... PASHION A ND VARTETIIS, I .I A The Queen held a Court on Friday afternoon at Buck- ingham Palace. Noory Effendi, the Turkish Ambassador, on a special a mission, had an audience of her Majesty to take leave. c Shekib Effendi, Ambassador from the Ottoman Porte. c accompanied by Mr. Salame, her Majesty's Oriental Inter- preter, had an audience of the Queen to deliver his cre- dentials. Mr. ...


... Q A TitEATIsE ON TrlE PHY'SIOLOGICAL AND MotAr AIANACEGIErNT OF INFANCY. By Andrew Combe, 3I.D. Eliniburgh : Ilaleachlan, Stewart, & Co. WrMe have beers vouch interestod, anid we hope pro. fitably instructed, by a careful consideration of this admirable treatise, ?? is every wvay worthy of ?? talents of Dr Combe, mnd his well earned reputa- tion as an eloquent and enlightened expounder of the ...


... Sir Ro1trt l'eel b lievzd It was necessary to originate r.slICU139 religiwl and trade in a Coautaittee ol the -nuse.(- ?? FxteCnlin, May 22, 1840. s who was the wag. in4d-corously witty, Who first, in a 'atutt, this libel conveyed And this sl ly referred to the selfjsilne coulmittee, As mnatters congenial, Religion and Trade? o11 slreiv my Ph-llp-ts, 'twas thou didist the deed For nono but ...


... THE 1TrALIAN OPERA. Oat W8aurformy ?? PEtaSIANI's operi of fines (lo Cas- Ir wa efre or the first time. The composer Is the huisband of our favourite- coantatrice, and htas gainied some reputation in Italy by several dramatic pieces. It wag rodcedat he ?? W Parip, in December Ksittl , eawhch occasion it wvas observod by tlie Gazette 11,1r sicale Au Th a tre Italien on no ealt pas ce que c'eat ...


... T'he Society of Arts held their last ordinary meeting d for this session in the Royal Institution, on Wednesday a the 13th ult. The following communications were h made .- 1. On the comparative Heating Power of different e kinds of gas burners used for illumination; and on the Si best means of burning gas as n source of Heat. By An- b drew Fyfe, M.D., F.R S 1E_ M.S.A. (707.) In a previous ...


... ,, {ho 11 ?? ?? .. r - ?? From the Londonand Paris Ladies' Magazine dam0nl Iu T of Fashion.) d.e re. The newest inaterials at this moment for dresses are shot ad the mousseline poairie, organdy'vin small patterns, yaze Ala3 ce barige, and batiste bareie ecossaise. Iilac is a colour gest te,much in favour, and predomninates both in dresses, boun put xe nets and scarfs. 1% Ids Tight sleeves may ...


... CO17EAN:TG.IRI)BN 2i11 ATRE. Oa Friblay this thcutre closed for the season, when MtdamC VESr isdelhiercd the following address.- LRAs8 uud r3entlemen-i huve the honour to appear ?? yoO to speak what may he callsd the epiloguo to the BSedOn, u!jd to ask, in tle usuul terms of an epiloguP, how you like our plays ' 1'oe quezlion, however, has already been answered, for va have enjoyed a larger ...


... PUBLIC AMlU$BMBNTVS. The THIRTY-SIXTH1 ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the SOCIETY of PAINTERS ill WATER COLOURS, at their Giallery, Pall-muall East, IS NO' (PEN. Open eachl day from nire till dn :k,-Adluitance Is. Calalogene, td. R. OILLS, Secretary. ROYAL GAlLIERY ofPlACfICATLSCIENCE, ADELAIDIE-STREET, WEST ?? PATENT PAINT for ROOMNvS, c., without smfllcillI dryin4 it three kocse. A portion of the ...


... es Ein tadan netbaot oll drwy'r dwr, I Pob gwroig, pob gwr, pob plentyn t Fel eu bedyddiwyd oil or goedd, A Christ oedd ya ea canlyn.-Cor. x. 1 ,-f.t of H~vly oilfwytosent,yn ddi-ghl,Psl. 78.25, &c r e- Fneth nugal y gogoniant: Ac a yfasont or Graig balr, Ysprydoi gyssur gawsant.-Noh. ix. °O, &c. Fel byu y cafodd, yn ddios, t gf Y plantoa n'u rhioni, t Md Eu eyd-ledyddio, mer-n un portb, - ir. ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMBATS. The THIRTY-SIXTIH ANNUAL EXHIBITION I fthe SOCIETY of PAINTERS In WATER COLOURS, at theirI Isilery, Pall-mall Eaat, IS NOW OPEN. Open each day from nine till ?? Is Cataloiue, 5d. Rt. HIL1, SeNretasy. THIE SIXI;H ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the I IEW SOCIETY of PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS is now PEN, at their Galler7, 5a Pall-mall West, adjoining the British In- Itution, from Nino o ...


... J3)OJt trp (Olie of tlie PlVeialdes. HIer star is suid to Ibe dini mnlung tei sisters, because she married a mortal. A giU hbtdlh f llen front the ?? of Heaveu ! On. st oa glorious host ii goaa i Atd, rayless now where once it shone, MV star is disn aitid the Seven i YOur vyes Unto the scorned eartb turning Front your high etheriul th:rone, 'Ili, stars upon your foreheads burning, imlorial ...


... ,rag VA&S-Tat ftops. The fair of Claremorrms, held on Monday last, was well attended. The supply of black-cattle sold very well; but sheep, which were not of the best description, was on the decline. The collection of horses was very bad; pigs were low. The fair of Dunmore, held on Friday, was a g one. There was an advance of about ten shillings a head iblack cattle, and three shillings in ...