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... THE TUDMATnE. 'This establishment opened for the winter season with a new nautical drama, founded upon the wreck of the il2?oal George. The house was well attended, and the careful ind eflective manner in which the piece had been got up, and was performed, elicited the most rapturous applause. The story may be thus told :-The Earl St. Aubyn (Mr. Harrington) has a son, who, having become ...


... X iterrature, Lectleres to Young Men, by Georqe TV. Burnap.-Philp and is another Evans, Bristol.: This is another of the series of reprints from Standard Ame- nican I4iteratur'e issued froam the press of our enterprising fel- bwaa-citizens, Messrs. Philp and Evans, and the same 6are and judgment have been developed in the selection which secured zbr the former publications the approbation ...


... ' 1oet0V* i2Thereniswsmal square stoe in , the, Cloisters of,, WorciterCa. l rsI, br ,withOut~nsae I -or ucordexcept the eoad 1NZl R1o1e. 'MOs miserable, A Witild l'e litehoinglstn d r hereul,, perbaps, the lio~ble oi Wltholrste?&eeha flngehtersa'greye Orh itofty brow of Geaiualies Which marks the grave of some Whose ardent soul ke dimm'd nsnknown ~~~~~trol` tr, ngisblood ran!awai . I And ...


... !LZwTilEi.T VA - ;TZ-B. I~sxonO.Csa~oraNaa-Men that ar aongryo Go, pa 'sionate for Ch'rist, and'cal i'eniae t6r'ieligkikon, ajId 9 s for faftthi mu' -tell ns thA-bny g Cehristians, f -thety.wl~utsh woud now theto e ach by their fruits; ea the oi~ e anhohrjstianeaof ,Chrietfs making.--Petn; .- *,..J .. ,THv ,-oRTI -never-see a-poetyet that warn't as pooren Job's tarkey or a churchj un~oue ;,or ...


... L iterature. aVe Colonial A/lagazinefor.January.-Fisher & Co., London. It gives us sincere satisfaction to learn from the editor's ad- I dress at the coxmnincemnent of another year, that this valuable and important publication is rapidly attaining a most extensive circulation. Too much of apathy pervades the~public mind with -cspeot to our colonial possessions and the political and social ...


... I-Doetrpz. TO THE NEW YEAR. I hear them speak of another year, And welcome thle sounds that tell it is near; Buls I only hear, in their joyous tone, Of a future iti dark as the year that is flown: Thy approach may be hail'd by the gay and the free, But sorrow is alt thou cantt bring to into. r 've wander'd wherever the flowers of life Seem'd statter'd around, and gazed with delight But clouds ...


... FASHIONS FOOR JANVARY. Materials shaded in rose delehiWn and Wsor aselaze blue with 6iraneii on 'white, are the most fashionable .olburb 'rvery ele- gant dreoses are mnadein tho latter style, the~pattefll. in proangge en white satin or reys, haviilg -tis effct 6f' gold; they nre triammed with blond, -undCSesrfsye'imatc Mny dresses are made of the tunic form,. which is sometimes pf ...


... ZZTER4n-Y 'irJLItZMTZMS- HONEST PHIIE -fra man has a righi'to be proud of any thing it is of a anid action, done, as it ought to be, without any base interest lurking at the bottout of it. Da. JoHNSmN AND Mil6. SimI)DNS.-Tln spite of the ilJ founded and vulgar contempt vhiddh Johnson profesod tci enter-, tain for actors, he persuaded himself to treat Mrs.:Siddons-wlth all thie, plteness he ...


... ; D3oetrp. ,;I NiE R.s.E..j-er * 'E GAIETIES AND GiAVITIES.T . - T[ine mill.wheol s frozen in-the stream, * The church is deck'd with holly; Mislet6o hangs fromfthei kitchen beans, * To fiig~hawt iiwav'ejlaichjv; tcicles clink in the milkinsaid'a pail. , Yoounkers skate in the pool beow* ,,..Blackbirds-Perch en th areri ~~ perch on the gar.4ems rail,w , S And hark, how the cotl winds blow ...


... 'se R&IT Kwk urzIi'i. I The first requisite in dotversxtien is truth; the second, sense; the third, good-humour; and the fourth, wit. Slaiderersare like fties.,they pass over the good parts of a man1 and indulge an his sores.u :' ' Well, John, which do you think wvas right ? 'Why, hlaster, I think the bald-headed gentleman was wroil-'? Why do you think so, John51 Because, Master, he lost ...


... Ta1E 'o7VES' of ZZONARD & MGAXamET -: ReOSEiT SOUTHIEY. T'ticre is no aegument of more antiquity anl elegancy than is the matter of Love; for it seems to be as old as the wvorld, and to bear datc from the first time that man and wsoman weas: therefore in -thisac in the.fineit metal, the freshest wits have in all ages shown their best werormauship. Leonard Bacon hod becn left aa orphan is ...


... A ittraturic. A CyJexpdia of Domestic Medicine and Surgery, by Thonmas Andrew, Surgeon-Blaclkie ani Sots, Glasgow. Analphabetical accautut of the various diseises incident to the 31suan framne, with directions for their treatment, and for the more simple operations ofsurgery. It also embrnaces instructions for adminiisteriun medical substances, gives plain and succinct rules for the regulation ...