... PUBLIC AMUS!?MBNTS. ROYAL POLYTECHINI C INMI'TITUTION.- D.IQUIRRRF.TYP rP. and PH071113 IV!if P11c111ITRAITS aretaknhe dailIY. sttill. 11oyII Polyte chaivcn It lsit Inti. r'.it'tt- Cttet, bY 'Ile cole( valatrftrOe, Mr. 8 & ARIID. lV. tile eoml ioi'd OtPIr ifl' ii Of ?? 1 p-tou , of which N!r. ?? ha,, Ilaeled ,tarl ?? b i tierrerr seonttio~ri are p rodare d rio ?? degrti in lierletiotil that ...


... THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE.-CON- CERTS ?? night ef a ?? Huguenots, Muiic to Macb-th, nid Nightingalo Valze, every ?? B4iIty, Band Ninety Performers.-Conductor Moors. Jullien.-Pro- graiureo for Tills EvENflNO, Friday, January 29 (repeatud in conlseqluence of the great applause trroughout the whole perform- anco en Monday. Tousday. urid Wediresday): PARr I. Overturo ?? Fidelio ; Waltz, ...


... Scene.-Privy ?? W-h-11. Time eleven, A, M. Curtain rises and discoversathe study ol The Doctor, who is seen solus at a writing table covered with papers. The DOCTOR (reads aloud from the .7ines): The Queen-The parks were thronged with visitors tf both sexes yesterday to sec the Queen, who took her accustomed drive, accompanied by Prince Albert and her usual atten- dants. (Looks up ...


... PUBLIC AMUShEAENTS. I3RITrisH INSTITUJTION, Pall-mall.-The OiALLEKY for tho ?? end SALE of tire WORKS of BIRITISil ARTISTS is OPEN daily, ?? in time Morning till Five in the Evening.-Admisision, im., Catalogue, ts. WIXLIAnM IIAXtNARI), Keeper. Under the Patromigo of her MAJeorTY amd hin Rtmoal Highiness Prince A LaISPT. THlE ROYAL GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCE, Adelaide-street, Weet Siramiri ...


... ;:Elffi^5ila=:i£DI, SKETICHI OF A TElERTlA IAS 1. Look eit tule Clock ! mtootb Wiltifred Pryce, As shte opened the door to her hushatide8 knockh, T.IhnpiluSedl to give him e piece ef, udvice, 'i ou no1sly XX ettlijl!, look cit thet Clock I i this (tho wayte you XWrotcl, every dity you TI'reat her wvho vow' d to love koild Obey you? 0e il ight Ale it a frjght Staggering fiottisl its it's just ...


... T] COVENT-GARDEN. The opera of ' Fra Diavolo' has been performed A at this theatfe, in a style that is worthy of much Tl commendation. The principal parts were sustained A. by the Messrs. George Horncastle, and Clement White, and Miss Rainforth, all of whom-we must G. particularize the lady-acquitted theniselves to the ,1 satisfaction, of the audience. Miss Rainforth's Zerlina is well known ...


... TIHE STAGE. COVENT-GARDEN. Mr. Sheridan Knowles' new comedy, entitled ?? Maids' was brought out here on Tuesday, October 12. Carefully written, evidently arranged and re-arranged until its accomplished author thoughtit unexceptionable, it cannot be said to disappoint the audieince, though it' certainly does not satisfy the critic. It does nothing, in its plot, towards working out any social ...


... Pretty one, when 1 am dead, And all the love thou see'st is fled, In what lone sea cave Where the weary billows flee When the moon is on the wave,- On what slope or sunny shore, Grassy dell or wild-wood hoar, Wilt thou count the minutes o'er, Watching for me'! I-when I am dead and gone To thy side will flee; If the soul may rise upon Its desires, and soar alone Where the pale flesh once was ...


... tUlAJ Lil 1. 7NSC5PCDETD TO llr.RM AJESTY 5 S.IBETIAL' tllNtISTEUS, &C. &c. sl- ABDU'L CAIL1E. f Tranxishateri fi'on the Syrian by Dr. Faustus.) To you the unflattering Muse deigns to inscribe Truths that you will not read in the Gazettes.' Fronm mighty wrongs to petty perfidy, Hiave I not seen what human things can do ?'-B3-noz. 'l'et public season just, honor and Etmpire, ,with revelene ...


... A SERIOIUS BALLAD. Plat a NMld pbeasantry, their country's pride, Whon once destroyed can never be supplied. GOLDSMOIM' Bill Blossom vas a nice young man, And drove the Bury coach; But bad companions were his bane, And egg'd him on to poach. They taught him how to net the birds, And bow to noose the hare; And with a wiry terrier, He often set a snare. Each ' shiny night' the moon was bright, ...


... SECOND SERIES.-PICTURE THE NINETEENTHt. BENEDICK AND BEATRICE. They are ia leve long before the people about them know it-long ere they know it tbemselves. They have exchanged sallies of wit-brilliant things that can be only called the lightnings of the mind: but we must ask what has been the cause of these. A love for poor equivoqueI Certainly not. Both are creatures of an intellectual ...

Literary Extracts

... Ilf~erariD xfractS. TOTE SCHOOLIMASTER'S EXPEDIENT.-The able re- view of HaHfura's Lire'ciaf 'sho's3pBurgess, in the Eclectic of tidis month, 'relates the followini' tt'*y df Dr. Juseph ,Wavton, when master of Winchest6r .school :- Wartin was a main of tast, ral''d bad ihb measotastent for poetry ; but, like uost men' of the same celas 'he disliked philology, -and that dislike entailed ...