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... i P T 'it Y. S 0 N N E 1. iututnnal tints procltaim the dying year Nf;v trom the storm-cled lills the hollow blast 1 Nces iti will coeriic, alId ; iS tU1iouS astc, t .er. theo wither'.l fuli~ee far and near.- * tut ja~ ~l fcather'd cloir srave olle alone l aidl the tunefil trib.:a-- the liobin's songP l oi l; ul hcaJd thr lea flssi L;:igs amonig, ¼; it otr 0Ll era siltcte to a tine..- i!e ...


... (Fvom the London and Paris Ladlies' Magazine of Fashion.) The dresses in most general use this season that have as yet been worn are of silk materials, and they are usually short and glace, either plain, striped, or checked, foulards, bareges, Pekins, na- cres and cancles, &c. In dress white is univer- sally worn. Dresses of the redingote form are with tight sleeves or a colisses, or with full ...


... SOLITIUDE. A00tV, my Con-mtils snrl brothers fin exilo. liit i s tit cesists iiicie thislie itmore sweet 11it ?? Pal lit cii oil pi ? Ace not t less wroods 2\lure free' from peril t laii tho Ptiijonse Cou rt -I-I re feel we but hihe peinsliy of Adrin. :J'Itn Sasuit's ditl'ereiice -As Yioie Like It. Thli St Orll is up, tile mloon is dimi. Iti. -St ors ill sheets Or vepoiti swaim * .i o cv el s ...

Literary Notices

... x m =, ? ? 1--w wlll,? ? u itcrall) 'NoWto. hbis bI -NIiSS L3lfltA 0000111 Is of hit ('Itodit of thisi Inty ba, brought upon us a full (Iouel 14`~ of sucslleetin'ls, seitiels hol jostle iii this vesiorkt, a -wii itl' aholti~ Wsri,, 1iis- L f ?? hitll illn a y, IC 'test dug-so i sljitorated it is klownsit thsat Els Onutlr- Ibe iii si-k Iti o us rifs oi journey to India fur thue Strpsse of' pu ...


... IFAS[IIONS FOR NOVEMBER. (Fron thre Londen and Paris Ledies' illagacine pJ t Fashisn.), T]here are many new materials in silk; amongs others tbe P'ckin, with sfltin stripe hrorhle ai i-sine, Le- vanttisses, doubles, u;rnlards de Ch ine, satins ?? Orient, dT'Islsshapa, cachesirire (I'EcszefandJbrirmifi J l a Ie - inire, ith Persiai , Tuskisb and Arabian patieres, &e. 'Ihe t tresses for ilrr ...


... F'ASHIOIt(NS IFOR IARICH'. )r e ( IFro the Lonfltiz aid Al ris Hatlies' Mlalga:ine oJ G c FP'asliO.) w is For ball dresees the sleeves aro always sheet and II tlilgt * tiat laceo unest'wo ii rI ti- it, b oliwi silk slueve are aninissable ; there is no alicratiim in the form of the dreos body folds tre giog lersl oni liver; le fa-liotj i of double and triple skit.s continue iv favour; swine ve ...


... POE .=-w POEIiTRlY . A TRUSTFUL 13ENEI)IC I'. IVlien Jock ad Jl curroy veteC intc l) I) Matitinony an eldrliy fliend aladressed tholi ill lnrigutge of friendly- ellt'llrstrarice osi til'i* i inpeldenca.' Jock wrt ote in reply- Jenny is p-er, and I a1m poor, X'et Wve vvill Vild, so say no nrore Ani shotild the bab erts yon ilmention come, -Is few th;t marry bhut have sonie,) No dioulit but ...


... P 0 ErT it, Y. A RA1 AND LOYtE. c \Var and Love 6re fierce comnpeers, | 11'ar sheds blood, and Love sheds tears WE'ar has swords, and Love has darts ; War brealis heads, and Love beaks I earts,I '.Vir's a robber, Love's a thief; Vv ir briiigs ruin, Love briligs glief; IV r ai giant, Love's a child i ?? nrt;,d, aid Lo-c tuns wild. W'a r subd[res, aind r.ovc beguiles; War by force, anid Love by ...

Literary Notices

... Ultrue'up givolicro, TIlM GUELlrIES.AND GUII1ELLIIIS. 'rho following relation records the origin of Gthe 1ong feud between the COwolphs and Ohibe- lint's,-ad has fur nished thle SUbjeCtLof English pietuire :- In the year 11915, according to an ancient ma- Y nuscript publishe~d fromt the`]3uorndefilonti Ii- cc brary, Messer AMazzingo regrini do' Mazzinghi esinvited manny F lorentincs, of high ...


... TIHE LAST DYING SPEECH AND) COxFI*:s. SIO.N OF ilE' POOR1 LAW-COMMISSINI0 S A COPY OF VErlSES. Farewell ,good fricnds, if we may ciii One mail a nong you a frietid, Assembleid to behold our faill And view our shameful end, If you would know what brouglit us here \our eyes thi.Y day before; 'Ixwas being crucl and severe, And herd upon the poor. Administrators of the l.iwS Respecting thena, ...

Literary Notices

... iliteralJ) Jrolarnll I,'f~le P1,/f. ql.fl-l l~ll .Slcity qfO nglan/l'd. Vol. 111. Part 1. 8vo, MiiroaN . Thel first arti(le iu thO pcrelet VoliLnIle iix a fu -ah, bh v b Earl St.penlcer, of' thle in, ?? at 'oilldalll, of which tim flflowintl\ waC the ealliest * ?? It htlppelend that tilh; leatse nia largo piat ,!'till! land whicb now fiornis to1 i aliol Park N15! vit'liti ?? years of its ...


... -' P (YET l -'-Y (!I 2 e:I 1' (L,'th 1212L 25 it] try blst Z Comet.1 O't'l' yoln snoY- capp'd hIWl Ci. s I I. thIc 'viI dos -bi Lr the (1c0r --liuoj Otut tIe | !i' Y.t ib¢tg*'-hill Andil kl: oii song,, rcioili'd tlie hall anti Nvi2tLr liri T ho i(nrr (JI cutide tI nne are w-itho tt, the eesB ofi l( 2.'t t1.Is biadli bc selvcad, leive suilimer's .i2i2, 2 iIt datil: ' ;a.rii ri:y I readI), ...