Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND PROMENADE MUSICALE, A LA MUZARD. M ESSAS. PIGOTT. WILKINSON, and RUDERS- t DORFF have the hondur to announce that, from the great success of she last CONCERT, and tb Un-erons applications, they are induced to give another IdL GRAND PROMENADE CONCEsfl, On FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, OItotJrh 9th, AT THE ROTUNDO, i On which occasion all the Rooms will be thrown open and brilliantly lighted as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOT`ICE, to PASSENGERS, andl SHIPPERS. AT -'lie S.41LINOI of the bhin VISCOUNT 1MELIOURNE,- C ICAIX1.1 ht'lKoLt, HI.C.S., Ceotreneder, for CALCUTTA, end toldu pae ~iS0lgcrs et Ma dras. is POSTPONED1 ntwill the I4tit iCut. neumv s,'end, lend erekark pekseilger; at P'ortsm~outhl on tho v 5th, nwliav1ll ureble woollieir haning inoturleialy lniilded ovr out lit. , aed Iii~edy o, IIiree~yrd, Loiod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Second E 7i -)rice 2s. fd. W. HARISONHI -H3STREET, PORTSMrOUTH, Aud COUI'LAND & Co., 1High-Street, Southampton. ?? SUP and CURE of DEAFNESS, by Ms. CRONNrc, and 21.s.A., London. * From our knowledgeof t'r. Cronin's successful Treatment for this hithserto misunderstood complaint, see read his Essay with attelntioli and eel those thatsuflbr ?? will derive decided information from its ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPANION TO RANDOM RECOLCl~7 Imreiratlaty vvill be pnblihehd. In 2 vole.potvahudn DPORT AITS of PUBLIC CAACES I l Skethesiif of tile meet Eminent Menofr, ). OI thor ef*' Random fleetollectiono. The Orea erole~h' This work Is written in the same Style aateAtr' Ronrollee' lone of the Lords and Cojnmaao, owihi no a companion. Orders received hsT all baokaellers. Sstuadera and Otley. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AneFw THEATRE ROA ABBEY-STREET, DUBLIN. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, If ,,rder thbt every facility may be afforded to genera, cor. gort rand acrem n.'darion, it has brn folund necessa ry to posTPONE THE OPENING OF THE THEATRE VNTIL TO-MORROW EVENING, OCTOBER 66, .ehl t e arrangements will he entirely complete in every, ben V Department. R. CALVERT has the pleasure to nitohntice that the abhve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . CHRIST CHURCH, PRESTON.- N SouWAY the 4th of Ocnonsix Inst., SERMONS are °to be preached in CIIRIST CHURCH ; in the morn- k by thoe Rev. TlfOMAS CLARK, M.A., lilinistor of Crirt~t Cilurch; and in the afternoon, by tho _Rev. JOHN o Arx pARR, M.A., Yjcar of Preston. Celections will be made to defray the ourrent expeonses of tie Infants SChoal, including thos Mistress' Salary; the cur- rent e~l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMMITTEE ROOM, SWAN TI-TWO-NEC TO THE LAD LXN!E O PiONI)ON. TO Tl;E IN3)E'ELN\DD0T LRVVB1OILOON TO-DAY it behoves yoa to comue fortli, for preju- T dice, slander, and faleihood are for tileomnoceintli Idhe; cendant, SEVEN THOUSAND of thil LI ecry areiot ,ePoli5io and with a mith roscoific i ii i O ?? f F In j tislyd Ar, tSO ?? of anl unprinc~ipled newpapvitr. end thle personal en rele of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gg yonXSHIU and LANCAS1I11RV C2tN1TRAt TJ AMERICAN LAND and NAVIGATION CO -. paNY hereby give Notice, tbat the choice of Sections or Allettents in their district was decided at a General rdeeting, on the 29th inst., at the George and Vu Irga Vern, Carobill; and that, on presentatton of the Cjtiry's Land Certificates at their Office, on oraftert of October ne2t, the holders thereof will receiv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RATES PASSAGE AND FREIGH C~zaN, I ; EWARD FE, 2s.;- DECK, CABIN ~ ~ si erfoteach. B3 a B N GLSGOW. FO The GLA AAMTASE IP- G ACHILLES Capt. HUGU MAIN; AND Sail ?? any, between LIVERPO adGLASGOW, engers, from the Clarence Dock, Li- 'ti-pol, as under. Vessels are intended to sail:- The undernoted or other ACHILLES, this day Saturday . 3d, at 3, Afternoon. ACTAO ?? ?? at 8, Evenieg. AcHILLES . ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PETER DONOZOR, No. 75, ABBEY-STREET (NEAR SACKVILL& STREET), EGS to inform his Friends and the Public that, in fladdition to bis usual Supply of Malahide Ot4s, he has this day received, direct from the Beds, a larei9argo of the REAL BUTRR[N OYSTERS Hi_ J5i as usual well stocked with GENUINE IRISH W3IKEY with best Drogheda and Dublin Ales, and XX Psrtlr. A An OMDINARY eacsh day at Five o'Cloci. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o1C to SIATtPERS for MADR~LAS and j (cA LCVff ..-Ihe'IHOMAS GREVL LE, l0o tons, lton- ?? I C onntnolder, illisi 'oi Livoly heave, lit- Eat India e)sy uaa1t morloaig, 40t iniSIltit. All ao~odl ounit b ELt rig- - ?? frei::ll', R. iplyti to H.lavitciso und Co., incnrl io. Commhit. All iY ?? vrl iin NoW1vbc r) t7he ?? 1,4t79 teoo ?? re,08ter, Z~toi. V!!hi~t Mutu 1East Inidia Uritiltiny's berviel ...