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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? - ?? A and On the 17rh inst. In Great Coram-street, London, the lady of nt died F. W~ailes, Esq. of a sont.H !eda On the 10th inst. the lady of George Thomas Pollard, Esq. of 1 exI Stannary Hull, Halifax, of a daughter. o oa~ On the 21st iust. In ?? town, the lady of the lRev. W. H. i OsTeale, MlA. of a daoghrer.W On the 24th finst. at Dane Coart, Kent, the lady of Edward ar :-Rice. Esq. M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '. On the 22nd inst. at Etton, near Beverley, the lady of the Rev, Robert Machell, of a daughter. On the 16th inst. at Scarbro', the wife of Mr. W. G. Smith, shipowner, of a daughter. On Tuesday week, as Dr. Kidd, of Farnwortk, was 3m passing over Lunt's-heath, in Widnes, he was called into a cottage to see Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, a mid- o wifery patient. She had been at work in the factory of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . MAIRBJAGE OF QUEEN VjCT.IRIA. I 10th FEBRUARY, 1840. t re QUOD P'AUSTUM PELIX QUE SIT. As soon as the light broke on the morning of this c d anspiciouis day, the metropolis presented in every dis- 'f trict aill the chalaceteristics that marle the opening of a universal and joyous holiday. Crowds were hastening S fronm all parts in tie direction of the Royal Palaces ; et and audlilile prayers ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t.1M ii- On ths 14th ult., In St. Leonard's Place, York, the lady of r Charles Henitage Eisley, Erq. of a daughter.r of Otn Thursday. Isr. Htfnry Littltwood, bookkeeper atth Royal Hotel coach-offie. to MAlle Sarah Jowett, of Pontefraet. ?? day. at ?? ehilpel, Birmingham, by tbe R1ev. J. reA. James, Sir. Rithard Blssingtons, of this town, to Maria, the p Ifourth daughter of the late Mr. Edward ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 23rd ult., at Naples. the Viscountess Duncan, of a daughter. At Lower Brook-strieet, London. the Hon. Sirs. Arthur Dun. combe, of a son. At Noeton, Lincolnshire, the lady of the Hon. the Dean of Windsor, of a daughter. On Thursday, at Dowsbury. Mr. James Hall, manufacturer, of Batley, to Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas Chadwick, Inn. kseeper and machine maker. Batley Carr. Same day Hr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... us ~~IrBM~. as At Felkirk Vicarage. the lady of the Rev. I. B. Graharm, of a ly daughter. Oin Wednesday, Mrs. T.'salt, of High Harrogate. of asork. Fro on Wednesday, at Mflrfteld, by the Rev. Ralph Maude, M.A. ,]aJohn atp Shaw, Esq. of this town, iolicitor, to Mary Ar atthe samne thne, James Swift, Esq. of H-udderrsfield,1 n- to Caroline, daughters of Samnnel Brook, Esq. of Mirdfeid. I son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... qn the Oth inst. the lady of W. Dykes, Esq. of Beverley, of a son and heir. On the 6th inst. at Battersea Rise, the lady of Hang Sykes Thornton, Esq. of a son. Ijlarriages. On Saturday last, at the Holy Trinity Church, b the Rev. J. H. Bromby, Mr. R. Spavin, joiner, to Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. W. Simpson, grocer, North Cave. On the 13th inst. at St. James's Church, by the Rev. W. Knight, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DE1T2I FROM DESTITUTION. ALLEGED NEGLECT OF PARISH OFFICERS. On Saturday night, at ?? o'clock, an enquiry was instituted before Mr. Wakley, M.P., and a resptetable jury, at the Cumoberland 1o1ud, City-road, to investigate the circumstances attending the death of Thomas Bell, aged 52, a tahborer, who was alleged to have died from the want of thie comimoin necessaries of life. As a charze ,)f ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of~ ~igerew~ sIfpr,= a distance niusat be authrenticated bej el's Of ?? age.,s, a, by thrat of a knou-,, mo'- slid respondent. ?? ?? the 24th ult, the Countess of Eldon, of a son, still. born. ?? the 'Id inst at ltverringhamn Park, the lady of Win. Consta. thy ble MslaWeli, Eoq. of a daughter. ant his On Wednesday, Mr. Joseph Hyland Clough, grocer, of Hors. forth, to Miss Harriet Hu'Igion ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mitt~s. On the 31st ult. Mrs. Joseph Blundell, of a son. On the 2nd inst. at Everingham Park, the lady of William Constable Maxwell, Esq. of a daughter. On the 2.3rd ult, at North Ferriby, the lady of the Rev. C. Rose, of a son. arrfags. On the 2nd inst. at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. H. Bromby, Air. Richard Jordan Knowles, mariner, son of Mr. Gabriel Knowles, of Bridlington, flax ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... APPALLING DISTRESS-DEAT H OF A HUS. BAND, AND SUICIDE BY THE WIFE IN EDINBURGH. rt iuhabitants in the neighboyirhodd of No. 7, Pleslaw.nut.reet, at the south-east extrenmityaof the city, were tbrdWIL into the greates alarm and con- sternation on Ttosday morning, by the screams of children proceeding from a small apartment occu-X pied for a short time pdot by a person of the name of Bernie or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Sunday, the 16th inst. at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. H. Bromby, vicar, Mr. John Marver, of this place, cabinet-maker, to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John Midforth, mariner, of this port. On the 10th inst. at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. H. Bromby, Mr. John Dale, of Scarbro', to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. George Peacoc, of this place, and granddaughter to ...