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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... THE IMPROVED PATENT ECLIPSE LAMP, For Burning English'! Patent Camphine, With its recent Improvements, is now free from Smoke, is the perfection of Light, and forms a most Elegant Ornament for the Drawing-room or Library. THOUGH the Light of the Vesta Lamp was beautiful beyond all others, it was liable to throw out clouds of smuts. The IMPROVED PATENT ECLIPSE LAMP has a larger and more perfect ...


... THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOI STEAM PACKETS PRINCE OF WNLES MATTHEW JONES, Commander, A D Y C H A R II O T T E HENRY JEFFERY Commander, ARE INTKNDED T0 SAILr During the Month of MAY. AS F0LL0WS — (From the Bute. Ship Dock.) FROM CARDIFF. G.. Sturday. Lady Charlotte 8 morning 8.. Monday .Prince of Wales morning 9..Tuesday .Lady Charlotte -12 noon 10..Wednesday..Prince of Wales 12 afternoon H Thursday ...


... PUNCH! THE TOPICS! COPIES of these popular and ably-conducted Weekly Publications, .for the current week, may be had every Thursday afternoon at the Office of this Paper. For example, the Punch diited London, June 20th, 1846, was received on Thursday last, the 18th instant. Every description of Printing promptly and neatly executed. June 19th, 184(5. EDVCATIOH. GLAMORGANSHIRE. MR. W. R. VINES ...


... E TO THE UNITED STATES. The first rate Coppered American Ship, St. £ K A. -5 SS. Burthen 500 Tons. RHONIAS ALEXANDER, Master; WILL SAIL from N EVVPORT on or about tin 20th of 1 HIS MONTH, wind and weathei Permitting, for SAVANNAH. Thi* vessel has excellent accommodation for Passen- gers, being ft great height between decks, and affords ib sirable opportunity ior [ ergons wishing to emigrati to ...


... Printed and Published hy H|SKY Printcr, at the Olfice, High-street, Merthyr Tydvil, in the. County of Glam(iigaii where Orders, Atlvertise- ments, and CmnmllllicatioLs for the Editor are re- quested to be addressed. Advertisements and Or Jen rtceh-ed by tht following A fin II r,ONDOS Mr. Marker, 33, Pleet Street; Meisi. Newton and Co.. 5. Warwick Square; Mr. G. ReYDen. 42, Chancery Lane; Mr. ...


... ADDRESS TO TEETOTALLERS. Fools to aMcrt that mortals dare Dot quaff The flpwing bowl, in meuure and in season Xt your mad ravings wise men only langh- Ravings devoid alike of IIMlSe and Because some drink too deep, should all abstain? Ridiculous! you may as well maintain That since the glutton at a civic feast, Doth Gormandise far worse than any beast, And overloads his stomach at the treat, ...


... THE AS AM TEA CO MP?, LONDON, PURVEYORS OF THE CELEBRATED ASAM TE\ TO HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. TIIE ASAM TEA COMPAXY.onarHvifwof the erlC!)Ura^n->' advances which their speculations have pro- tlieii- warmest acknowledgments to their increased, and still increasing, in all parts of the Kingtiorn. Difficult as it undoubtedl) 13, on starting a new project, to remove a deeply rooted ...


... RACE of ISl!>. — Prospectuses, containing full in- formation, will be forwarded (gratis) on application to DRIJ M MON I), GREYILLE, anil Co., Princes- street, Leicester-square, London. N.B. Rurf's Guide to the Turf, and sporting prints of every description. Post-office Orders, payable at Charing-cross, will com- mand prompt attention. Postage stamps received as cash. N.B. — The DISTRIBUTION ...


... FURNISHED LODGINGS TO BE LET, at LLANDAPF comprising a Sitting- Room, and either one or two Bedrooms. They are in a pleasant situation, commanding prospects of the Country and Bristol Channel. P.S.-A Stable and small Field might be had if required For particulars inquire at the GuARDiAN-Offlce, Cardiff. IMPORTANT TO HORSE BREEDERS. THE Thorough-bred Entire Horse GAPER, bred by Lord George ...


... [ADYBRTISBMBNT.] A CARD. 11*R. O'ROURKF. begs to present if\ctl 1VI_ thanks to the Gentlemen of Cardiff and its 'neigh- bourhood, for the very flattering reception they hwc given to his projected Niap of the Town and l'ort of Cardilf, IIlll will not fail to avail himself of the many kin,1 sug- gestions he has received from some of the Subscribers. He is fully aware (that as a stranger, who has ...


... CHRISTMAS FRUITS, &c. T B. HOPKIN3 begs to announce having received a Large Assortment of FANCY & other FRUITS for the present Season, comprising New Currants and Raisins, Sultanas, Normandy Pippins, French Pears, French Candied Preserves, a great variety of fine Fancy cartoons of French Plums, from lb. each boxes of va- rious sizes and cartoons of .Muscatells, remarkably fine Jordan Almonds, ...


... MRS. WHITE BEGS to acquaint the Ladies of CARDIFF and its Vicinities, that she is just returned from London with the Newest things in MILLINERY, MANTLES, CHILDREN'S DRESSES, &c., &c., which are now ready for their Inspection. Mrs. WHITE begs to return her thanks for the support she has received from her numerous Patronesses Eincc opening in the above lines, and earnestly solicits a continuance ...