... COURT OF COMMON CO-rWC!IL. ADDRESSES OF CONGRATULATION TO HER MAJESTY, PRINCE ALBIERT, AND TIlE t DUCHESS OF KENT, UPON TIlE BII;TII OFl THE PRINCESS ROYAL. Yesterday a court was held, at three o'Clock, for the t purposc of adidressing the Queen, Prince Albert, arid the s Duchess of Kent, upon the safe uod happy delivery of her NlIficsty, and the birth of a Princess. T'he Lord Mayor and ...


... MONDAY, Nov. 23.-Before tile MAron, Mr ALD. BAr- SON, and RAL1111 PA.K lP111L1,>SON, EsaQ. T1'homas AfeLaine was couvictod ofan assaujion Mr Atkiu, publican, Sliakespeare-stret, while tualiuri him out ot his house on Smuiid:y 'iight last, for disorderly conduct therbin, anld was adljeil.ed to pay a fine of' 2s. 6d. and costs, and in default of piayment wa committod to tile house of correction ...


... I A CITY GRAND JURY-YESTERDAY. A, ., - ?? : _ .. . .1 .. At a tew minutes after twelve o'clock the chair was taken by Mr Boyse, in the absence of the foreman. COMPLAINT AGAINST- A CEsS eLLECTOR. Mr. Ellis, of St. George's parish, apear d to complain of the violent and improper conduct of the person ap- pointed to collect grand jury cess in that parish. It was but a short time since the ...


... CENTRAL CRjIMINAL CO(I 1-TIISRSDAY. [Before. Mr. Birorn Parke.] POSITlOFFICE PROSECUTIONS. ?? h7ost, a latter-carrier, eged gtI, vwas indioted for faloui'inelyl stealidn f letter coitseimnitri a I40 Blank of ELig. land note an.e three Povereignq, th? ?? of tie Post- raster- General. The Solicitor-General, air. Slepherd, ned Mr. Adolphirs eonducted tbe prosecation, and Mr. Phillips appeared for ...


... GASIL LAW\S -CE'R 'F1(ICAlES. .| I ?? | . .. - T --I A- I at 'e nitr Come to ilia plum certificate, rehichl con. otirs IIinI in sdiie4, in fact, the only qirnalitication requisute to enl. tit ofal Iperson to kill game in the day rime, weithout a beitglt, l to a pentally ; bot[ ini pa rsuiog his game hie tmust be careful noat to couittiit a ItrcsparO. or, to o ;irivrl, ho must tlot go 0(1l t ho ...


... POX, i I ELI4.NCt, : :i ?? BsSROZ, TfURSDAY. Magistrate-preseit: Mr, G. E. Ssnders. Owen Davis arnd Dnniel White were charged with stealing a watch, the property of OWen James. The complainant's mother stated thet on the evening of 'Tuesday, the 24th Oct., the prisoner Davis came to a beer-house kept by her son, in Eugene street, and called for a pint of ale; she went out of the room to draw ...


... LA W NOTICRS-Tuxn DAY. COURT OF CHANCRIY, WESTMINSTER-Sit at ten. Fon JUDGOMST-PycO v Lockyer-Williamass Ovrea-Bazalgette v Kirlew. ; AFTEri THE ?? v Newton, to he spoke to- In re Biristol Charities, petition by ?? re eslein, lunatic pe- titionn by ?? v Ironmongera' Company, two I appeals, part ?? v Baker, appeal. VICE CHANCELLOltS COURT, WESTMINSTER-At teil. Broewn v Douglas, demurrerby order ...


... us; he| [Before Mr. Justice PATTrsSON.J I VC THE QUEEN v. WHITEHEAD, Town Councillor of Leeds.- i MIr. ADDISON moved in this case for an information in the nature I n-of a quo warrantor, as Oalinst a person named Whiiehead, calling 5 upon him to show by what right he acted as a Town Councillor in ] a the Borough of Leeds. At the last election there had been 332 Of votes given for a persono ...


... LAW AE ?? tall DAY. COUIIT OF CHANCEBY, INCOI.N'S.INN.-Sit at le,. AppsAL A1oTWONs.-Reltdle v Lenoard-Foakes v Parry--Sahloit v Fauclkner-Beadles v Hllureb, ?? v Baines, itt,. CAUSBS.-Hlil v ?? v Becharn-Bleatian v H waon -Barruvv v Dbhe of Nurlabl-Maaidand v Bateman-Bll-iBkitil v WIliment, fiurther directioni and costs. Norick.-The Lord Chancellor will sit evpry day prevIouO t the first Seat, ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE-THuRsDAY. -4 COURT 0 CIl ANCERY. The sittiugs after term cormr'ntced this rnernicg at Lii- colU's-ionD . The Lord Chancellor heard se~erT l appeal motions, and then took the papyrs of original causes. Tnere was no- ?? in either it for ea tewlpaper report. ROLLS' COURT. His lordship the Naster of the Rolls was cngaged during the day in hearing the remahinig petitions. ils ...


... ROLLS' COURT, NoVEmrnIr 2. TIHE ATTORNEV-GENERAL V1. WIM5BORN CIINSTER .G.,tA5 R SCH0OL. Thisinformation was resumed, and Mr. Kinderslei, Mr Turner, and Mr. Teed were heard for the general body of the Govprnors of the school; Mr. Loftus Wigram for the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, the visitor; and Mr. Pemberton replied It appeared that the church of Wiroborn Blinster vwas a col- legiate ...


... II ?? _ il I MISAPPLYING 'riI1 FUNDS OF' A POOR. be e lA W UN I ON. sn tI zip ?? I ,It-Lt n ,ir 1 t ri unl I olm n. an- 111r. TIhorna Bonld, clerk of hie Strnod Union, ap- .p peaedrion Frilaly la;t belore tie hench of juslices It to li Stroud, U louce(t erslrire, tu anoier all ionlrineation intoi lditl by Henry Wa ier Paiiker, Eq. assislnint poor l;itt use cwrirnrniorloer, chjii in, him mvitil ...