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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... -a=~TITERd TURE. I NEW QUARTERLY REVIEW. a In this number, ?? more than in ally other ab 0 tchrole of the times we are enabled to descry 5ha-b dows of ?? reforms in the Church and State, likely in subst5nce to produce greater and more permanent, beoause more bloodless, revolutions than any which occurred in the annals of the last fifty years. The 8th article 1 Ire . Ibud, of this able ...


... I TAIT'S MAGAZINE. Tait usually combines the original and selected in agreest. ' ble variety; but, in the present number, the ?? B the almost exclusively predominates. The lively and versatile oa Mrs. Gore, who has just turned out from her intellectual tifis smithy a new work with a catching title, Men of Capi. unt tal, entertains us in Tait with sundry chapters in conti geat nuation of ...


... Christmas, though not celebrated amongst the common people of France as amongst us, by the demolition of monster barons of beef-of waggon loads of turkeys--of thousands of barrels of oysters-of ?? weight of sausages and plum- pudding, and tuns of ale, of porter, of gin, of brandy, and heady port and sherry-is yet a day of solemn and joyous festivity, when families greet each other kindly-when ...


... I FASHIONABLF INTELLIGENCE. l It is currently reported and generally believed in the fashionable world, that her Majeffty the Queen has the inten- tion of commencing what is called the season at a very early period this winter, by making the beginning of the usual court ceremonies in the month of November instead of delaying them until a late period in February, and continuing them toso late a ...


... _ . _ Last evening the eminent vocalists, Miss Birch, Miss E. Birch, Mr. Lockey, and Mr. H. Philips, made their appear- ance-two' of them for the first time-before our musical public. The audience, we were glad to perceive, was crowded and highly fashionable. The merits of Miss Birch as a soprano singer, have been, ere now, fully recognised, and since her last visit to Dublin, the most brilu ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIQRNeg VICERntOAL CouRT .is Excellency the L Lieutenant and the Countess D~vey entertai&e th.f 'llo W at dinner on Tuesday evening bishop of Dubli , Baron Brady, Baron Pennefatner, on clards th i of the Rolls, the SolicitorGeneral Sergeant Warren the of Cork, Sir Henry Marsh, Hart., Sir Wmf.e BthavSirS ahe Burgoyne, Judge Keatinge, Mr. Brewster, Mr. K2Y a ob Luca,, Captain ...


... ThhTALI-L~7NR WtXDSOP, SUNIOAy.-Her Majesty, aceompairniid A by the Prince of Wales, rode out In a pony phaeton, Prince ' Albeit being on horseback, .and 11er Royal Highness the Dashess of Kent arrived, yesterday this forenoon tit the Castle, and breakfasted with the Queen and yac Prince Albert, and the Qucen Daweiger. the The Archbishop of Canterbary, the Earl of Liverpool, the a I Earl of ...


... A* -- - r n ?? ?? &_ . . . I At Worsuip-street, Police-office, on WednesdayMr.Jas, Elphinatone, principal performer at the Albert Theatrical Salooa, appeared before the magistrate to answer the charge of assaulting Mr. Henry Cousins, the leader of the band. Evidence at considerable length was taken. On Friday night they were performing Masanieilo, in which the defendant sustained the part of ...


... The committee met for the transaction of business, as usual, on Tuesday evening, at their office, No. 13, Angle- sea-street. Mr. LANGLEY in the chair. The Honorary Secretary reported that he continued to receive from editors of the provincial press letters express- ing the utmost willingness to promote the interests of the society, and agreeing to insert the prospectusin their papers without ...


... I - HE IMIS PABTY. Trhe following is the leading article from the Mail of last night on the meeting at the Rotundo :- GREAT nnEETntsO OF IRISH PEERS, MEMBERS OF PABLIA , JENT, AND LANDOWNERS. The Irish Parliament has at length become a great 9 fact-to argue nmw about its necessity would be, to use ti the words of Ar. George Hamilton, 1 arguing a foregone n conclusion. In this faet of the ...


... FASHIONABLE INKELtIGRNC.Z I Their Excellencies the Lord LieU.N f arnd the Countess of Clarendon entertained the following party at dinner at the Viceregal Lodge on Monday evening :-His Royal Highness Prince George; the Lord Mayorand Lady Mayoress; the Chancel. lor and Mrs Brady; Lord and Lady Talbot de Malahide; Sir Ed. ward and Lady Bilakeney; Right Hon T and Mrs Kennedy . the Master of the ...


... A AtlSMEREC DRAMA YoeGiHAL PETTY SEssioNs, T1HUsvDAY.-The pre- siding magistrates ?? John, Esq., chairman; Colonel Faunt, and John Kelly, Esq. The most intense interest was manifested by the inhilbi- tant of this town and neighbourhood, in consequence of the celebrated inesmeric performer and some of his corn- peers being summoned for assaulting one of his patients, John Hallahan. Messrs. ...