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... IiTE'RAkTUB . Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland. Part VIl). VIRTUE, 26, Ivy Lane.-We have the gratification of having before us another number of this beautiful work, embellished with engravings, displaying first-rate talent. Indeed, as the work progresses, every number brings with it additional recom- mendations, mnd the tour exquisite engravings wh cih adorn the present number, may justly ...


... Pawsey's Ladies' Fashionable Repository, for 1850.- Again have we the pleasure of welcoming the re-appear. ance of this beautiful annual, published under the patro. nage of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, and the Queen Dowager. The literary contents are, as usual, of a high order, whilst the embellishments fully maintain the well.established character of the work. We make the following ...


... Frosnhe London ?? ofFashian. The materials to be worn during the winter season nro of a very rich description. Taffetas d' Italie, foulards, watered, checked, and striped silks, pekins in every variety, with velvet, eachmeres, wouselines de laine, aud cachmere damasks, and brocaded silks, are those principally in de- mand. The most general costume at this moment is a redingote of striped ...


... I YE THIRTY, NOBLE NATIONS.' A NEW BALLAD TO COI llhDxA. By MARTIN FARQUHAR TUPPER. Ye Thirty noble Nations Confederate in One I That keep your starry stations Around the Western Sun,- I have a glorious mnission, And mrust obey the call,- A claim! and a petition ! To set before you All. Away with pirty blindness, Away with petty spite! My Claim is one of Kindness, My Prayer is one of right; ...


... l33 ip. WHEN IS TIHE TIME TO DIE.? I asked the glad and happy child Whose hands were fil ed with flowers, Whose silv'ry laugh rang free and wild Among the vine-wreath'd bowers; X crossed her sunny path and cried, When is the time to die ?' Not yet! not yet! the child replied, And swiftly bounded by. I asked the maiden: back she threw The tresses of her 1hair; Giiief's traces o'er her ...


... Works o Sir' ila er Scott. Abbofeford Edition. CADELL, 1tdinbUrtl.-Ia the concluding parts of Peverel of the Peak, we observe a splendid steel engraving of Gcorge Villiers, Due of ib frops an original nicture; iildwood illustrations of Northumberland House, Straud * Nengate, as built by Sir R. Whittington; Old London Bridge, York House from tlie Thames, and vari. oas portraits. Quinton Derwent ...


... Alison's Europe. Wl.LIAS BLACKWOOD and SONS.- We beg to call the attention of our readers to the adver- tisemnent of this important Work in our paper of this day. The following are a few extracts from the notices of the new edition of this History, by some of the leading Lon- don journals:- At the time when this great work appeared in succes- sive volumes, we noticed it at such lengths, that ...

Original Poetry

... - - grialal ortrlo. TU LMAV Or TM UIVAI. PALThXOTB. I sing of tho scenc, and I sing oi the day. | Whtlen Itlister Mould diddlpdi the Mlav'r, hiker Mey When first, (as by Journals Mid C'hrodicleg told), The May'rsoil'd his digits by dabbling with ainOI: An event ,llte enougih to provoke to a splutter The diqnified doaler in cheese and in butter I But his Worship bad fel ttno compunillon at all ...


... Z.ETBIRATLUK. Canadian Scenery llustrated.-VtRsTuE, ivy-lane, and MARTIN, New York.-While our paternal Government Is displaying its zeal for the education of the people In all sorts of useful knowledge, the public spirit of individuals is actively called forth in the labour of supplying menIn. lood for ihe middle and higher clasees; and the arts dfs. dais not to lend their aid in exalting and ...


... ZITEJIATrfl1?. The Camden Society has just published a volume of oriejoal letters of eminent literary inert, from the 16th to the century, with notes by Sir Henry Ellis. Amongst the number is one to Lord Burleighfrom Sir John Sm p11w. It is dated from the Tower, the 26th of June, 1596. After thauking his lordship for allowing a man to attend on him, and assuring him that he was, generally ...


... tITKWnATERE, Episcopdcy tested by Scripture. By the Iighlt RVev. H. U. Ondeirdonk, D.D. Edited by the Rev. J. Il. Rod]well,, London; R. D~cK, lpswich .rhis is the true Way of going to woork upon any question affecting the character, discipline, orconstitution ofa professedly Christian Church None but that which will bear the test ofa strict examina- tion by the written testimony of the ...


... IjIT IC('d ,lTUSEUM. The Annual Meeting. cormueroorative of sn Institution wblich has been ro produexive of public satisfaction, baa be-a celebrated during the wulek. It ?? announced thot, otl We 'neady evening l'rofes- :sor Owen would deliver a lecture on the Gigantic Birds of Lw Ziestlsd, a0n onu Ihe Ceographical Distribution of .Anirnals. At eigbI o'4lock the feinperanrr 11allwas tillud bI ...