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... I [ORlIGINAL.; - _ i. ?? The ago of chivalry is ?? Burke. The age of chivalry is gone, Of dance and Troubadour; The days of tilt and tournament Are now,.alas! no more. No more the warrior knight- Rides proudly from his gate, Equipped with arnmour bright, In all the pomp and state Of Ajax or Achilles bold, Whose brave exploits old Romer told. The age of Ciivilry is gone, :'When tired of dull ...

Literary Notice

... Iifteraray NottEe. YOUNG EB AND Is LITTLr LIBRARY: a Batch of Christmai nNew-Year, and Birth-Day Gift Books, for Children.-W. S. Orr, London. ADAM TUE GARDENER.-By C. C. CLAnKE. PRINCrss NARINA. Do. do. PEIIsEVERANCE. Do. do. If we have any jealousy in our composition (and there is some portion of virtue in the acknowledgment of a fault), it is that which we entertain for the blessed con- ...

The Family Companion

... -, ?? ?? zbc o il) I v)'V All p All i o II. -11 !t7?aihWl I Bulki,' O RI GIN L 4 IV D SfL- CTED. s I ENGLISH LITER~ATUR~E. tatesr Tfhe it Twenty-one numibers have been Published of Chambers' of pilt Encycloptedia of English Literaitur ?? of eacil grows auothor is tiecessarily brief, but the wrork catnot fail to be poit force,, useful to those who wvish to have a guide in their read tiet it ...

The Family Companion

... m;v:a it t 0 it Zbe ea It I ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. CAHEBLLIA IN TS 05;E GRoUND.-In a gentle. man's garden in this vicinity there is now in full flwoer a red Caniellis, which has been planted in the open ground for ten years, the last eight of which it has been Without covering or any pfotection whatever-.tenferd Hill. Tr.: POET LAuRn TFTE.-Dr. Soutihey, the poet lau- *reate, whose death is ...


... INVERNESS SI-HEEP AND WOOL FAIR, (From th1e Aberdeen Journal.) Whoever would see the capital of the Highlands in its most favourable social aspect, should visit it during the annual sheep and wool fair. At the northern meeting there is a greater display, ails the commonly understood attributes of the Celtic race are better exhibited-the con- course of rank and fashion is immense, and there ...


... I,1iUE R.AItY EXAMTINER. .1. .1 ?? ?? ?? -. ^. ?? I' Re;P -c rq- ccl} Educationacl T7ousr in Gersfrlsry, France, a '11Randlz, foull part~s qf Great Br>itain mdg IrelandZ. 7 lv IlOt-sce filulua, Secretary of the Board of Educa- h (IoI, Mctcssamiusetts, U.S. With Pref-a c-ittd .a't hteg. h I IA. 13. Hodgson, ?? Principal of the Mechanics' n irstjihtionl.lIverpool. Second Edition. Maulchester: S! ...

Miscellaneous Extracts

... Igiocellancouz Extracto. gi Tit DaVIL's PaLTOW.-St. Ambrose says, ialeness is ea the devii's pillow ; wherefore many good christians, who ur think the dcvil dreserves none, take it away from hil m' en put it uinder their own heads.-J. P. Richter. di DUMAS AT HIS CHATEAU.-When his dramatic arrange- i nmeat of his oxyn novel, Les Trois Moifsquetaires-was finished, hie invited nill the ...


... August 16th, at a.m., ret urning from London on Saturday the 21st 6 30 p.m.—Tickets may i m MM Lancashire and Yorkshire (late MANCHESTER LEEDS COWANYI— MORTGAGE LOANS.VIfce RECEIVE TENDERS for LOi&£oi not less than £1,000 each, and mr pe interest to be allowed at the rate o payable half-yearly.—Further puLicu] plication to the treasurer. —Iftyjmler7 Manchester, 21st May, 1847. e are prepared ...


... air, / -, ii ?? kl, ?? , t , V?t ?? \\N W. x . ?-O T(E)MVITMTO -- I ORIGINAL AND -SELECTEDi LINES. Oh, what is hope? a meteor's ray, To cheer the lone, the sad, the gay. Hlow few but with the phantom play, It oft deceivea. And what is life ? a fear, a dread, On regions where we may not tread, Unless by heavenly blessings shed, And we receive. 'What is the gravo ? a place, a spot, Where mortals ...


... VARIETI:ES. .1 I We have authority to state that there is no foundation for the paiagrapb we copied a shorttime sincefrom the Greenock Adoertiser, stating'that Mi. Thomas Pottinger was appointed Resident at Hoig Kong, ae._Times, Earl de Grey at the last rent-day raised the rents-of all his tenants in the neighbourhood of Boroughbrldge, Ripon, twenty per cent. or ?? Mereury. - - It ts ...


... c -91,Rl'- I . RD (E) -IP., Q Imn YX 0 .I TO THE LILY OF -THE VALLEY. (Original.) BY DICHAXWD ROTflWELL. Why lidest thou thy snowy bell, Sweet lily of the valley, In thicket lone, or bosky dell, Whence brawling brooklets sally ? Delicious is thy rich perfume, Exotics yield no rarer; Nor can the brightest flow'rs that bloom, Display a presence fairer. With Nature's music, round thee rings Each ...


... I IV - are-, a? (E) 3, Lp 3a I 0 TIlE BACHLOBR'S HOUSE' (Qriyinal.) Wo I for the lonely (Irct1rs of tho earet.-VoO of d or Psltaion. Allow me to ask, have you e'er been within The doors of a bachelor's dwelling, If you have not, attend, while the muse shall sing, Of D Somethlhg well worth the telling. His presiding angel's an elderly girl, Who as housekeeper serves and as scuttler, The ...