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Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... FOR COLOMBO CEYLON. THE fine fast-falling Brig, CITY OF JTs ABE'I'iDEEN, A.l., 259 Tons Register, lames .Munro, Comnantider. This Vessel will be dis. patched on or ixfore the 20h January. For Freight or Passage, (having superior Accommo- dation for Passengers,) apply to PALMER, BECKW1TH, & Co., Quayside. NOTICE. HE SIIPWOWPNIRS-ith6e-PORT of TYN OIL .re respectfully inf6rmed, that it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT NORITH OF ENGLAND fRAILWAY. TWFLFI'H CALL OF XIO PER SHARE, ?? the Total ABoutcanledjor 55 per Share. E DIRtEsCTORS of the Great North of nglands Daiw riy Company hereby give Notice, at ?? 10 pr Sare n ech of the Shares in e saiud Copany has this Dilybeen made, which is to It Dayof January, % now nest ensuing, to Joseph Pease, Jun., Esq., idP., Ithe Compiiny's Treasurer, ith any of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, NEWCASTLE. TH IDANY Evening, January 3rd, 1840, will EnN Ffrwed, Shskespeir's Comrredly of .A be pe'O AS YOU LIKE IT. fle first Time, the celebrated Russian National With, for Singers, the Family MAT WEITS C H. 'ro conclude with the new nd splendid PANTOMIME. -FUBLlC DINNER TO ROBERT INGHAM, Esq., M.P., FioR THE BOROUJGF OP SOUTSH SSillLDS. rflHE Friendis of the above Gentleman, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOL SALl, P-ALE SEAL OIL. t OLIVE OIL. ZANNTE CURRANTS. DENIA RAISINS, in Basketsandi Baskets V.ALENCIA Do.,in Boxes. WAILNUTS. HIAZLE NUTS. ORANGES and LEMONS. A few BASKETS of genuine SELTZER %V ATERs, jut irported. WVM. SWANSTON, 47, Quayside. 26th Dec., I-:39. FOt SALE EY PRIVATE CONTRACT, HE following very DESIRABLE PROPER TL ?? An vxcellent HOUSE, in Franklin Street, Shbeld. 5eld, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN~D GAT4UWAD UNION GAS IH A .GCOMPAY.I : '-Li~ Rew'$Saresilu-re s - 'l tiDay, 1a1,U126 01'8,fio ary next,, i -ene .,III ~ al -ffiee, Arcade,iTthIeei t8 TO THlEtyjv±SD. WJ¢I RUPT URN JOHN BR AND SONb CUTLE'US. SRGCAL INBT UFMENT AND TRUSS CULE5SUKRS TOT FI~RMARY, AND OVT!CIAKNSE ApPONTHMNTO THE ANI INFIMARY ESPECTFULLY inhsrm those afflicted Pt with RUPTURE, that they may have TRUSSESproPerly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE NERVOUS AND THOSE OF DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. O AF al the frightful Consequences riouii Ecils that edasi Nature is ordsised lo suffer. there cosanot possibly be any Practice more appalling than that wvhlih arles from self-abuse, a Passisn fraught with the most destructive Consequences, dreadful even in Imagina- too, and In itl Exercise fatal to alt human Happiness, a Practice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUTLERY HALL, GItI.-Y STREET. JUST IM1po]XlED JOHN BROWN A:.'L, SON: AVEi great Pleasure in infori isir - II.. Friends 'that they he.ve4 st received the -most splendid Asaort-ent~oi'I . - BOHEMIAN (.ASS t-' Over introduced into the N~vth ofEngland Consistingef.Scent ,Vases, -Goblets. Tumblers, I Cake and Fruit. Djbesb -Eau td Cologne and Toilet Bottles, Sugar 'Baslls,, Wat6r: Bottles, ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO _TIIM~BER ~EOAT~ A74 A 1 D:,;. by th ie ommittekee,- TENDERS for, supplying the! fouhrsini- Ibescriptionhg of tTYMBER 'for- ather nrext I Six-.; 1OiRrTS.- Phyleneratsto- be. Made within Thiree Months after ctlhe delivery'of the Timber. OThe' Quality Of'the Timber to lbe the-bestDsrito of the respect~~~~vo Kinds~ .The Timber to be: de- livered, free or ~auy Expenase, 6n any lPart of' th6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAXT NOIUFTI OF IENGAND RA LLWAY ?? SF1A- E, IT wtl, I CA LL1 IF l0II t ?? the i'iifal ATinCf. c1ed /Itt -5o per Share. F'HE IRECORS F the Great North of L E't ad Rin a Cot1'Mv M rtm ?? Nutlcet, a CAL of 10 'e Sb re an e-ch tof thle S hares in ?? Day ineelt inail, which is to 1p~~lon r cf~C or', 11th DaiyoftJann-trv, ?? ~ ~~1, jlWt' IIO ty o .lo.AIi P'till Jt'ri., Esq., .i?. l~thilve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DIRUGGISTS, AND OTHE RS. TO BP DlSPl)Si:E3 OF fY IPRIVAT121CONTRtACT, rHE WIHOLE of theovcry EXCE LLENT antd llHANDSOME SHOP 1'IX..T UtLESbelonging ?? Phillips Spenecr, who has decltied tle) Diug Bu. wifress; ?? Zriortar and Pestle,large lron Moi t #4r I' tse, foQ' Oil (Cisterns, containinlg a Plipe arid Half each, with 1Braiss Cocks. The above menlioned Fixtures comprise a compite Set of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT JAIRROW. ' * W TO BE ltX ?? ial y Div, . SMALL FARM, ca! l tile CcnIrI.w FAr VU. '.5 L; For Iarticul rsOS, ?? at [ite Jjrlusv Collry !Be.-Jan. 8, 18)0. OTICE is hereby givenr that the Genei al An- nual. Sleetrtg (o th il' ustees el iis Ilio IiIlIe ien at the House of Jr WNillia.n ilrni lhe \N h1tv et Inin, in Hexhlatn, on TueSdlay tile *2'01 l)iiy o! uary Instant, at Twelve ?? at Nooun By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H~1~ AS tile jonottr to ?? to the Nobility 80 ~,nrt f iNewcastle, that he will, ?? tohis rethirigtotP01 ,g 0 TW'O CONCE RTS AT THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS TfilE FtIRST ON TR~IgtSDAY EVEN ING. J AN UARY the 23rd, 1840; THE SECONID ON gELIA EVEN I NG, AN UA RY the 24th, 1840.. MR THALBERZGI '''lhave, on this Occai~aoni tile Assistaince 1' thle fol-! lowyin1g disti6nguislied Vocalists; MAAME BALFE, ...