROMOTIONS AND APPOINMD BTS. rA3P0XIaTME.XTS.- Mates. Mt 9gkX Wiulit LiIly . and R. C. Xevern, to tbe Blenheim; John Borlade,- to the , Excellent; and John -A. Whartoni to-the Pique. ; Midshipman-Gerald Kingley, to the Pique.1 Vol. Ist Class--Witliam Bencroft, the Hon. ?? Er- r4ine, and William-. Robert Adair, to the Blenheim; -and Thomas Fortespue, to the Benbow. Z Lieutenant Olivr J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Distillers of Ireland are requested/toattend a T General Meeting, at RADLEY'S HlJEU, COM- MERCIAL BUILDINGS, Dublin, on TH 3JSAY, the 9th January instant, at One ?? afterj rojupon bu- siness of importance. 1 st January, 1840. LOYAL REGISTRY ASSOCIATION. MTHE ASSOCIATION will meet at the GREAT JUROOM, CORN-EXCHANGE, on THIS DAY, Thursday, the 2d January, 1840, at Half-pas T o aClock. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7iiFit MASON goe respeotfiel to annouce chat htis 1Y4 A% IY for D~ANCING, iu Exeter, wil lee ceiuueqd-sthIis1 Residenc, on' SaturdeejI llso 25th3-of January. ThefleDays of Attoudoneg, sos W~ednesdaiys aukd Saturdays.- ?? Lessons aceigeven every- a~y~dsnngigles Vaoatasn.; ?? MASON will attend at SidmDoutll, Otto~ry, and Houiton,v on. Monday ties 19th of, January;. aiadleigh, Slte.ron, Ex- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. Congd ,~P EECTFULLY Gentry of the County nd Cij will take place at the US, oe FRtDAa the 10th of JAeuxAv, 180I ?? of Tula Etoses HoNs. THE COUNTESS OF EGREMONT. STEWARDS. LORD CLINTON SIR JOHN YARDE WULLER, Bart, U.p. SIR T. T . E. DRAKE, art, SIR JOHN DUNTZE, Bart. S. T. KEKEEVICI, Esq. L. W. BUCK,Esq. sir. .T. PORTER, Esq., Rtockbear. J. DIVETT, Esq. J. C. MOORE STEVENS, Esq. M. E. N. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E-'XITER, DIOCESAN CHURCH BUiILDINIG ASSOCIATION. QI.'ATERLY MlEETING of the Committee of 'i ?? will be hiolden at tile CASTLE71 o' tixirtin, oni WEDNESDAY, thle Sth of JANttiAR, 1810, .ipt lutt05frA t ho lail before thes Quartnil)- Muetinig. I~nnil te iecli,' o ?? Jdasn -it l'orthlcvall, ilt tic ,nisi f SihiC o £crnwtall. * In tld di. tiiioi'iirttof tule accamtaotidatial btY rolpairilig tic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, IN Triumphant success of ?? ¢bristrns Panjomime produced under the direction of Mr. .WJELAND. * firs present tIHURSDA`Y, JArsnafry ?? 4140, the' .L Performances will commence -viith- a Romantic Drama called - til A DREAM AT SEA.- Trevanion, Mr. Duff; Launce Lynwood, Mr. Iudon ' Ally Croaker, Mr. Rees. After which the Cotnic Interlude of F*a8H OUT OF WATER. ' ?? am 8vdury Air. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RWW'ICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY.-Established 182l.-Capltal, £550,000. TRUSTEFS. Elight lion.Lord Wodll ISO It'ight l1 o thle Earl of Orford. Lord Li,?rtenant. Sir Icry J.arne Sir Jacob Astloy, Bart, ?? Clitarcs Saill Onley, Esq. Edward T. IlootIEsq., President. Licutenant-Colornel Harvey, Vire-President. .AntitorltY Hudson, Esq. G.eorge Steppings, Esq. Gerg oTSe, Esq se~ Jermy, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR COLOMBO CEYLON. THE fine fast-falling Brig, CITY OF JTs ABE'I'iDEEN, A.l., 259 Tons Register, lames .Munro, Comnantider. This Vessel will be dis. patched on or ixfore the 20h January. For Freight or Passage, (having superior Accommo- dation for Passengers,) apply to PALMER, BECKW1TH, & Co., Quayside. NOTICE. HE SIIPWOWPNIRS-ith6e-PORT of TYN OIL .re respectfully inf6rmed, that it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRE-R 0 YAL, DUBLiN. Triumphant success of the New Qhhristsas Pantomime produced under the direction of -Mr. WIELAND THITS present FR[DAY, Januairy 3, 1840, the 'Per- T formances will oomrneiV 'ith the Colnedy of Mr. Paul Pry, Mr. Rees; itbe, RpissChsalmers Mrs. Subtle, Mrs. J. Thorobhill; EBliaalrdy, 'Miss M. Hamil- ton; Marian, Miss Penco. ' To conclude with (for the tig~ti-1e) an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED -Price Gd. : ~~ 's Conn' EESBY1TERIUAN AWMANi~C, AND Chr'istian IlenaembranerF, Fon i i 4 0, BEING LEAP YEAR. Containing a series of the most important Chronological and Biographical Notices in tho History of the Presby- terian Church. 4'J EAtRIT OF§ ROZDEN. ThW e Dublin a Jaiveraldy 19agazile, FOR JANUARY, PRICE 2s. 6d. )ONTAIN S :-1. Banking and Currency-Part First. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,RIVER HUMBER BUOYAGE & BEACONAGE. NOTICE TO MARINERS. . H;EBBLESFLOATING LIGHT. : TRINITY-HOUSE, Kingston-upon-Hull, 26th December, 1839, N OTICE is bereby given, that 1 in conformity with the intention ex. pressed in the advertisement from this House of the 12th day of Dccember instant, a a FLOATING LIGHT VESSEL is now moored in about Four Fathoms Water on the SAed side of the Hebbles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT BARGAIN. Ii 7j'¶0 BE SOLD, a Profit Rent of Ten, asing T. out of a House in a most respectable ne bloarhood, for the Term of Sixty-one Years. U ,:Application to be made to f5, Fleet-street. daN SALE at BRISTOL, Quebec Pipe, Eogshead, Bar- re], and W. I. P. Oak STAVES; Hicksry HAND SPIKES; Memel 0 Katka, St. Petersburgh, $qihoy, and various other Foreign BRISTLES ; AHtG4NY in Logs, ...