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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... LXBOUR versus APITAL.X TO ALL THOSE WHO DEPLEND UPON DAILY TOIL FOR SUBSISTENCE. Thz Labouear is worllyof his ?? Cuia.sT BROTHER PRODUCERS,-The circumstances in which the Stockport power-loom Weavers are placed, call aloud for our most heart-felt cY-kpatby, and im- peratively demand our most strenouios assistance and support. When the nmiglty capitalist, arrayed in all the power that enormous ...


... LOCAL MARKETl S. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, JUNE 12.-The stoppage in the canlil ha, caused a cessation of business in the corn trado; th; i, attendance of buyers is very small, and so little done, that the quotations of last week are nomtinally the same for all articles. LEEtDs CotRo MIAnKET, TURSDAY, June 9,-T'y arriva.l of Wheat to this day's warket is large, and other ...


... LOCAL MARKETrS. - -40 WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FuninsY, JUNE 26.-Oar arrivals of Grain are com. paratively very moderate considering the length of stoppage. The attendance of buyers was good to- day, and a fair business done in Wheat at fully last week's prices. Fresh Barley is inquired for, but little offering. Oats and Shelling rather dearer. beaus steady. LEEDS CORN MARKET, JUNE ...


... The borough of Stockport and its immediate townships continue tio suffer from the impoverished and starving state of its unemployed population, occasioned oy the turn-out which has now existed six weeks-; and, despite the wary and insinuating language of the Slockpor-t Chroniule- of last week, the dispute of nine-tenths of the operatives still re- mains unfriendly and unarranged, ...


... WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FRiDAY, JuNE 19.-There is a fair show of Wheat at this day's market; the attendance of millers is not numerous. Still an advance of Is. to 2s. per qr. is obtained. Barley nominal. Oats and Shelling steady. Beans do not vary. LEEDS CORN MARKET, JUNE 16.-The arrivals of wheat, barley, and beans, to this day's market, are smaller than last week. Oats larger. ...


... WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, JuNE S.-The arrival of Wheat is good; {he business done is not extensive, though a decline of fully Is. per quarter is submitted to. Barley tominal Oats, Shelling and Beans without material alteration. LEEDS CoIs MARkEt, JuNE 2.-The arrival of 'Wheat, Barley, and Beans to this day's market are smaller than last week; Oats larger. There has been a ...