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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... Our September fair commenced on. Tuesday last. The show of cattle was not so large as usual, and the sale was not very brisk. A few fat oxsen fetched fromn2s. 1is. to 31. per cwt. In the horse fair good cart horses fetched full prices; but little business w as done inother descriptions. In the wool fair the supply was not large, and but little busi. ness was done, with no advance on old prices ...


... JIRISTrOL SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. AXANNUA7Z. EHXBZTXON Or' PAZNTiNGBS- IN OIL AND WATER COLOURS, We last week offered some remarks onl the general merits of this year's exhibition of paintings, and we now propose to coo- muence osiritsual reviow, confining ourselves, on aeccoittt of the great extent of the collection-which comprises neerly three* hue dred pictures-to a notice of slah subjects as ...


... IJTERAR.Y VAYAZZ.TXS. AUSTRIAl, LITE1LATUiE.-T1tSeAustrian govertimentiihas just published a decree for facilitating the importation of books and objects of att into its dominsions. Custom is the god of ignorance; and'there will always he the greatest horror of ijonvation fin the most barberou~s and. un- infor-med miinds, that is, where there is the greatest need of it. -Hazlitt. There can bea ...


... ILit Er a t It C. IT /I EO' PLANVArMIcttl, lsy Tt' Bont. Philp and Evans, I Bristol; anld (Cs -ivy and ?? London. This is the second edition of Ut ilittructive ittid mnost useful I ditagr'sum, which hIsS for solme ?? beets I'ViViltely circulated isy th;3 author, Iid of wshichi the stile has been ostueresful, without I ally efforts to attrsict public attention to its nelrits. It has ctm- ...


... putri). TiHE SONG OF' r'fiE AGED WOM]AN. T11e years are gone whea youth was mine, And Mernory o'er the past is sighing; MY 5on has almost ceased to shille, Long ?? oil amy path are lying; My girlish days-my woan's prime, Alike are gone with all their pleasure, AnrI sad and Ilae am I-forrTimco elas pilfer'dl from me satnty a treasure. The years are gone wshen first I loved Otme who was ever ...


... vottrpv. HYMN OF THE UNIVERSE. SUN. Mortals name os, unldiscoruilig, ?? good! Things incomprehnlrcsible. I'LAN5.T9. Heigh~t,& detpth, & breadth immiea. HniIl Creator great and Wise! sulred. Commirt Spaces hifinite we filit, linill tholl never understood Where 0 Lord ' thy love is trca. Author of our destriues! sured, A Sro rs. Alid thi sen auts praise thee still. itruil lneffirble ...


... J2216 itera tur r - A Treatise ol Agricuilture and Dairy Husbandry. By James JarItso, Peaicuich. Chambers, Edinburg1O. jhis is ant, able tbekatise, oil 1a uost important subject, by one ?? bais piroved hilititlt ra sto1und. ' fannor. Alostpursons ?? Nviti tho culture of tbue land aru aware that nurnerous plausibl oillt ilelolious tbitailes ate, fioln ?? to time, started fly twieltiic' ...


... BRISTOL INSTITUTION. COURSfl Or! =USrZVn3M I1ECTUTRES.. Dr. W. Carpenter gave the first lecture of this course oilr Wednesday last, aondc we are happy to say, to a very full aa- dience. He commenced by briefly explaining the plan on which he intended to conduct it: He thought it better to employ the first meeting in a familiar exposition of some or the terms used in classification'; in the ...


... .O~r, W. E3. Carpenter's Museum L~ectures. tlitruet it The seconid lecture was devoted to at sketch of tlc primary divigious of the Animal Kingdomn, prefaced by~ a short explana- tioni of tile term skeleton., which is emlployed in describing them, intl of the terms organir and aimaiitl,/fnc/tions. Wtten wce contrasE anlzl anilun with a Vegetable, Wu see that thle former, in common With. the ...


... IoDtrp. TH-E STEAM-SHIP. A calmn is on the wave, Tbe wind glides softy by, ?? the rippling waters gently lave Tbe portrait of the sky; The sulirbealus dialce alslong Il jbe rainbow. lbisenirtg spray, Ahbd the joyolis seagull skims along In11 mild, yet liarrnless, play. Tlhe steim.shils> notv Siifutls HeIr iron wuigs of might, And assay o'er the sapphire deep site Wilirts With is falcon's ...


... !ITERALWWV VnZZTZES. l ; PUBLIC VMnTULE-Public virtueis the oiply life and soul of states: geniius founds empireA; 'puiblio virtue ireserves them but selfishness is their destruction.-Segflr. ' - I .: IDLENESS.-St. Ambrose says, idleiiess is. the devil's pillow; wherefore miany good Christians, wbo think the devil deserves noneo, take it away fronm him, andl put it under their own ?? Paul ...


... poetry. LINES, 4grittea oet a late fisii to the Druidical 1?eiosairns at Stanton Dretw, Somersetshire. ''re ssv'orn relics, old and hoary, Ant the crush'd nnd captive Epirit to your mystic circles spreati, lived the buds's tettor'd slav-e; Where tire Druid sterol arid gory For Submissions nurtured Merit, ret with blood his altars fed. Whose highl honror wyas tire grase. Priest rsf Terror-- ...