... rETITtON FOR AN ALTERATION IN THE LITURGY. i The following is a copy of the petition presonled to the llouse of Lords on Tuesday, by Dr. Whately, Archbishop of Dublin. It is signed by several gentlemen, lay and clerical, who reside in this neighbourhood. We entreat for it a very careful perusal, and much subsequent meditation: for it is an important document, and involves important ...

LAW [ill]

... LA IT' f.1 TELL f, i GNCE-SATL'RDAY. COURt' OF CHANCERY. rAtBOT V. TPA EAnL 00 1E1Ri\WtSL RY. A petition was presentedit bntil11 matter by Mrs. Craven Berkeley. prayilhig that her nlso, George lIb-ct, miay be ?? to visit tier for a month oil ?? return frt'm Rtwiw, w here he tic a been residiog tor the test eight 1ninetti wit,, tie is oriee, the Earl of Shrewsbiry. 'the petitill ret taorth. ...


... a be £irO ettw+ SATURDAY, Juxz iS, 184.0. TO THE READER. g Dry, fold, and cut your paper previous to perusing it. We earnestly request our Advertising Friends to forward their comnmunicationsas early on the Fridayaspossible; our ,arrangementswill, thereby, be greatly facilitated. THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF | THE QUEEN & PRINCE ALBERT. 'ENGLAND hasby this time, to her remotest extremities, ...


... .ZNQIXrswS,: : (Before ?? B. ' zRIDON, Esq., Coroner.) -OiPMondazy, at the Prince's Head, Welsh Back, on the 'bod of_ tlomas aial, aged 20. The deceased was a sea- zas, 'belosgs .to 'tle-smack .Picton, of Cardiff; but now .l'in'g st ihh W-e,2f Back, and on Sunday night, between 9 . and'l6 i6o'slbeheleft th'evessel with the intention of going ?? on sha t as-he 'did 'not return, the' captain ...


... ? _CRIME IN I PfLAM. ' -, UX1ts*AY ROBH ZD_ 'clock ?? .~Aboiut twelvO For O'lc ?? night, ks Mr. George Fuller, sen.s of Tb' Chitinor, near Thorne, cattle dealer, was on his return Wa' home from this market on horseback, be was slopped on the hligh road approaching ]3lodlow-bridge, which is sur- mue rounded by immense wood& extending for* mifles, by two cot mens, who demanded his-money, which ...


... DUBLIN POLTCEYESTERDAY. IIEAD OFFICE. PnOSIECUTTOV Or LicENSED SPIRIT DEALExS.-JameS Tiernan, 117. Jtsnvs s-S,,reet, was surnmomnon fur having a person tippling in his house betweeen twelve and one o'clock on the morning of the 14th of May last Police-sergeant Thompson stated that he w as passing the defendant's house at tile tine mentioned, when he heard voikes inside; and on getting ill he ...


... UQ UR 1' KF BAl ,VKRUfi PTCY.-TVEsDAy. ?? IlIr. Comnissionaer blerioale.] IN' Tii 0tATT'I111 Ot' OGtltRsO (ItENNi'bS IIANKRUPTCY. 'Ihis being tlse day fxed for the last exonulutitioss of the bankrupt, the coort was crowded as upon all former occmissorsa. Mr. Hildmerah attended an ?? to the aslIguees, end stated to the learned conrimlatlouar, that thlt balnlkrupt thud no bookas to troduce, aid ...


... -0- On Saturday evening an Inquest was held at the Loaden Hospital, before Mr. Baker, the corooer on viewof the body of William CGeks, agstd thirty-eight, who died in that insti- tution, from the effec:s of opium, taken under rather singu- lar circumstances.. Charles Steel, a coach spring maker, stated that he had known the deceased, who was by traile an engine-turner, bat who for some time ...


... PazICzB IZA1TBLLIGBNCE-NVDE ISDAT. knt Irish round faced vigortus looking becrisklgern' labourer was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having with the corner etfhis bed broken a ?? In Tower-street. lie. klo gee. thl lit ytplllanta, mold that at hslf-plost nine o'clock, es the dofendant wvas inking itoa person who 'eoked ao If he aloe verne from ever the ni'er, tue fencer prked his ...


... LAIY vOT.CHN-Sig L.'t The Lord Chancellor will not attend court to-day. VICF-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER-Sit at 10. Hall v North MidlanrI Hallvay, part board. And mnotioln. ROLLS' COURT, WESTMINSTER-Slt At tenL Afier the notions, Beasant v Clare, exceptlons and further dl. rectlon8spart heard COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, WESTMIN3TER-it5a4D. Slttins in Banco. 13AIL COURT (QUEEN'C1 BENCH). ...


... ROEBERSIES, ACCIDENTS, &c. ?? , i Lz i. h I I L the S' fr1r1cwx . Monday morning an inquest was rebt held'befor6 ir. iWakley, at the Blue Posts,: lastle- idth 'seteet,Okibrd manrket, on the body of M. Jean Rose, ;ore, ged'60 a ddiaer ii forelgn articles, and a .native of :ties tFranc. Police Sergeant Porter 'I E, said'thatat pre., half.past three o'clook on' Friday morning, he was iom. eplled ...


... , ACCIDENTS AND .OFFENCES.; BACTS DOOR INyLU eNC ES. --TIheC ISa l ittl '() tale of, scandal cur'rentin.the West End and so gneranly taiyifoedver that there can 'be no objection Wtout notiling'it. ' 4t Is saidlhthat a ,nxembibr of.the legislature, passing by'one of those. oilk mercer's . shops, in ,; Westmipster, wbhicn have two efniiaances, each. in a different stteet,' remairked'his ...