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Literary Extracts

... Ilf~erariD xfractS. TOTE SCHOOLIMASTER'S EXPEDIENT.-The able re- view of HaHfura's Lire'ciaf 'sho's3pBurgess, in the Eclectic of tidis month, 'relates the followini' tt'*y df Dr. Juseph ,Wavton, when master of Winchest6r .school :- Wartin was a main of tast, ral''d bad ihb measotastent for poetry ; but, like uost men' of the same celas 'he disliked philology, -and that dislike entailed ...


... :eozvlr,+ S(IRAPS FOR BRADICALS. No0. xY!T. D1'y iL T. CLANC1. Thle Soldier's Bride, or La Heroine de Franoals. ?? ! to the bride with n free-horn iolOU Md mtnd djisitiniag baso conltroul; X ~ffer the meced *f our juot ayplause ie the Heroine *if the holy canoe °thelte 3sweet Mlarseilles hymln was sung, Aol1 ti36 eaaile sperl' anld the Tocsin rung, Sj p' uod otrsel by tbo oannon's side, yjr ...


... jpottrv. 'UNIVERSAL LIBERTY-THE CHARTIST )tE&CTION. See the wiher of freedom, now proudly unfurleld- Hear ?? glad voice of liberty sound through the world; Ast1 it calls on tho 0ons of oppression to rice; Hark! it rings through the earth, and it enters the skies; And it bears on its migbty breath on high The resolve of a people to conquer or die! Then up! for behold, on the wings of the blnt, ...


... utbighw. PEACE PERMANENT AND UNIVERSAL :, its Practicability, Value, ard Cox sistency with Divine Revelation; a Prize Essay, by H. T. J. MACNAMARA. London: Saunders and Otley, Condait-street, 1841. This is one of the most eloquent and powerful essays upon the subject on which it professes to I treat which has ever issued from the British press. J It was composed in consequence of a circular ...


... ?Btbido. SCENES OF JOY AND WOE. Br EVEN Ryrsia. Scene First. The Blessed Apparition. London: Simpkin and Marshall. Edinburgh: Mae- laohlan and Stewart. Glasgow: David Ro- bertson. 1842. This is the first of a series of tales illustrative of the joys and woes which chequer this changing state of existence, and produce the vivid lights and deep shadows of human life. It will, as we learn from ...


... vat*- THE CHARTER. The Chartlsts when they first began To advocate the rights Of man, The, factions all like tigers ran To crush 0ur infant Charter. But to its rescil thousands flew, Whilst bold O'Connor did pursue, Who from the fangs of faction drew The bantliag from this murderous crew. The nation with one mighty voice With gratitude did then rejoice, Aud hail'd this champion as their choice ...


... VeWWO. LUTHER, A PoaM, by RoJIRsT MONTGOMERY, M.A. Author of the Omnipresence of the Deity, the Messiah, Satan, &c. London: Frances Baisler, 124, Oxford-street ; Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 33, Paternoster Row; Tilt and Bogue, 86, Fleet- street. it is seldom that we have risen from the perusal of any work with more pain or more pleasure than we have experienced from this. Knowing the author's ...


... ?? I SONGS FOR TIIE PEOPLEJ.. NO, xi. [In announcing our recent Feast of the Poets , promised to give a notice of the poems and songs of ROBURT NICOLL, and that promise we had intended to have performed this week: certain cireumstances hasve, howev~er, so occupied our time asb to prevent us fel Ilisig our intentious. The promisied notice okaU ate e* shortly. In the mteantime wve give ...


... NnebteW, 11- ?? ?? dEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN. By Alexander is- Dumas. London: Simms and M 'Intyre 1, Pa1S. froP ternoster-row, and 26, Donegal-street, Belfast. not Every one has heard of the 'Author of .Mmni are 3irisso, the gentleman who makes books by steam- edl nd books, too, that aretmore widely roadl than the Thb roductions of any other author of the present day, ?? ot excepting even Eugene ...


... poetry. -. ?? TO THE QUEEN. h VY ZENEST JONi28. VI your palfries are prancing, your people are piaing, i The Palace aud Bastlle in rivalry tower : a Remember ! the greatest gold crown ever shining The breath of a people can blight in an hour. Your sycophants ringed round the foot of the throne May call you the Queen of the deep sounding sea, ThQhigh-bounding billowe would break at the tone. ...


... LAMENT FOR MI rHEL. ?? q~ .Floweraof tlebareat.' 0, Erin, thy sons and thy daughters ii anguish * May weep, far their dearest and bravest is gone; Exiledi o'er thy wrongsand thy sorrows to languish, Far, far,' from the friends of his heart and bhi Bright gem of thy green isle-fair freedom's de- voted- Tbh terror'of tyrants-the friend of the slave- Whose patriotbosom, all pure and unspotted, ...


... - oetr--. TO THE PEOPLE. Isjewind that shekfi the trembling leaf, Givesb *ud vlgprichb~e~t ; -- - The reign of tyrants must be brief, And right tho' cruahed, Sbhll come egain, The thunder eloud, with darkened look, May hang suspended fof a time; The lightning's flash, who would not brook, And after meet the bright sunshine. So freedom's onward courue may seem To wear the low'ring aspect dim, ...