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Freeman's Journal


... EXCHEQUER NISI PRIUS.YESTERDAY. (Sittings in after Term, before the Lord Chief Baron and a Common Jury.) Foster v. Forbes. Mr. Close opened the pleadings. This was an action of I assunmpsit for money lent. The defendant pleaded the ge- neral issue. I*, Mr. Fitzgibbon stated the case. He said that the plain, !if' was an attorney, and the defendant a bill-broker, or a person having an office to ...


... (From the Northern Standard.) On Thursday night last, about five oclock, one of the most daring and horrible murders that has for many years disgraced the province of Ulster took place a few perches! outside the town of Ballybay. We subjoin the inquest (specially reported for the Standard), to which we refer for particulars ; but, in order to lay the case more fully before the public, it is ...


... I IBANKKUPI' COUAT-MONDAY, (Before Mr. Commissioner Macan). In the matter of Denis Cormick, there was a meeting for the proof of debts and final examination ofthe bankrupt. Mr. Fitzgibbon appeared on the part ofthe assignee, and Mr. Maley for the bankrupt. Counsel for the assignee stated that the schedule and ba- lance sheet furnished were unsatisfactory, and the books of the bankrupt were ...


... LAr IINTELLIGENCE. I w COURV OF QUEEN'S BENCH-Tit:RSDAY. le I]EGISTRSY APPEALS. e The Hon. Justice Crampton proceeded to give judgment in the following registry appeal cases:_ It, re William O'Reilly, Appellant. ir His Lordship said.ln this case the claimant applied on r an existing certificate to he regitered anew, and he was registering officer, the assistant barrister of ihe county of ...


... | DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. I ' I - A ?? COLL.EGRSTREtT OFFICE. Tatn SIAMESE TwrzNs.-The twin brothers, Andrew and Frederick 0 Loghlin, whose striking similarity and eccentric appearance have made them objects of such ge- neral curiosity among the Dublin public for some time past, attended yesterday before the magistrates of this office to give bail in the charge of assault which had been ...


... THE CATASTROPHE AT FRANC.STREET I CHAPEL-CORONER'S INQUESTS. | he ?? . . . .. . .. I Yesterday an inquest was held at the Coombe Hospital, before James M'Cartby, Esq., one of the county coroners, touching the death of Gillies Claxton, the wife of a shoe- maker living at New-street, and one of those who had been unfortunately killed on the morning of Christmas Day at the above house of worship. ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-SATURDAY. COLLEGE STREET OrrICE. TNTRErSTINtG TO CortN FACTOnS.-Dr. Collins, of No. 2,Merrion-sqtunre North, appeared before Mr. Studdert, at this office, on Saturday, to complain of Mr. James Corcoran, a corn facror, for not having delivered a quantity of oats purchased from him according to sample., Dr. Collins produced the sample which lie had received and also two specimens ...


... I DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. COLLEGEj-STRhE. OFFICE, lRISIX PATRIOTtSM V. ENGLIsH Music.-Two boys, named William Thompson and John Doyle, apparently about ten years of age each, were brought up in the cus- tody of a police constable, charged with fighting and dis- turbing the peace in the public streets. Magistrate-State the particulars of the offence. Constable-When I came to the corner of my ...


... I ssBANKRUPT COURT-YESTELDAY. . as In the Matter of William Henry Holdbrooke. or A meeting in this case took place yesterday, before Mr. orM'Cann, one of the commissioners, for a proof of debts, e and an examination touching the bankrupt's estate and af- _ fects-more particularly as regards his partership with Mr. s Mooney. as Mr. J. Fitzgerald appeared on behalf of the assignee, is Mr. Robert ...


... LAW INTRLtC'JCE. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-SATURDAY. (Sittings at Nisi Prius after Term, before Judge Crampton.) Manders v. Worthington. The examination of the witnesses for the defence was proceeded with on Saturday, and continued till the rising of the court, shortly after four o'clock. INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAY. (Before Mr. Commissioner Curran.) Mr. Wm. Smith, an hotel-keeper, residing ...


... DUBLIN POLICETknRSDAY. COLLEGE-STRZET O0ICE. FAMILt BaOILS.-A man of respectable appearance, named Francis Collins, appeared before the magistrates, to answer the complaint of his wife and two stepsons, for an assault. Mrs. Collins stated that the defendant was of a most vio- lent character, and had repeatedly threatened to take her ,life. On Sunday night last he abused her in a most brutal ...


... DUBLIN POLICE_y.YjBT HEAD OPPICL DAY. CNARGa Or FOEGBEr.-Yesteday PIr - 22, Harcourt-street, appeared before them Wilal office to prefer an information against acel agistrates Of ;I in his employment, named George A. Co erk hohad bS ing his name on a draft for 301. The dra than'for forg. lows : - st was as foI MESSSs. LATOUCHE, Please pay Mr. P. Atkins, or beare which charge to account of ...