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Original Poetry

... t,., ? - artoluA Ottv. o SC. ts s t to ho-th ?? qusaiou ?-Rfam 11 Althen hu he Ulf himself aloft,. And 21t1saks Wmimei bre-top-44n, I uess thee' tqbkpg'hafs tuft -VAt Lita D.tlf Sinan. Foe now forooth e's i sll agot Foi *butl up by dalight;.. Pdig, i miesdjaio j fog,.. And fiI for want of a lig~t, To ?? with gaaef The Whe~anit e' luntitutionit. Where he may study A, I, C,;t In moat ...


... This Fair was held on Friday last in a new and com- modious building attached to the Bell premises at Thetford. A much larger party than usual dined toge. ther, Sir Win. B. Folkes, Bart., occupying the chair, being supported right and left by P. Bennet,jan., Esq., M. P., I. Birch, Esq.,IH. S. Partridge, Esq., WV. Folkes, Esq., Colonel Fitz Roy, Henry Wilson, Esq., E. Bennet, Esq.,W. Bryant, ...


... The Kuight of Gtoynne. CHAPMAN and HALL, 184 Strand.-The first number of this publication appearth5 month, and-to judge from the specimen, a rich treat of frolic and fun is promnised to the reader; especially whe we state that the Knight of Gwvynne is fronm the rolig~c and witty pen of the authworof Charles 0 ?? Lorrequer; which conitain somany exquisite sketeires of character. The scene Is ...


... :LXTEIltAWT,. PICTURESQUE ANTIQUI'T'IES OF IPSWICH, iAWSKY, I'SWICiH ; LONGMAN & CO. LONDON. It is with much pleasure that we call attention to these memorials of the ancient features of the county town of Suffolk. Scarcely a year now passes without some spec- men of our forpathters' art in construction and decoration gives place to modern alterations, audin this manner, ac- cording to the ...


... The Isnlptemafen sfAgriculture. BY J . ALLENS RAN SOMEg. London, lIsuWAY.-'ThjS is a work possessing nto mean pretensions to public favour, and the well-knowqn talents of its author are the best guarantee that it is replete with sound practical information. It contains a wrell-written history of agricultural implements, in past and present use, with copious comments upon their practical ...


... FRIOM PAWSEVS LADIES' EA IIONAMLX9 REPOSITORY. Written after heart op Jentsy Lind in St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich, pre'ious to her leating England. She stood amidst a brilliant throng, Calm in her conscious power, The young, unrivalled queen of song, The heroine of the hour. Pale was her cheek, her tranquil eye Scarce seemed to gaze around, Where thousands waited breathlessly To catch the first ...


... The annual shoW of the prize cattle for Christmas, 1841, commenced on Weadesday, to continue during the week, at the Bazaar, Bakef-Btreet. The whole of the arrange- ments are under the inspection and control of Mir. Boulnols, the proprietor, to whose judgment and attention, both to the convenience of the cattle and the accommodation of the visitors, the public ale Under considerable obligation ...


... (IZ?LM?$?'4P?ID ??OOL FAIR. This fair t ohk plase on Iuesdar last. snd tho quantity of wo ol s(il'ered fo-r sale, Wd1 eonsiideraht lv larger a bait at any formecr fur. i Ie fhitol -.iug i't he olilcial slatetient, comn. b~lu ag aw cornp lrlsoo wil Int.t year -. Ftseiss hlosr is tampe ?? Wssighetl ?? . ?? 2n,019 Nsaaober of 1loesrri on tssv an J weighed in 1839 . . I~ 1451 lbr crass stiigbt oF ...


... LITE-&ATURE. Frtcher's Poetical Aliscellao'y.-We hail with delight the appearance of this little volume, which contains selections from the Original Ploetry, that has appeared during the last seventeen years in Fulcher's Sudbury Pocket Book. When we infotm our readers that many of the pieces are frrrm the pens of Mrs. Hetnans. Mary Howitt, Montgomery, Bernard Barton, and other ports, whose ...


... Council Chamber, Ipawich, Die Lunce, Aug. 26. 0 yes! 0 yes! In an awful mess Is our Borough plac'd, That once was grac'd (By the grace of the Whigs) with that babe of grace, IRIGBY WASON hight, The most popular wight Ever in parliament-(never in place)- Except Henry Vincent the Chartist-but he, ' h' Empiric, has not yet been dabb'd an M.P. Though if Chronny could have it so, soon he ...


... voettv. ON SEEING THE PICTURE OF ADMIRAL PAGE (PLACED LAST WEEK) IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- BER OF THE TOWN HALL, IPSWICH. Whose Portrait vow discern we on the wall A fresh adornment to the Council Hall l The dress displays an honoured rank, and one The fit habiliment of Valour's Son Enquire we who ?-'Tis one from youth to age The pride and boast of Ipswich-Gallant PAGE- Ye ! who in civic dignity, ...


... :in Is AT CHELMSPORD. h. This splendid festival took place on Wednesday, and r. realized the most fervent expectations of those who ori- *r ginated and carried it to muturity. Never has more mag- sn nificent success attended a celebration of this description. a. Unbounded enthusiasm characterized the entire proceed- rd ings; and that the opus' did not at all exceed the x. material will be ...