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... PUBLIC AMUSBMBNTS. RIOYAL ACADEMY, TRAFALGAR-SQUARE.- e i herveby given OWil.t h EXHIBITION of thes ROYAL AC&- ,I - will e inalty CLOSE THIs ])AY. thett 25th ientant. at Seren k i ?? (fron Eight o'clock till Seven) On, f i .atwlogua Oce Shillinge HENRY NOWARD, R.A.,Sec. f bittors are requested to send for their toorks om Weduesday, the l Tburidhy, the 0th inastant. * i\\1 CLOSE THIS DAY, the ...


... 'Voctrp. \WHERE ARI lIlEY INOW ! ?? hor e D thev now-n ho used at at-ito t to ga olbul Like bounding oebucisv iln our smitrly piath ! Where are IlII eiV-titV -Wvo Shaillrd ?? MIeven ?? rablebO And nude the green woods vocal with their laugh 1 Where nlre tbey now ?? earth's glud patil twayriveln? ?? trust, ill leaveu ! XV here ara they now ?-the early bin/d ure sin gittg Their jnyous melodies ...


... ; . i V .. - i t ,, , .T- ?? p4zf , . vw ?? ;|The Queeri nd Prince Albert attended divine smesvce o Sunday ?? in the' Chapel Royal, St. James's. The prayers were read'by tbe RevM Paci man- The anuthem was- Blessed be. the Lord (Nares). 'The -Dena 'df'Rereford vwas the Deputy Clerk of the ?? Waiti rnI. 'Te royal suite consisted of Lady Bar. 'am, Hionourable Miss Anacs, Honourable Miss Paget, ...

The Church

... ' Sbe QlOburcb. I-; _? ?- - It is said, that the Rev. Connop Thirlwall is to have the deanery of Durham, and not the bishopric of St. David's; and that the bishopric has been offered to the Rev. Mr. Williams, archdeacon of Cardigan. The Rev. the Vicar of Dewsbury has presented the Revs. Samuel Matthews, M.A., to the Incumbency of Hnnging Heaton; and the Rev. George Rose, M.A., to the ...


... i HEATRICAL miss H19pnl ?? ~ ~ H[-C ?? I~aS (lortunately for the paosad niadmirers of the drama) ,erlyti~r tldoh h tns and isi adires o th drma)nearly regained her vWontedhealth. ous and spirits. fa Mr. Haynes, tile Successful author of Conscience, or, ars the Bridal Night, Durazzo, and Mary Stuart (so ale attractive last season at Drury. lane Theatre, until Ham- mpnd's bankruptcy), is ...


... THE ITALIAN OPBRA. The performances of last night underwent two changes. ?? the first place, Mdlle. TAGLIONI, who had engaged to return from Paris, to perform two nights here before her departure for Russia, sent only a letter of apology from her father, dated on Sunday last, and printed in yesterday's bills and advertisements, In which be Informs Mr. LAPORTE, that his daughter and he regret ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... literary and SclontIfic oticem. bei Trgat isa on; Ihe Th1eit7,/ antd PractfWe of Koelva Ar4Ittedfiii. BlYha ACOusTis F.B. CeETOZE. Edinburgh. Adam end Charles nrI Black. . -r THIS, treatise appeared, originally. in the ElncYcioiii'dia Brir- , tannica, and the propr'ietors of that Volty~ludiciously resolved &e to publish it in a separlate form, in respect of the gs'et sear- thle city of ...


... POETRY {lklontalt. (VR0o1 MRS. NORiON'S DI:AMI.) WARsnRoRs and statesmon have their meed of prniso, Aud what they do or stiffer mon record, But the long saerifieo of womanns days Passes without a thought-withouit a word; And mner at holy struggle for tho sako Of duties sternly, faithfully fulfill'd,-, For which tho anxious mind mnst watch anid walko, And the streong foeliegs of the hoart be ...


... aNOWV T'IrS ItIIARIT IS FREt-v. Sy I have liv'dt, andlov'il t, inadnese, lie No othel joy wias mine- sh In srrow, as in gladisp, hi Mv verv soul woog thin0e I Aml; tini, friend~liip, glory I ea All all whirh bomre a narin, At olanir were fled before thee- Ai Yet tlhou wvert still the samne. G But will the heart foieever, te With no return, drenar on ? lI WVill pride not wake to sever tlt EL'ih ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMBNTS. ROYAL ACADEMY, TItAFALGAR-SQUARE.- NOTICE-Tho EXIJIBITION behltc CLOSED. oxhibitoro arc re- ritcdlio trl for ?? aseral li rforriuaries ou Wldircoday or 'i'lrorlur next, without frll. HENRY -lHOWARD, R.A.,deo. THE LAST WEEK,-l3XE-lBLT10N of the SOCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS, Suffolk-street, Pall-mall East, IS NOWt)PEN daily front aillO ilidaru,.-Adrni~oioia, 1s. Catalogue a. JH. ...


... ?Littraturc. HE ART UNION-A MONTHLY JOURNAL OF THE tE AtITS.-West, Catherine-street, Strand, London. F be most important papers in the ART UNION this r ,,h, are a continuation of the article on Ifislorical Paint- M i;Eniyland; and a notice of Eastlake's translation of 6tke's Theory of Colours. There is also a caustic expo- n of the procecdings of the committee for the erection w leNcelson ...


... T(D ?? .. ? 1? ORIGINAL AND SELECTEDIz TIIOUGHTS OF THE BLIND. The Bard of the Uplands. Lond mo thine lalnd;-so l-lcad me forth awhile: Thought siekens, and my musings are no more 'What they bave boon, No'er to the day-spring's smile,- Nor even's cloaded brow-nor ocean's floor- .Nor heaven's arching roof, shall time resloro Thoebeauty and toe grace which to mitne eyes they wore. Howv soft a ...