Advertisements & Notices

... I#Ibe V.bJ Irvat Tr at, L tliati old ;and wweli-acrustomed INN or ,PUBLIC HOUISE, kpn.wn by the ign of. tbe ;JO11x EsSeto;', 'situate in (Jhtrch-street,in 1n'reston, in the County-of Lar- onsterV: togethef wSiI the'Stables, Brewhoiuse, and Premises thereunto belonging, now in the possession'of Mr. Thdnias Hall, as Tenant,rPosasnion mayi:bes;had oa the let day of Pon further particulars, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Aalcoi b? auctiinll 1x DUTY FREF. Er MPTORY, and Exteniiie, and Import- fP ant SALE by AUCTION, of STEAM ENGINES, ,ACHIN-RY, MODELS, upwards of 300 Tons of ? iouSorts of [RON, STEEL,, BRASS, COALS, and 0oIjNTING-HOUSE FURNITURE. Cr. DANIELS begs to announce, that this Extensive d Iniportalit Sale wvill positively take place on the Pre- glies of Messrs. BRERETON, VERNION, and PAUL, Engi- Seers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B3Y BDUMEY AND SON, FREEHOLD AND TITHE FREE ESTATE, qitnte at Ho.aLiNorNox near LoNoGoFnO, in the County of Derby, Consisting principally of fine Old Turf Land. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY BREAREY and SON, f At the King's Head IDU, iD Derby, on FRIDAY, the 2Sd1 dcy of October, 1840, at three o'clock in the after- noon (unless previously disposed of by private con-. tract), in the following or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast, l~~lh October, 1840. /9 4o-8~' J OHN & ROBERT POTTS are now Landing, ex SuccCss, from CARDirr, 121 Tons BAR nnd BOLT IRON; R (G. L. 30 .. NAIL ROAI), malke). And have just roceivold, per BELFAST, from FALIUtr, 16 Tons METAL CASTr NGS, assorteid, including BOILERS from 10 to 120 Gallons, EAVE SPOUr. ING, &c. And daily expect, from Livevrsooa, 40 Tons StafirwdeKhire NA IL RO)and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / - NI tl C0TIf ND. \I ' 1 ,th Otohe~r IS40. -r 1-t), :B\T. 3T1 ;ETING olf PItOPIIE- T ?? 3v th Septein her 1IS40, havintg in IL;q , ,,a ?? n lVI)\I t,l Ytl-i.'lI liN ,a1 thle C()+l F \NY'S ?? i ?? 1' li)(- t ?? tles 1h:iti ear en5lclr onl *27th .4,~iJ 1. ?? of such St~I )i'.ildenl iS 9 rlit tli I o-pX r; of' )i rectors of thle Balnk of !| ii Lit lealce onl ?? oesday next the 13 th in - .u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IA\'UI'' IItItMPREY'S CLOCK. ..tli M .11 he published, handsomely bound in iDarbled, 1,rice Ss. thle First Volume of ! l' t l~i MI'UIEY'S CLOCKI; contaiaing :ii ,er- Oane to Thirty-eight of THE OLD ,, lop As j I Boz. Embellished vith 'li w , . . des of Sixty Illustrations, by ..tat; Id IJABLOtT BROANE, , ,. m'atAtN and HWLL, IS6, Strand. rs- - sreceived by all Booksellers. .a%, containing 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 O'WLINS LOTIONX for the COM- G i1.XvUIpN.-Thi3 ins sinf1be proparition. equally retiwarkable t il lf ong-e~tabil-lid cvekfrit5' an, I ctlinlt itilapimnicri for mainy tc fl I..:rlI).seA, II ii a 1 t lili iea:I ?? il ,i ilidenrlity aga!nst the r`ece1rrEtict' ot CitIculons inriparlt's, wtal oiery species (,f iirritbility iiw uikd ietratiori Acoin 1 tltiet c iii ?? liiikin, i,k'islly of oii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Ne1p @jtu1licatioatt-g --THIS DAY IS PUBLISHEID, In Demy 4to. cloth bds. 15s., and large Paper 20s., With numerous Engravings on Copper ; Wood, Volume II. of THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES T OF THE SEIGNIORY OF HOLDERNESS, By GEORGE POULSON, EsQ., THE SECOND PiART CONTAINS PAROCHIAL DIVISION.-NORTH BAILIWICK. Beeford-with Lissett and Durmington. Brandsburton-with Moor Town, Bristhill, High and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE BuaGESSES OF GUILD OF ABERDEEN. IIE DEAN of GUILD hereby Intimates, that the gi T ELECTION of a DEAN of GUILD. for the ensclig ST year, talkes place, in the Tows HALL, On TenspAy the 27th day of October current, at 10 o'clock forenoon, whenitheotrier w'i of proceeding, in terms of the existing Recgulations, will be as seC follows *-On the day of Election, the sitting Dean wvill tcke ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in SPLENDID FUR STOCK. t P COLSON AND SPARK 1 /UOST ree ectfilly announce to the Nobility, Geitiy, pl IlL and the. Eehic, that thteir entire ' C NEW STOCK OF FURS1 , ft .IANUFACTURED , p ExPRESSLY 'FOR THIS ESTABLISHMENT, G irll ii redily for Sule Os MONDAY oyerl. Ol C. ndei S. hlid neC a Siogieir f SH 11 ?? of Frtr lefrt over froo laot Season, eoqeqlltj evcry arlicrl ,oill oe ooira1a1 alI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUBL BEIAR, tAVANT, ;i- CUMd!,1FACIAL LIIN POAI'IX& Hous.r. .n ~ B. LOCKEt lhaving~ taker, thle abovle tINN be, m etfifyto intlori th PublicN, bht ~et V1tqu.ii6ss weill be coiunditted itt till its Itratices, withl a I. vii W to the corlkrt and csitis lbctiuri of Is,, ?? anl Good Siablirrg und Luck-up Coachthiuisse. Neat lie Hearse and Mourning Coach. iin HEWICK~ FS REN& MARINERaS' BUNLWOILFNT ...