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Morning Chronicle


... DAURY .LAAIE 2'ffEAT.1S. Madame ANNA TIULLON being sufficiently recovered from her severe indisposition to warrant her re-appearance, BALFE's lew opera of the Enchantress was given for the second time on Monday night, and was received with as great applause as on its first production, and from quite as crowded a house. There was not even standing, room to spare in the slips, when the opera ...


... jBNTERTAIL-1E --a - ON~( RN I ENTlBRTAINAIEN'oI'ofthe SO)NS of BURNS. i * ~ ~ ~ -. . . I Wve noticed last week the arrival in Inverness of l eloni tind 1ejon BurBissowis of the Scottish Poet, and their Iriend r.31)iaruilid of tile J)ee1 on'ics Courier'. At a meeting Of tile T'owil Council on Monday the 4th t itan uninialously re soveed to present them with the ireedo m of tile town. The ...


... lI-IUSICAL, INTELLJIGENCE. CONCERT OF ANCIENT MUSIC. The fourth concert was given last night, at the Hanover- square Rooms, conducted by Sir 1-I. IL Bismol' ; Mr. Lu- CAS presiditig at the organ, and Mr. T. Cnntcn being tue dief ?? in the orrhestra. The director of the present scht me was his Royal Highness Prince Ac.nuit'r, who made the following remarkable solection rAPT I. 'rio Notionni ...


... HAY MJARKET 'I'THEAT'RL'. Our stage is fallen on stllugo timaes indeed, when the opera. of Guy M1oimorring is revived for the purpose of ex- hibiting' the tulents ofae young lady ns lleg dIerir'ilies, for upon no other grounds, surely, could the light comedy com- plny of the ?? Theatre bave launched on such a venture. The pursuit of opera under difiviulties may be imagined when we' look at a ...


... PUBITC AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE-GRAND (PEIRA.-Sixteensth night of The Maid of Honour, first night of The Marriage of Figaro, last night but olie of tue Pantomimle. TlH IS EVENING (Tuesdaiy) lihr Majesty's servants will perform Donizetti's opera, entitled LINDA OF CIIAhlOUNY. Tile WErrqais of1 ?? l.u . air. Wrie. t Charles Viscount de Sirval, 3. Sartiago. I The l'reft, Mr. Gregg. ...


... LYCEUM THEATRlE. L t ?? liative talent short it-elf !It the form it did last at this tilehstre, and it need fear nothing fro. : ciOIl),i:ill, come it in the guide Historique 'om l'arij, or $tirertde-E hiopic from America. R1ig tms opeirae, origialhly produced in 176,' w ...


... -0 Last evening, afterseveral postponements, an attempt was made to produce the companyof M. ALEXANDRS Dun.s's Theatre Historiqto oml the boards of Old Drury. We say the attempt was made; for although in their actusl persons the gentlemen and ladies who compose this troupe cor- titinly made their entrances and their exits according to the prompter's book, that was all they were suffered to do. ...


... PRE'NGH PLAYS. 5 The season of French plays at the St. Jamtes's Theafre V will be commenced on Wednesday, November 11. Mr. if MITCHEsLL has resolved to open ibis campaign at this early eperiod, following the example of lact year, although such .an undertaking, before the large body of his fashionable i' supporters have returned to tow n, requires no ordinary con- rats on the part of a manager. ...


... LiTERATURE. The Life of George Brumaell, REq. By Captain *z JEss, 13 There is a great deal of pleasant, curious gossip in k these careless volumes. The disreputable old ghosts hi of the close of the last century are brought up from - limbo, and made to walk the world again. Fox hN and Sheridan, the beautiful Georgina of Devonshire, at the Prince of Wales (augustshade of sixteen stone!), ill ...


... DRURY-LANIf TBEATRfE. 0Driry Lane opened last night with an iclat which pro- n e brifliaut reasoan. This theatre hbw now assumetd en- ::iriv the cnarecter of an opera house. The musical coin- pny comipri'es the best dramatic singers that Eogland can trcduce; and, for the ballet, the array of talent rivals that of ber Alajesty's Theatre. The theatre is com- ete, toc, in all the accessories of ...


... .PBLI C A MUSMENTS. Her MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-The nobility subscribers to the Ora. Rfnd the public, are rvse'ct'tily l, otillee that thiA uriatre wil heOlPENIRD Toatmolsow EvtNetloN, Satiurda3 Narch 12th, vwhb'l will be Pro0acepd,flrqttilne in this country) D)o0I tsuld' Otpier OBziMA 1j1 VEEIJY. Conlte di Vergy, Shr. San (from the prlnviteW Tnieatrep in Italy, hbi irit appearence in ill countrvi ...


... MlUsic. A oly ~ts~mmv~well onl the pi~m notforte, and dei irtstO ntake thins mmmrOlspl shmten it a oiirce ofjlamr n otN 01 ,a tmmcmmnec to her frienlds, sliould be cairefu lto adap~t fill smI ot icr pm rtaritt-1ttcC to` the ircimmmstatcEes it' whitci it ecjlird for. aild Shouldt remetmnber that at ommY, mixtd coo- pamny us omitd be tired to death wcithI one ot those Ioni. a tt elmhor upme ms ...