Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... gM t- MARRIAGES. the Yestcrdlay, at St. Mary's Chur-li, F.ege-h illI 'Da Ginriu, E'i the Roani'aperMills, ?? tCllfD Yesterday, at St. John', Church, Chester b! thie Re ok jl-n, M.A., Vicar, Mr. J to lietrtey, lealister,foi.r kadr Jane Peacook, of Chc,otr. ries' By'esterday, rt Crescent Chapel. Grepton b! tie Rr. C N Ihxer ofirrell. Richard Jhson Eaq., to Ann ie Jane, clde't) ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF EARL DURHAM. l C( It is with feelings of the deepest regret, in which we a are sure all classes' of our countrymen will symp'ithiza, 11 that we have to announce the (leath of the Earl of Dur- 0l ham. The following particulars, touching the inielant- d, choly event, appeared in at second edition of the Sun of Tuesday evening: - CCoNweS, JULY 23.:1.-romi the hour of his Lordship's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fflarrfays. Lately. at Hackney, near London, Mr. Thornas Williamson, of Whitefriargate, to Althea, daughter of Mr. E. Murray, wine merchant, Dock-side. On the 30th ult. at Brompton, near Northallerton, Mr.iflenry Marsh, surgeon, Aldbro', near Darlington, to Ltannah, Ithird daughter ofiohn Wilford, Esq. of Brompton. On the 4th inst. at St. Mary's Church, Scarbro', Capt. John White, of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Lately, at Stroudi Mr. Amos Jones, to Miss Mary IIe, both of the Bourne, near that town. I July 8, at Bedminnster church, Edward, third son of rq, Colthurst, Redcliff strode, to Sarah Elizabeth, only daugb ter of Mr. Bailey, RedcllfiCcrescent. ' July 9,at East Harptreei-Somerset, Chas.Wriothslev,eld est son of the iev. C. fligby, senior canon of Windsor, ss4 rector of Bishop's 'andle, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Tuesday week, the Hon. and Rev. Orlando Watkin Weld Forester, brotber to the present Lord Forester and the Countess Chesterfield, to Miss Norman, daughter of Mr. and Lady Elizabeth Norman, and niece to the Duke of Rutland. The ceremony took place at the seat ot Mr Normau, near Leicester. On Tuesday, at Islewortb, the Rev. Mr Lockwood, of Can- terbury, to Miss Percy. eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ..BI k TEJ_. At Lurgan, on l9th inst. the Lady of James Ogle, Esq Officer rtf Excive, of a son. On the 20th hist. at D)ownsiire-place, Newry, the Lady of the Rev. John Leech, of a daughter. (ln the 13th inst. at Woodvale, the Lady of tlhe Rev. J. V. 13rabazon, of a son. On the 120h hist. at Tours, the Lady of James Brabazon, Esq. of a danghter. At Toronto, Upper Canada, the Lady of thc 1oIou. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - , ul 1 a ea Mitsrii.-At Mlolitrowc, onl itle 2.101 sIlt, Moo CEO. GORDOot, of di ioghteci. Bluniti' ?? tlt o lighijioi Secession MJanse, Abi'i'ath, oil MJoittly' trhe 2d tilt. Mi's SIsolsoNt, (If twvill Sois. BIiT o.- At37_I?, 3lcl c Stroot, Edlhibitigt, onl ?? st. tis I11t1ly oN 'AT'ooIC ARIMEto Or Dtitloilitall, Ora daegl9ttei'. ?? 17:iiihiul:tji-t:inr lircclitiii, oil t le Jltli inst int ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .DBATH OF CHIBF BARNON WOULFE. We announced yesterday with the imipt sincere regret thit the Right llon, Stephen Woulfe, Chief ilarn of the E ,chequer iu Ireland, died at Biaden-Baiden, on the 2d lost. Mr. Woulfe was one of the first Romin Catiolfes promoted to high station in Ireland, and there could riot jiosgibly be an indivitlual seieoted whose choice reflected more credit upon the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :BITHS, XARRIAGES, AND DEATS. f I t; : -0-BIRTH9. * In tlbistown., inj Ildonistreet,don tbe 3rd'1nsL',t; hewife of Mr., Henrr Aj Mltbe of -arion; 'on n -h 2 .gtl?'lustbtl tbe wlire. of Mr. J. H.-Walkir, fltrgeof; of a 'onfiso born. '' FuAt Willington on the ,71 t., the wtift olf Mr.:Joln Huntter. lftc;Li~dso'q, of 0an. ' . At tbe'Mothhomoe;,fiear'Tynemoutb, on the Srd ltstl; the wir of.Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At London, in Randolph-street, Camden Town, on the 26th ult., the wife of W. M. Stevenson, Esq., of a son. At Leaminqeon, lately, the wife Qf A. Spiers, Esq., M.P. for Richmoud, of a son, MARRIED. At Newcastle in the Scotch Church, Wall Knoll, on the 2nd inst. Mr Robert Bonnington, joiner, to Miss Mary Happer.-At All Saints, on the 27th lIt., Mr Robert Domnison Robson, to Mrs Jane Burn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sdlt __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ .lia - ul LAN 8ga M AR It PD. Sal. On Sundy., thle 21S tnilt.,I Thomas Blirkicei-. EsTj, of Settle, to, Cr. 05Annie, daugter of use late lRev. John Carr, of Stack-house. LEIC1 ar On Wedres-day, tho stistnt t thle Catho~lic Chapel of St. cox Wsilfcido, reof tli y town Rov. Wssilla, Kniigit, 51r. wA. Ikuiliks, lii, solcitr. f tattol toliaieladaughter of tiso lato ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Jun BITHtB S. : Jtue 2l, tienlady of Dr. Cutting, Richmond-hill, a son. June 21, the wife of Jas. Wilcox, churtec ?? Hiippeg. ley, Ston Easton, of twins, a boy and gir.L Thisis her 2ld double birth within the short space of 16 months. June 23, the lady of Abel Phillips, Esq. of Cumberland- place; a daughter. June 24, at Bridgvvater, Mrs. Julius Miles, of a son. June 26, at the Cover Crescent, ...