... -- b C! ., e C COIURC, H-_EwYtN8TXRDA. Philip Heary, ' ~ Queen. Wfe, in Error, v. Mr. Coppinger appeared on behalf of Philip Henry Hol- land, and Frances, his wife, prisoners in the county gaol of Limerick, who were tried at the last spring assizes, and their case came before the court on a writ of error. They were charged by twelve separate and distinct indictments- six for assaulting Mary ...


... YH- AlEDBBR of LORD WM. RUSSBLL. I On Saturday a considerabie sensation was created at the west end by the circulation of reports that 9( mtl ing of a most Important nature bad tratispired relutive to the murder of the late Lord Wtlliani Russell, bN whicb tbe identiy e f the perpetrator of tbe dreadful and horrid deed would be likely to be proved to conlvictiont. la conrsequence the number of ...


... ABRIDGEMENT. CLEAVH AND HSEYWOOD'S CASE. The following is an abridgement of an ex- tensively circulated bill and placard, headed as follows:- PEOPLE OF ENGLAND, WHlATEVER YOUR RELIGION BE, READ THISI I At the Salford Sessions, on Monday last, Mr. Abel Heywood was indicted for selling a pamphlet, called Haslamn's Letters to the Clergy of all De- nominations, and was discharged by the Court ...


... SiltVrilB(u1i lE CASE. I I . , I I _- . . 1 1 .;I. STlRAt1 rBOU1l-; UASil. 'I'be following lettel, addl-essed by the Rov. Mr Gotr- don of' Aberdeen to the soven slitaendedClergytnee, sins retiti by him in thle Course oh' his 1tillnarks on tite Stthlbogiu case, u In M iolay weelk, in tile General AssemCibly :- Aberdeen, l1th D)ecenmber, 1U tD. REV. AND DHARI i Sin,-Y n ar en aerC ?? the ...


... POLICE IATBL LIGIVAUE- ofNDAY. HATTr 0 N. O A RDE N. FATAj. Fiuiir.-Jcor'jr/h FuulAlier wao brought before Mr. Combe, irs the custody of Sergea'ut 1iug, of N divoisiou, charged with having caused the death vt a man i ii Irched battle. It appeared that yieterday mornilog the prisoner l ad a quarrel with a young man, puitmna at the Swan public boom', at Holloway, when a challengc took place, and ...


... a be £irO ettw+ SATURDAY, Juxz iS, 184.0. TO THE READER. g Dry, fold, and cut your paper previous to perusing it. We earnestly request our Advertising Friends to forward their comnmunicationsas early on the Fridayaspossible; our ,arrangementswill, thereby, be greatly facilitated. THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF | THE QUEEN & PRINCE ALBERT. 'ENGLAND hasby this time, to her remotest extremities, ...


... .ZNQIXrswS,: : (Before ?? B. ' zRIDON, Esq., Coroner.) -OiPMondazy, at the Prince's Head, Welsh Back, on the 'bod of_ tlomas aial, aged 20. The deceased was a sea- zas, 'belosgs .to 'tle-smack .Picton, of Cardiff; but now .l'in'g st ihh W-e,2f Back, and on Sunday night, between 9 . and'l6 i6o'slbeheleft th'evessel with the intention of going ?? on sha t as-he 'did 'not return, the' captain ...


... ? _CRIME IN I PfLAM. ' -, UX1ts*AY ROBH ZD_ 'clock ?? .~Aboiut twelvO For O'lc ?? night, ks Mr. George Fuller, sen.s of Tb' Chitinor, near Thorne, cattle dealer, was on his return Wa' home from this market on horseback, be was slopped on the hligh road approaching ]3lodlow-bridge, which is sur- mue rounded by immense wood& extending for* mifles, by two cot mens, who demanded his-money, which ...


... 31ANSION QU.SE. On Saterday a mzn of respectable appearance, named John (Carlin, was charged wilh having uttered a firged acceptance hor the sarm of 891.12s. The prisoner was ?? .to Mr Gould, a stay-maker, in Cheapside.-Mr G. Houghton, of Tfhreadneedle street, merchant, stated that on the 14th of January he received thle bill produced flo 891. 2s., purport. ing to be drawn ?? Gould, and ...


... CITY SESSIONS-YESTERDAY. Ml .. . . .. The Recorder took his seat at ten o'clock, and proceeded cc to dispose of several cases of larceny, attempts at burglary, m and shoplifiing, of no interest whatever. ci Michael King and James Smith, two boys, were indicted M for endeavouring to force an entrance into the house of is Hamilton DeVillers, at Simmond's Court, with intent to rob. ol Two ...


... TOClIfEVEV FISIIINGS. On Saturday the Gth a Jury, which had been summoned for thefturth time, was impannelled at Kinross, before the Sheriff, to trv the question be- tween James Jardine, Esq. civil engineer, Edin- burglh, Commissioner under the act of Parliament for the partial drainage of Locileven, and Mr Wil- ?? Reid, fishmonger, Stirling, to ascertain the da- mages done to the Lochleven ...