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... THE LOVE OF WISDOMlI- THE TRUE AMBITION. nel af IftLb Altlislsi'luN. ht, BY F. C. SPENCER. A WdRred NFR Tt s HDDStRSVIeLD LtTeRAnv IN8TtTra ToN t i rI doer OCCASION Or THSsI A-NIVERSARY Dln.N'.Y, JAN. I. 10. cN rer- igh Corrupt Ambitinn's brief and vulgar hope, a ing The ?? its object, and the world its scop-, cu s's E Usanc ified by virtue's lofty aim, qu ?? To Welfi-h joy devote, and selfish ...

Literary Extracts

... Miterarp OxtractO. X MUCHn IN A NAME.-In a parliament appointed to be held at the beginning of this year, but which did hot meet till the 13th of June, an act was passed, which had been suggested more than once in the course of this.reign, conferring on Henry and his snccessors the title of king of Ireland. This mea- aure was adopted in consequence of a notion said to be prevalent among the ...


... jpottrv. THE MAID OF WARSAW. The maid of Warsaw wept, bereav'd, Beneath a cypress tree; 'She wept upon her lover's grave, For Poland's misery. She sung, and wept the burning tear That down her pale cheeks ran, She sung how cruol war severe Had been her country's ban. You fell, she stng, my love that day, When Poland's freedom fled. Alas! that I should live to say The sons of Poland bled. ...


... mebidoo, TlE CEIRT.'TfAN KELPSAIKE; a G.AlitC1iO of Pooemi; coml)risijig the Ileanties oi Euglisi Poetry. B3y the. Author of Poems on Poland. Hull, William Purdon; London, Sinmpkuii and Marshall. This beautiful little volume is well described in its title page. It is a colleeiion of choice specimens, in iwhich the spirit of poetry aid of pietgy o halnd in band. We lha-ve no hesitation ill ...


... . ~ Tc tU. TO QUEEN VICTORI1. . His victories won the name thou bear'it - Ml e triurap saved the crown thou wear'st; Y t, Lady I thou so little car'st For all the glories he has won, That when united by the mitred Priest To thy lov'd Albert, of the East. Thou bd'st not to the marriage reset The warrior statesman Wellington. But ,e-tho never could have been By thy cotirmand, most gracious Qaeen ...


... 311octrp. .w NURSERY RImIES, '$LtTTLE JACK HIORtNER SAT IN A CORNERY` NEW READING. iTTIX Jack R-os-11 sat on his bustle, ,santiug his sal-a-7y - ,inl hlto his fob ho popp'd every bob, -,tj ilg What a great mailn amu T. ,.p. loved sal-ary, and thought lie vould try To keep ill 1his place whilo lie could ; to Parlianwet, in a fidget, Io ?? To work for his livelihood. pinks lli. without doubt, ...

Literary Extracts

... uirtatrp extractr. AN INiaOitaltEs LTTERI TO A FRIEND,-LOndOn, May -, 18135.-Deer Tom, This ktims opin you are Well as it leaves Us at present. We are kum to town from at most delicious trip to Cheltenham; can't say much for the Waters, and the brandy hat the him, tle - was not the best as you and me ave had on the ceoste of Sussecks. However, thank God ! thiogs is turned up weli on the Ole ; ...


... ALL ENGLAND IS' GOING TO NEWGATE. ( Fam the John Bull.) Take hin, Topham 1-Old Saying. Since the world was begun there was never such fun, Such a sight in their lifetime but few get. SD. my merry men all, look out for a squall, For ail England is going to Newgate. Lo I the House, in a rage, doth protest and engage, In a manner that dare net be answered, To Incarcerate quick.tiil they're ...


... I This week (being the last of the present season) tle audiences have been much more numerous than of late. The performances on Monday evening were three acts of Shakspere's Henry VIII.- and Bul- wer's Sea Captain, for the benefit of Mr. Mude when the audience was highly respectable; and in- eluded some of the leading families of the town and Ipighbourhloode Of Mude's impersonation of the ...

Literary Extracts

... Katrarg Oxtra&o. r ? - , , INDIANS AND Ameusn.-The savages now ceased speaking, antl the party that was concealed heard the slow and guarded movements of those who were on the bank, as they pushed the bushes aside in their wars progress. It was soon evident that the latter had passed the cover, but the group in the Vwter still remained, scanning the shore with eyes that glared' through their ...


... ipoetii. THE VISION OF LIBERTY. Idresnt'ddry&'M'it waseventide;. And-' t'hemii 'lhi-s stting glory had died; The reybpriflew.llgbtly~o'rc thse plisi, And kisaed the flowera end golden grain; And they bent to his o'ress wvith gentle grace, * And.gwzer on his wing as away he passed; Then sinkhgi to silence, as day was closing, They breathed a farewell anddlay iepoding. 1 Iioked again but a-host ...


... SM&O. 1. THE.HULL TEMPERANCE PIONEER,.ANI- ItECRABITE JOURNAL. Edited by ROBs FiRTH, Seoretary to the Hull Temperance, Society. ' This little unpretending perodical holds on the- even tenor of itseway-; doing: good service to the cause to which it is devoted. The present number is almost eutirely devoted to a review of a lecture against the princples rof total abstinence, delivered, Inby some ...