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Advertisements & Notices

... R-EW JOINT-STOCK BANK. -It is proposed to establisha JOINT-STOCK BANK, (ha which the marsagement, accountancy, and direction, sbali be inch a check u pon the others; and the protection and legitimate use of tee bank's funds; secured by fulnda- mental laws)-to tbe styled. THE MAINCHESTER BANKING COMPANY, Copital£X5,0010; in 25,000 Sh nrM£20 each. 'Provspectues, and form of ?? for shares, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN~D GAT4UWAD UNION GAS IH A .GCOMPAY.I : '-Li~ Rew'$Saresilu-re s - 'l tiDay, 1a1,U126 01'8,fio ary next,, i -ene .,III ~ al -ffiee, Arcade,iTthIeei t8 TO THlEtyjv±SD. WJ¢I RUPT URN JOHN BR AND SONb CUTLE'US. SRGCAL INBT UFMENT AND TRUSS CULE5SUKRS TOT FI~RMARY, AND OVT!CIAKNSE ApPONTHMNTO THE ANI INFIMARY ESPECTFULLY inhsrm those afflicted Pt with RUPTURE, that they may have TRUSSESproPerly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JG -.BETTERIS, L&tw Styt.i6Aer, begs to inform the J. Gentlemen of the P fessi'n in Oxford, its county, and neighbourhood, that he hlssemoved his Offices from No. 15, Magdalen-street, to Aro. 2, kadr.ic]ti--squarC. MARY ANNE CHANCE, WIDOW OF TE MAS,eHANCE, DYER, ?? ALD?ITEKS, OXFORD, 13ETURNS thankq tpt/hose kind friends who fa- JLV voured her ?? with their patronage, and begs to inform them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. -rEK WALSH TSanLS. ., readers will see that we have given the proceedings of Wednesday in our Second Edition of this day. Our Third Edi- tion, which will be published by noon to-day, will contain the proceedings of Thursday. On Monday we shall pub- lish a Fourth Edition, containing the proceedings of Friday and Saturday. Orders from the Country Agents should be sent forthwith. As every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUTLERY HALL, GItI.-Y STREET. JUST IM1po]XlED JOHN BROWN A:.'L, SON: AVEi great Pleasure in infori isir - II.. Friends 'that they he.ve4 st received the -most splendid Asaort-ent~oi'I . - BOHEMIAN (.ASS t-' Over introduced into the N~vth ofEngland Consistingef.Scent ,Vases, -Goblets. Tumblers, I Cake and Fruit. Djbesb -Eau td Cologne and Toilet Bottles, Sugar 'Baslls,, Wat6r: Bottles, ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7- ~iI~ 1to NEW X'O1IR 10 I ' ?? an .l'14itI~t I ~ I 2 tOllilio, ?? litill t1 illOil. 1.1' jolt,~~~1 toltdi ?? 1tsit~tttil nottile' appi)''toi4 theuts1 w*,~ : ?? ftr Plipti.lieti p'II A g1)1 ?? I~ ( veet' :'lthe tit ret, 2SM h-b i'brer tt I jet vtwks'hi ''ritootpJ 01.,io o ri 4 fugro.424 p ',201 IF ito oi ?? sof fr[It! ii I I- il i li\ I pllt tEC ?? VWt ln th' Ivy t I .it lWM Vd Sti -llt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F- 5 :Si\3i ?? [i . lid 6i-x allslelll IS ?? jld4 Nbsgitvs wig-, :tv ro1i-k I'fth iltarol-ijiA ?? sti MI,, ?? lpl~ ,, \ ?? tS talivo , iitIlul, knd ll~sdrtlr l ?? , / C jl-sli. -i . i -. Vf ]W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Several articles of correspondeatee sand news are necessarily left over until ncrit week. Thle letter from Mr. JTahn Griffith, of Lcoridon, to Mr. Jar. Breok, of H1-uddlersfiled, relats to nmatteri of account in trade, which would lae better setltld, by private adjastmaent than by nlewsapper discusslop. The comimunication from HE-ghcr Hurst cats only appear as an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,alte bp aucttoon. At the house of Mr. William Beddows, the Crown Inn, in Horwich, in the county of Lancaster, on Wednesdtay, the 15th of January, 1840, at four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will then he produced, and in the following or such other lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale: Lot LL that Plot of LA$D, situated at ,.oti. the bottom of Horwichif Moor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... valle bv Ruction. NO PrwsELLINGo BY AtTCTIoN, At No. 49, WINE-STREET, - By Mr. G. B. W 0 RB O Y S, T HE remainder of the LINENtDRAPERY T STOCK of Mr. Thwvaites. 'The attention of the Pabliciscalledparticttlarlytothe TABLE LINEN, BED TiCKING, HOUSEHOLD LINEN, ,MUSLINS of various kinds, atid a varietvofother Goods, all selling FR.EF OF AUCTION DUTY TO THE PURCHASTERS. TO BE SOLD BD AtrCTION, I . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE NERVOUS AND THOSE OF DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. O AF al the frightful Consequences riouii Ecils that edasi Nature is ordsised lo suffer. there cosanot possibly be any Practice more appalling than that wvhlih arles from self-abuse, a Passisn fraught with the most destructive Consequences, dreadful even in Imagina- too, and In itl Exercise fatal to alt human Happiness, a Practice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BEAMERS. -WANTED, aln expe- T orienced BEAMER, who hashbeen aecustomnd to sized. Mule Twist. To one Coho w.vell niderstattidshis busines', and can produce an unexceptionable.'charatter for sobriety. liberal wages wvill be given._ Apply by letter, post paid, aldressed J. H., at the Printers'. OBE LET, a First-rate GROCERY and Ti pROVISION' WVARF1IOUSE, takitw ;£70 to £80 per wreek^, in a ...