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Original Poetry

... Ortinal ipoetr . SONG. The minstrel's is the craft for rte ! When the world grows cold around him His harp is strung, end its magic tongue, In a wondrous charm bath bound him' Some sing of wine, and a bright wreath twine For the br'ow of their jolly king; But the lyre asd the lay will have regal sway, When the chalice grows a useless thing. The minstrel's is the eraft for me I I have traced ...

The Church

... '' -J l a : E t . - Thie Rev. Dr. Hook, Vicar of Lceds, has been pleased to a1)poilt .heo 1ev. George Hills, to be Lectuler ot thi Parish Church of Leeds. vice thIe ,exV. John m. Clark-. resigned, Thn C QuLen b -an beenl crn iculov pea.,ed to adlliess a loetm to thle ArcllotiSilop of Canterburyx requiring a collcetiont to bmade in verv Churoll and Cli pcl, in aid of tIIhc feulds ...

The Fine Arts

... 9be AFfilt Art5. ksn THiE BOOK OF BRI1'SI-1 BALLADS. Part iii.- hie London: lhow awed Parsons. ie This wvork -well deserves to be classed under the head of es, Fine Arts, for we cannot coneive alnythii!1g mrore Highly i,''imaginative in design, or mole felcitons and highly nd finished in execution, than the illustrations to our deligitfut cl English ballads,-for -which we are istdebted to the ...


... literaturf. 3?London publishers canforward their wvorks for review addressed to the Editor of the Hull Packet, to Mr. C. MITCHEgLL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street No periodicals or serials will be noticed that are not regutarly received. BLACKiWOOD'S MAGAZINE. No. 317.-Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Son. Old Ebony comes out in great force this month. He seems to have thrown ...

Selected Poetry

... *tlectev peoert. W. B. FERRAND, ESQ, M.P. v f lwing lineS, written by Robert Story, were addressed 0 The lr.Ve'a fr years ago, when that Friend of the Friend- A to blr Fe 13;glil b less yet-notyetl Wheryearsshallshed g NoetY -si upoa his manly head, b Aid tbickenilg blood and falling nerve, e rbid bia England's cause to serve; S, mhe may pay the common debt, a Tle be nay die-but 01 not yet. ...


... I I_ v ;________ .. __ _ I L ., . I ., Iv tq VI_ THE IMMORTAL1TY OF THE SOUL. NVI By Sir John Davie., P1 INSCRIBED TO THE 30OALriTS. sit au 0 Ignorant, poor man, what dost thou bear F Look'd within the casket of thy breast ? in 'What jewels, and what riehes bas thou there t T What heavenly treasure in so weak a cheat? hi Look in thy soul. and thou shalt beauties find, Like those which ...


... THE, ATRE-ROYAL. 140. TE The annual benefit of Mr. Holmes, the treasurer of the York IITof circuit. took piace on Monday last, end was as usual numeerously TO Iio attended. Thalit influential body', thle Associated Licensed Victo. SI.Tli 1in alters, came manfully forward on tilc occasion, Bad together picpe the with the many frivi'nd of the betieficier literally crammed thle P1110 'coe house ...


... ?? ipottrv. I WHAT IS IT THAT CONSTITUTES BEAUTY? What is it that constitutes beauty it is not the form of the face, Nor the tint of the rose On the cheek that glows, Which illness so soon can efface: 'Tis the charm of Intelligence that we descry In the essence of soul that beams from the eye, What is It that constitutes beauty ? Not the shape in its happiest mould, Not the foot, nor the arm, ...


... vottrv. ?? A DiUGE. 11 ing tribute to the dead!t wei n ?? ~ e teas ,,ug of weeping i No tearso I ire th had they aretlh i Ior et the rne c h of ret lt e th r Bring tribate unto death I I Oat days rer dk with a orro No cypress wreath I sur eeds retI morrow- Claif'd ujonith a brighter ivreath t ?? tribute eo the tomb I Iben, 'Were nlimmer's breath its sweeetneng biveth- The: ieehns fregronlca ...

Literary Notices

... Ifleralp Notica. - lr-. ?? - . , , T? . , KNIiOU's WEBEKLY VOLUME FOR ALL R RA1ieRI.- d This is the eommencement of a cheap library of useful reanding for ail elanses, but prepared at a price which n adapts it more especially for the working 0I1555s, to whose book clubs, more pawticnlarly, it is made fully Is available. The first vol containsan exeellentbiogrAphy? d f fiV LOAM CAXTON, the ...

Literature.[ill] &c

... I sq. . I B'LACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Abounds in sterling articles The Nameless Man contains a felicitous description of the consequences of bearing plebeian names; although we should imagine that, generations of Smiths have gone to their tomb without incurring such unceasing persecu- tions as assailed this unfortunate individual. Ten Thousand a-Year increases in interest as the tale progresses ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... 4' Iadet of ff-Sntgenable 1life. WVe have authority to state, that there is no truth in the report of the approaching marriage of Lord John Russell to Lady Fanny Elliot.-glor),ing C/ironicle. I The widowed Lady Mluncaster and the infant Lord are: arrived at the mansion of their late relative, Sir John Ranms- den, Bart., in Piccadilly, from Muncaster Castlc. The Duke and Duchess of Cleveland ...