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... THE FLOWlERS OF MAY. The flowers of May, o'er many a harp Of old their blossoms lhutng, And many a voice of later times Their peerless bloom hath sung; And joy, in hut and palace hall, Once hailed the lestive day, Whose blightness to our fathers brought The welcome flowers of M\lay, The statutes of the golden age, 'I hat lingered faint and long DrI sylvan tites of earle time, So dear to ...


... . P0 E, T Y. CllESTER CUl' CIAIIUADES. No, I. i'lr / is a name, as scehoolbovs know, 'Ic'iat delno es the Ikillh or tile stialdes bllowv \Whelt yO reat'oill ty s,'emid, thle struggle s begin l's every laCC that yoU hop)e to Nilt. As the P},st voul near, the nidse that is heard Wi l~l gie yoll, I tlink, al idea of toy thirtd. II. The hum at' bees, the voice of birds, Your loveliest ...

Literary Notices

... Riterarp AlFlotirro. THE OLD BROWN COArN.V NV B.,1 Gatptsd,;ilfarr yet, R. N. I I reckon you see nothing very particu ti lar in this, do you?' said an American ac- d, qtaintance of mine, briniging out the cuff of u all old coat, and holding it up before me, h dangling it between his finger and thumb. Il I can't say that I do,' replied 1, I but I I presume it has some merit that remains to wv ...

Literary Notices

... ?? jlutifro. I,iF'IT :Itrs Fit' ONI ME ieA .-]j y Joul liobeit (IOiLl'V, ~i`j 2 os. Ais .filri'zis, L ,ilidohi. [hesOL at thI e 'thi Ls of' iL Sin LOi hII k hIIer, a1 i l I) brot her Iii his hiiuiIil, wrtittun with 11he evident purpose of ili'avvtibil eI ct0 i thle UnIliparattise viame of' Caiiillii and [lie Uniited ,States ats a field fol. the ;ittivi Lv isIIuiterp'''' of'thit lIt'ne, eass ...


... - - .. . . - - - - - - - - - - - . TO TlIE GENITS 01' Iv, gentrlosplrit, then seould'st snyend th wing io Cnobri: ?? shlte, whele dtlai1 pericltetilll spring ReFt not thy pillion, till the lil'igriniit hours Finld thee I gnktest ia A; ron soiinv bowers- v' here holoe el'i sail, beflneath a willow's shadae DIvells ahruteous C--I, thle P.?conliat llnaid: SI-t'. ID obelse tone ful notes the Godl ...

Literary Notices

... -turicI'l) J101irro. NOT':S Ol THIE MONTH. MI Y --'the ItclIreivS niatahd the month of their 1itl taar, which is synornynous with this fifth (it WUIIt)OWN, SItail, liaon a Uihaldatic wordl, signi- iyivig II to r(joicc. The Anglo Saxons knew it a;. ?? i/cat, hltucaltso thair Cows stimiuila tec e t c itsh heitage, %\vre :o productive of'milk as it e inale thu ptiJ tnt tvos to bring them with ...

Literary Notices

... uLItf-rltJ) Aotlfrr. T1ll, i3A~iiLEL OPI' CAPEl ST. VINiCENT.- LI Oil the atinolinceenilt of thc Spanlishl advanice thle first obiject -was to gaino exact iiitclligeliec, anld ,sli is wvere stationedl in ll a rl(111ters Onl t lie look out, Dlit onl the 13th Cap tainI Foote, in thle -Niger frigate, joined, withi thle intelligence that hit. hadl kept sight of the eneiny for three daysi. The ad-C ...

Literary Notices

... ?? V T111 IAIT'Y ?? MIm. Jerdan.) 1t is one of the strailgest .things in the Nvorld: tilzt is to say, in the litcle circle of our own ac- quailitilLe, that siince the year 1763- A Ii. 1763 -- nino D)oiniia 1 76., Aulna ?? having oc- CurIed preyVintS to P ?? oii ?? i in these king- d: i);s si0c Smiei it a century bebire-sin c 176U, eighity yctirs hagu c(alCtly, tell beyond the! three- Stcore ...

Literary Notices

... UtUrrarp jilotirro. INCIDENT AT WATERkLOO. Of thle many surprisisg iniciden'ts avideb thle battle of Waterloo presented, it strikes Ine that thle ?? of Count di'i Ion's formidable attack by P'irton's ,ivi sion is the tine most deservinlg of miir admiration. To form a, just estimate of Pictoi'7s nerve, judgitirtt, alid dveiilon uon thtat inmemorable aoccasion, lye musat ietnemib.-ir, that to ...

Literary Notices

... ?? . , . 1-ztwt1.'1, V-1-11111 1-v hssac v ( -- PHYMsC~A S.'lCATItrON OF FEMnites, by Charles en, Riwvir s, ?? D. When A bernethy wvas consulted by a young lady Pt for slisorderedl esite of the stoma ch, lie said, I-How - IN. .int you expect to be avell when youl squeeze your ho Wai~t to file size of' a qtaert pitl 1 (Jo -go Isune! leave oflyour stays; bornierthe soilhtre, take Isis ms ...


... POETRlY. SONG.-11Y MOUN'1AIN ?? tl. ?? pert ! vvs partr! there falls a tear I leavc th'cspot I love so vell; Villt nauoghtt mvy weary steps to cleer Save hope, wehicih doth my bosoim sverl':- }3ut still however far I roait, id y heart is in niy mnountaill holne. Thc stin sinkls o'cr yon distant hill, 'That slitI er5 f'routi tlie stolain mtoy cot:; Anil where tin IJ ? A wanidercr still, Uniknow ...

Literary Notices

... Utterarp a I ,f rMIGiHT i' 01TILM Mt'ttitollrXtsS lBIlNyILLIEIlS FROtM It PAIIIS To ILUli. The Marchsioness is escapnig frlem -ieC pursuit C of Degrais the Excmlpt, who is ciiargcd to arrent ther as a prisoner.. ior two ?? aml nights sile has Rept in advance of her puIsuers, arid she is at s length wvithill sight of ?? A- t last they eniteredl Liege, anld the pursnit now became doubly exciting ...