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Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS MEETING ON THE COREN LAWS a very numerous and respectable MEETING Aof the INHIABITANTrS of this Boroulgh. toon- vened by the MAYORn, to consider the Propriety of Petitionilg Parliament for tho REPEAL of the CORN LAWS, aud held in the Area of the Coloetred Cloth Hlall, on Tuesday, the Thirty-First ltay ao' De ember, 1839, The Worshipful the MAYOR in the Chai r- Ir WAS REsOLVED, Moved by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? YougPOINTER .DOG.; !le: is neirly. White, 'oxcept A 'fino i !i Black' Spots 011', is Ba and' Loies. His forelead., ll 6iisvYcvs to the natno of Sancho. ' Any person bringing hin to, Le Oace 'o tllb papir, will ie hland- -ii lj. rewarded; and If he io ddlained after this notice, tho pers6nso delainirig bim will bo subject to proaceislion. : ..BANK 11OUSE, NEAR LYTHAM. Classilcal, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, DtJULIN. Ninth Night of thec New Christmas Pantomime, produced under the direction of Mr. WIELAND. HIS present SATURDAY, January 4, 1840, the T Performances will commence with the Comedy of SPEED THE PLOUGi. Sir Abel Handy, Mr. Rees; Sir Philip Blandford, Mr. H1. Cooke; Henry, Mr. Hudson; Susan Ashfield, Mrs. Edwin Yarnold. To conclude with (for the ninth time) an entirely New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CQP N, 1. P6 NN .-T im nO AW L pOON T of tb opa ' 'vpUa Ie ihe te48atiin- Thetbepn e ?? Jell~w~ogu hg?~~1nhalt~p~wr l~etherinto. . ?? p5 O ljl.L.S6 ,. deora~a has a been. 4 PtAlpta he, qrj p.,- ALOV 'A ao.1.t - peron to an- .: Lr. ?? WI jyjlosit 4-,~Atbi eatplea. . 40t. in x4>Db&,' we sh e ur ves liabltoa ci tt ,1 4A vitaslgi.7ui ae. aio so ca'led ja for (PO Iqek; 1f IlUffWion in ',a. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /, - a e t II iti . '; . .. D 'rOGS AND DAM1P JA4 B ARCLAY'S ASTHMATIC CANDY' has4 for many years, been proved an effectual preservattive from .the ill effects of the rogs and Damp Air, which, in the Winter Scasorn, are so prevalent in this Climate. Its effects are to' expel if Wind,'to preserve the Stomach from the admission of Damps, and to relieve those who suffer from Difficulty of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7FPO BE SOLD, pursuant to a Decretal.Order of ' JR the High Court of chan eery, made in certain Causes, en- titled respectively, ?? v'ersuss Sayner, I-ortier vierasu Sayner, Horner versus Tottie,' and 1 Horner acts,,s Sayrser. 'with the Approbationr of William Wingfield, Esq., One of the a Masters of the said Court, at the Scarborough Hotel, In Leeds,- In the County of Yorrk. some Time in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RI ADVERT ISEMENTS. Zs _ _ ?? Tl Ni:W MEDICAL WORK. At TiHE PHYSICIAN.-The First Number of thib Popular Mediical Journal will IO Published on the firot Saturdtay in January, and to be cozntinuedt Weekly, price 2ed. Subscribers requiring Medical Advice must Ibrwvard their rora- miunicationri (post paid) to the Edtitor, at the Publisher's, John Co Clements, *21 anid 22, fittle Pellney-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0* Siuday, JaO. 2ndg 1841, will be Published, . Price Siopene5, a .: -a: e t No. I. eor THE PEOPLE'S RAGAZINE: A MONDIITT JOURNAL OF RELIGION, POLITICS, AND LITERATURE. EDITED BY, JOSEPH RAYNER STEPHENS.' CONTENTS:-Thoughts on the Times-Homely RJlReadinge from the Holy Book-The Old English Yeoman (Poetry)-The bonk, a Tale from the Swedish of Karl Aug. Nicander-ThO Crum Basket; or, Scraps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7- ~iI~ 1to NEW X'O1IR 10 I ' ?? an .l'14itI~t I ~ I 2 tOllilio, ?? litill t1 illOil. 1.1' jolt,~~~1 toltdi ?? 1tsit~tttil nottile' appi)''toi4 theuts1 w*,~ : ?? ftr Plipti.lieti p'II A g1)1 ?? I~ ( veet' :'lthe tit ret, 2SM h-b i'brer tt I jet vtwks'hi ''ritootpJ 01.,io o ri 4 fugro.424 p ',201 IF ito oi ?? sof fr[It! ii I I- il i li\ I pllt tEC ?? VWt ln th' Ivy t I .it lWM Vd Sti -llt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE NERVOUS AND THOSE OF DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. O AF al the frightful Consequences riouii Ecils that edasi Nature is ordsised lo suffer. there cosanot possibly be any Practice more appalling than that wvhlih arles from self-abuse, a Passisn fraught with the most destructive Consequences, dreadful even in Imagina- too, and In itl Exercise fatal to alt human Happiness, a Practice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BEAMERS. -WANTED, aln expe- T orienced BEAMER, who hashbeen aecustomnd to sized. Mule Twist. To one Coho w.vell niderstattidshis busines', and can produce an unexceptionable.'charatter for sobriety. liberal wages wvill be given._ Apply by letter, post paid, aldressed J. H., at the Printers'. OBE LET, a First-rate GROCERY and Ti pROVISION' WVARF1IOUSE, takitw ;£70 to £80 per wreek^, in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TustPublished, Price I . 6d., Werthern, paIer uster-Ro I flEAFNESS; an Essay on the Nature, Treat- ment and Cure of Deafness; by Mr. CR ONN, M.B.C.S.D., and M.S&A., London. '1 A valuable little essay on the nature and treatment oif's distressing complaint.`-San. From one case within our notice, we strongly recom- mend the perusalof Mr. Cronin's clever little essay.'- Morning Post. Mr. ...