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... .- . 1 CVARIETI9S. HarMej ifytha 'U2_nlbow mger ilns made a liberal con. tribution towards tho building of a national school,. for the edscation of the ebdidres the he poorer classes at Cowgill, in tbe parish of Sedburgb, Yorkshire. The Earlrn'd C0ountdi of wiitton have left Ryde, and emrbrked on boar'd ti6e uobIQ earrai sc ooner ynchi, Xirifa, for a cruliel's thet Trench C'Ol A ''odit The ...


... How To DANCE TrE POLI1A.-A neat littlO publication, published by Cunningham, of the Strand, London, explaining not only bow this popular dance should be executed, but also all the quadrilles, with a variety of waltzes, reels, &c. TWEDDELL'S Yonscsrrila MISCELLANY,-Wre have been favoured with the first number of this publication, which is worthy of support, and which we shall be glad to see ...


... ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. FoRGET-MVE*NOT: lMYOSOTIS AVENSIS. FROM TilE GEnDIAN: BY PITZ.-GEEN IIALLECK. (From thy Knichcrbocher.) There is a flower, a lovely flower, Tinged deep with faith's aunehanging uoe; rure as the other In its hour Of loveliest and serenest blue. The streamlet's gentle side it seeks, The silent fount, the shady grot; And sweetly to the heart it speaks, Forget-me-not, ...


... I ?? FAR EWE LL. Ho w often do we-breathe Farewell! As though it were a final knell To all the heart's most precious things, From whence all joy, all pleasure springs. Nor has its influence o'er the mind Been fitful, as the changing wind, That hurries on its trackless course In murmurs soft, then loud and hoarse, Succeeded by a calm serene As ever blest an infant's dream. This may depart, ...


... I . I The Salopian Journal staes ?? ' person wagered to hit 600'penby' pieccs in'b'P06 ehofs,' t hich he did without mlising one~ of Lltum;'l He'efired {Vitth a gun, 'ad was five hours 'nnd ten muinhtes' i'perf didrign this feat; , n .umbierof posso'ngers durihg th , peat week O9 672, n'd oun of 19s. 4d. '. ?? in ,the N~etherfandtnExtract,of a letter rc, ;ceived ,at.Ioyl',s; fir tbeiriagnt ...


... I I I Thec Duke of W~ellington.-(From a Correspondent of the eorniluq Cliroaicle.) It is said, that when the committee off the Lord Mayor's entertainment waited on the Dake of Wellington, on the 5th instants, with an invitation to the civic fete ha very politely refused in these laconic words- Pray remember tili 9th November, 1830 ?? and this natur ally enough, accounts for his non.appearanco ...


... - The surplice warfare of the Bishop of Exeter has im. rmortaliged his name by procuring him a niche in Madame Tussaud's temple or wax-cork worthtes3 T'rhe Edinburgh Chnir of Music.-The Edinburgh papers ltate that Sir Henry Bishop has declared his intention of standing for this chair, which he vacated only a few months back from ill health. The snow of Mount Zitna affords a considerable ...


... . ry ?; -R.- I .iN. W . . . P ;: v IR 13 . 5w . .. ' : ! tiIBtAfY OF T1AVEL -The third part 'of thi slvauable ?? contains a well vrtten account of DamasIcus, with Its baths, bazaars, &c.; oFPalmnyra; and 'other plaiee of' Interet iun Syria ard 'ihe Holy' tand,' The work is mosf udirlously conducted, and dijplag6''0efore the reader so'We, lively plotures of the irih'abilouts, eustome, scenery ...


... |I _ _ A few days ago there vdis formed at Glasgow The Glasgow Commercial Travellers' Total Astlinence Society. There is au arintocracy olf rags, as there in ad atthtocracy of stars and ?? Jerrold. Let your recreations be manly,, moderate, seasonable, and lawful: tih use of recreation is to strengthen your labour, and sweeten your rest.-Sfeele. . Goethe on Shahspears._HIs chlgractera!are ...


... I A SIGH. o let me quit the close Town, The noisome ah; the crushing throngs o lot me seek the free Down, To wander wild its dells among I Thi flowers pale, Do Spring hail; The throstle wakes the budding grove; The soft shower, The green bower, Arc wooing all who Nature love. Then let me leave the busy crowd, With Nature's self awhile to dwell, And change Man's challenge, harsh and loud, For ...


... LECTUIRE ON THE MINE' ;iATS. On Tuesday evening last, a Jecture was 1 tiverd the Theatre of the Institution for the Diffuitm ' ledge by Mr. J. Burton, to a very numeirios ?? ;:i Tie State anl Prospects of the Plastic A' r . 0, Britain, and their Aroral Infiaeune on the 1'er2 ?? ' Brewer oeupied the chair. The lecturer introduced his subject by sta.tii &; had larely heard it remarked 0liot ...


... ITrtl)-l5lftl.lLl-l)lW O I ?? I ORIGINAL AND SELECTEDM AI ?? REVERIE. AN i11lt(nV. (Original.) t' or kiins anad mightieit ?? minst die, Andit astats thcartl to huar an triscry. ?? lamrap hunns din, the n irhliglat hour is nigh, Tlile wind in fitful gusts is heard to moan 'Ilhe Noon-pale vestal-sails along the sky A few dinm stars do hormage round her throne. Ylhe river' rolls its brown arid ...