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Freeman's Journal


... LA W INTELLICGENC!. e. COURT OF~ QUEEN'S BENCIRYxsr ?? Burton sat to hear motions at balf.pat oe 'clk of Abbot v. Smith. ck Mlr. Se~vens applied to the court, on the vart ofth plaintiff, for an order to be directed to the Pr the 1r, of the county Meath, to answer an afliavi g Sheriff of cause of the plaintiff's attorney. That affidt* ed - I the aon the 26th of April, 1840, he (the attorne't ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAY, . . . I 11 (Before Mr. Commissioner Farrell.) Eleven cases were entered on the list for hearing, four of which were unopposed, and five adjourned cases. The case of Elizabeth Benson was then called on, and adjourned to Wednesday. The ease of Joseph Franklin was next postponed, on the motion of Mr. John Fitzgerald, to Saturday next. John Maher, John Scally, ...


... LA 1' JYTBLL7OEXCVi, RACY l.VE~~~lL1GER~~t. f I COURT OF QUEEN'S BE'CI-YESTERDAV. (Sittings at Nisi Prius before Judge Crampton.) Lessee Curtis v. Flood andi Dnacan. Mr. Rickard O'Connell opened the pleadings. This was fan ?? on the title for premises in M1ary-street and Stafford-street, Dublin; there were demises in the names of the trustees to the will of the late Thomas Burroughs, Master in ...


... DUB]L POLICE_-SAtURDA. IHENRY-STREBT OFFICE. TAXING A GLASS._ Two young men, in the employment of Mr. Redmond, pawnbroker, in Abbey-street, appeared at b this office on his behalf, to answer the complaint of Terence d Meban, for having broken a mirror which had been pledged b with him. a The complainant's wife and sister were produced, and tl stated that they redeemed the article some days ...


... To :_ _- . . . - . . -- . - It is astonishing how liberal some people are with advice, when the adoption of it would lead to the advancement of the giver's personal interests. The following letter from Lord Mounteashel is a case in point TO THE IDITTo1 0'D TIE SO1THBRN REPORTER. Moore Park, 12th Nov. 1640. SiR -.Having received from, the Society for the Pro- teetion of Agriculture in Great ...


... LAW IN2ELLIGENCE. I COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTEBDAY. Judge Crampton sat at half-past ten o'clock to hear mo- tions of course, none of which were of any interest. The Qucern, at the prosecetion of Jostph Labarte. v. Bahhe. Mr. Bennett, Q.C., applied to the court for liberty to file a criminal information against the defendant. The learned counsel observed that he moved on the affidavit of the ...


... MEETIG OP THE CITY GRAND JiTR The City Grand Jury assembled on Saturday, at half-past td eleven o'clock. a Alderman AancEr, foreman, in the chair. a SMITHFIELD PENITENTIARY. Mr. Elife read a letter, at the sitting of the jury, from Lord Morpetb, announcing that the government had issued h orders for the removal of the prisoners from the Smithfield o Penitentiary, prior to its being done away ...


... LWt INT2LLUAEN ol.-- COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCE-SATtuvAY. (Sitting in Banco.). AN ATTOR NEY AGAINST HIS CIESNT. Henry Grove rtad!,, Esq. Attorney, v. The Rev. Patrick Mathias Cunming. r. Napierapplied to the court, on behalf of the plaintiff;i for liberty to substitute the 'service of a capias on the de- i fendant in this bause. The application, observed the learned I counsel, was grounded on the ...


... LA.7 INT'tLIGENCS. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTZRDAY. Judge Crampton took his seat on the bench at half-past ten o'clock, and after disposing of some motions of course, proceeded to the Nisi Prius Court, where be sat to try records in the absence of the Lord Chief Justice. it Judges Burton and Perrin sat at eleven. e a M'Connolly v. Mathews. Mr. Thomas O'Kagan made an application to the court, ...


... I Dum'Nt POJ w -vLx ] 1 READ-OrrICE. RousEnY.-Mary Tuthill was brought up in custody before the magistrates of this office, charged with having taken a hat-case out of Mr. Robert Connally's shop, 19, Parlianent-street. Mrs. Conolly stated that a man named Robert Lindsay worked in her husband's employment, and on Monday a woman, named Mary Tuthill, who stated that she lodged in the same house ...


... LAJ INITLLIG.CENCE ROLLS COURT-YESTERDAY. PRACTICE-ZXTENDING BECEIVERS. Mullen v. Taaffe. Mr. Mullen applied to have a receiver extended over certain estates of the respondent, in the county of Meath. Mr. MIKenna, for the respondent, submitted tbat, under' the act of parliament, there was not proper notice, as the respondent was not in Ireland. Master of the Rolls-I am very glad to have you ...


... I - DUBLIN POLICE-YESTEzflAY. HEAD OFFICE CURiOUS CHARGE..A fox fancier, named William Heavy, or, as the defendant termed him, ' a dog stealer, preferred a complaint against W. H. M'Cann, Esq., of the Four-in-hand Club, and some officers, whose names we could not ascertain, belonging to the Carbineers, stationed in Portobello Barracks, for an assault, under the following circumstances : ...