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... ESTIMATES are Wanted for Supplying the WORKS of the HARBOUR for One Y’ear, from 16th February, 1848, to 16th February, 1849, with the following Articles, &c., viz;— Ordinary BLACKSMITH WORK. REPAIRS to BOILERS and MACHINERY of Dredging Barge. Scotch FIR TIMBER. Foreign TIMBER. Ordinary CARPENTER WORK. ROPES. SLATER WORK. PAINTER’S WORK. PAINTS, OILS, &c. BOOKS and STATIONERY. GAS Ordinary CAST ...


... Opening throughout of the Newcastle and Berwick Railway, and consequent Annihilation of the last Link of the Great Chain of Mail Coach Communication between London and Edinburgh. NINETY HOUSES FOR SALE. Mr Samchi- Donkin is chosen by Mr Pearson, of the Queen’s Head Hotel, Morpeth, to put up to auction, without reservation, on the 14th July instant, within the Mabket Peace, Morpeth, XTINETY ...

Notice to Nearest of Kin,

... THE EXECUTORS of the late MISS CHRISTIAN HAY, residing in Peterhead, hereby give Notice, that all those having Claims on her Personal Estate, will require to lo;lge the same within one mouth from this date, with Alexander & Anderson, Solicitors in Peterhead, Agents for the Executors, who will immediately thereafter divide the free residue among those whose Claims have been sustained. / ...


... CO031ISSIONER1S OF' P'OLICE. Onl iltnilny. there woe an adjoarnild meeting of C-mamiosionera of Polioaa-thae Lord Praovot in the rhlair. On the min-tes ho-ing rtul, .1lr JImlN WIGIHT 1 iljiaitaal tan ?? part of them artieai ?? to the inrern4aai ili t ont ralarv off thle Fir.e mnster. Ile ali- oail thit it might nmt lhn lhereafter rtla he hall Approrved of lian minniat. fia then grove noitire ...


... COUIRVOISIER'S CONFESSION OF GUILT. After the verdict was returned on Saturday even- ing, a report was circulated that the prisoner had confessed the murder, and, upon inquiry, it was' found to be correct. it appeared that while the exn- minations were going on at the house of Lord Wil- 1iam Russell in Norfolk Street, after the murder, the attention of lr Howser, the solicitor for the pro- ...


... CASE O THlE STUDENTS. After an investigation, in which the Presbytery were engaged for five days, from 10 A.M. till near q, midnight, this case was unexpectedly brought to a close on Wednesday the 25th instant, bv a resolu-L tion to refer the whole matter to the General As- b sembly. In the course of the business, a dissent and com U plaint was taken to the Synod by MIr Nairne and Sir C D. ...


... cENTsRAL CRIMIiNAL. COUIr, Jmn. 7. ?? Pralitnift 'T'llitiol, 4111, %u1 irldidll rir faln- l aiilliiilv ntnaliltihi. alt atountitig On la l ,(ltt'aiilr ia11on (the ar iq nodli eii!vithlla the jairisndivliii tl thle Admirniti, r- 4 f E lngI i. Ivithltatesta to munder lime. t. .1,'t1c Pt ?? ?? liar tlia i11ticuutititi anati Moar .'Mr l).av~t Sitatr dfeoiii. i, that lao iwee master tina 1-firt ...


... COURT OF SESSION--..FriI DIVISION. Owners of the stelli .laip Th,,Yai William, Leitht, r. T John ?? & Co. ship builders noid engineers, in Abordectn. This inaptrtant rinl volutninous occuiedso ll eh f thle attention of thlt Court, nn Arises out of a laim or darnsages by tile owners of the Mt Royal William ?? ose h le gatiin tat hu iaviitsay of th vessel a-. furnished re by the latter ...


... STIEIBFF COURT. IsIProTAITv Dncc~sros.-Aen action, involving a rather important principle, was decided in the Sheriff' Small D~ebt Court, Glasgowv, on the 14th silt. The circumstances of the c ase are these :-On the 5th of September last, a person took out a ticket at the office of the Glasgow, Paisley, Iilmarnock, and Ayr Railivay Company here, to be conveyed to Ardros- sen by the trains ...


... GLASGOW WINTER CIRCUIT£. FRIDiAV, nEC. 30. tlr The Court mnet grig n th~is morning at nine o'elock. of tl Tho prisonler Dunipoce, founid Guilty yesterday ef wvas robbing a person of n decreet for L.S 6s. 8d., nith a S view to fraud, was broughlt up for seorcoce. After a se- oc vere leeture from tibe Imcach, ho was sentenced to ten burt years' tralnspsrratioon has john Dickson, accused of ...


... ADMIRALTY COURT-Feb. 14. ono aM TtlACULATOC9ALVAGE. TiTs cane a claim an the part Of ho nme omgci rserrt Ie- loang ton a ingack named the Endceaour, fir salvage services al nleged by them tic have beers r rendred ti Phil- martuina, ut a foreiga brig of 220 tons, from A msterdam to Meoaani unitNplaa, wahich tihey had rescued, recording to their statootement, team a mituatoitn of extro are d ...