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Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS MEETING ON THE COREN LAWS a very numerous and respectable MEETING Aof the INHIABITANTrS of this Boroulgh. toon- vened by the MAYORn, to consider the Propriety of Petitionilg Parliament for tho REPEAL of the CORN LAWS, aud held in the Area of the Coloetred Cloth Hlall, on Tuesday, the Thirty-First ltay ao' De ember, 1839, The Worshipful the MAYOR in the Chai r- Ir WAS REsOLVED, Moved by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0* Siuday, JaO. 2ndg 1841, will be Published, . Price Siopene5, a .: -a: e t No. I. eor THE PEOPLE'S RAGAZINE: A MONDIITT JOURNAL OF RELIGION, POLITICS, AND LITERATURE. EDITED BY, JOSEPH RAYNER STEPHENS.' CONTENTS:-Thoughts on the Times-Homely RJlReadinge from the Holy Book-The Old English Yeoman (Poetry)-The bonk, a Tale from the Swedish of Karl Aug. Nicander-ThO Crum Basket; or, Scraps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7FPO BE SOLD, pursuant to a Decretal.Order of ' JR the High Court of chan eery, made in certain Causes, en- titled respectively, ?? v'ersuss Sayner, I-ortier vierasu Sayner, Horner versus Tottie,' and 1 Horner acts,,s Sayrser. 'with the Approbationr of William Wingfield, Esq., One of the a Masters of the said Court, at the Scarborough Hotel, In Leeds,- In the County of Yorrk. some Time in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS MEETING ON THE CORN LAWS.I A Ta very numerous and respectable MEETING MT A3.of the INHABITANTS of this Borough, convened by the rth'! MAYOR, to consider the Propriety of Petittioninsg Parliamenst for C the REPEAL of the CORN LAWS, and held In the Area of It the Coloured Cloth Hall, on Tuesday, the Thirty-First Day of ne. December, 1839; t The Worshipful the MsAYOR in the Chair, a IT WAs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Amituro. is, I GIpplicatioir oh detain any -.r tho good of the is hn total darkness of and nearly so of my (qfevor being restorod ng been under your a11 W1oW seo to read, 1 oc-ds, zb: *of e3Si- sat- 'ilg rona have rges, nlo 01 seriod s real . .1 lay- *rally bntiLria' ..nd of 6i- digCE- - t. . limbs, palpita-;uo flga-, iuacoience, los-ne~ss cf spirits, jd4it., and in the symptoms ri a cdtd, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. -rEK WALSH TSanLS. ., readers will see that we have given the proceedings of Wednesday in our Second Edition of this day. Our Third Edi- tion, which will be published by noon to-day, will contain the proceedings of Thursday. On Monday we shall pub- lish a Fourth Edition, containing the proceedings of Friday and Saturday. Orders from the Country Agents should be sent forthwith. As every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Several articles of correspondeatee sand news are necessarily left over until ncrit week. Thle letter from Mr. JTahn Griffith, of Lcoridon, to Mr. Jar. Breok, of H1-uddlersfiled, relats to nmatteri of account in trade, which would lae better setltld, by private adjastmaent than by nlewsapper discusslop. The comimunication from HE-ghcr Hurst cats only appear as an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jt~btc_ ottCrt. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AND INSTRUC- TIONS TO ALL POSTMASTERS, & GENERAL POST OFFICE, 20th Dec. i13. N ?? of the ,great increase of Letters heon taminig Coin, it has become necessary, in order to preventt the total InterruptiJ of the Service, to discontinue ?? which has hitherto prevailed of entering the Addreises of such Letters, and taking Receipts for them on Delivery to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A IN ADDRESS O MOTHERS onthe Virtu~ep The good effects of these Powders ?? the period of Teeth. u Ing have now ?? years' exper-ience, during which tlrim C Thosaonds of Children hare been relieved annuaallyj from all those Ci distressing symptoms which Children suffer while Cutting 0 their Teeth, Viz : feverish beat, fits, convutlsions, sickness h of stomach, and debility, accompanied with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The !IFO LRT, and may be entered to immmediately, h all that large and commodious MESSUAGE or Dwsell. Ing-Ilouse, with the large Warehouses adjuoiling, situate IIn Woodhouse Lafne, In Leeds. latelyoccupled by Messrs. William L, Smith and Son, Cloth Merchants, and suitable for carrying on in r an extensive Business in the Woollen Cloth Trade, having good North Lights, anid having been occupied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gi~rt antf Lie fic s TISSENTERS' and GENERAL LIFE and D FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. bi, King William Street. London Bridge, London ; 7, Ed~ler. Street, Edinburgh ?? King street, Queen Square, Bristol. CAPITAL, OWE MILLION. TRlUSTEES (with a Seat at the Rottrd.) Thos. Cballie, Etq. I Thomnas Pipcr, Esq. Tbos. Wilson, Eeq. DIRECTORS.I Win. T. Beeby, Esq. Charle Iindley, Es q. MP.p George Housfid- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? bt2 auct¶oW 3NCHANICERY.-CHAMBERLAIN v. LEE. F h Pnubllc are respectfully informed, that the Whole of tb-s real ESTATE-S of JotHN LES, late of Wakefield, i~. the Id; County of York, Gentleman, d~ccsased, not already, DISPOSED Sa OF under the Decree enade in this Canse, will be peremptorily w SOL D by AUCTION In the Month of May or June next, when M upwards of 25,000 Square Yards of BUILDING ...