... ITER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. Mademoiselle Taglioni took her benefit at this theatre on Thursday, the 15th inst. The enter- tainments commenced with Bellini's opera, called 'I Puritani ?? the principal characters in which were sustained by Lablache, Rubini, Tamburini, and Grisi. They acquitted themselves in their usual talented manner. A new, ballet, called 'Matilde; or, La Magic Amoureuse' followed ...


... F-W THE ODD FELLOWP'S REVIEW. zl S7osrqs and Poctical Pieces. Edited by ll(,t VIWI;LrIAIS. Hetherington, Cleave, and Witsonl; London. Itas no idle saying that-' Let me write a scm; sonls, and I care not who makes its laws'. -t wsong which can make and overthrow ns which te proudest despot r~, gith dread. Witness the songs of Beranger, ?? ttzhi to scorn the craftiest monarch that *, araoled ...


... T-P 0 11, ul 31a)y 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED SONNET ON TME ?? OF TIHE IN'FANT riRINCESs. A PnistEss born I-loud peal'd the merry bell! Yet, 'midst that joy, there was an anxious fear: Soon those gay notes may strike a funeral knell Yes, Charlotte's fate still echoed in each ear, ouw many breathed to heaven a fervent prayer; Proeservo our Queen, the youthful princess spare,_ Oh, in this dangerous ...


... I'V JiLl ' AMU?'B>iENTS. Th'lc'11IRRTY-SEVEN'TH ANN UAL EX 111131- TION of the SICIETY of RAJNTMI,' iil WATEK CMAUIThS, tll theitr (jittary Pall-maall hoot. IS No%% IMN.lL~ -Oofl eacivtt,io torn Niti till ?? Is, catalogit. hit. Rt. HILLS, Secretary. THE 11OYAL 1`15LY'ILhN fiC ,T~ ?? Itegent ,d-tret.-T'wflo irii i'u~jia Hxiibi tijo , Nt bole-u NMoINAUlti PA1'EN'1t'EII CLUCKES. witliel uri hept ...


... ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- REGEiNT.STREET.-FIRST EXHIBITION4 of, Rnd Lecture odl, BAIN'S ELECTRO-MkN-A ETIC PRINTING TELEGRAPii, by mouns of which a banker in London can write a letter in the office of a correspondert in Edinburgh. The letter, with Its aFewer, can ho conveyed the e00 miles in a very few minutes. SIXTY PATFNTED ELECTRIC CLOCKS, by BARWISE and BAIN, MOINAUtS PA. 'ENTED ...


... The ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION. -The DAGUERREOTYPE PICTURES, ILLUMINATED UNDER a MiAGNiYINU POWERend tbeBUDE LIGHT Iin le Great l3li* from Nine to Ten o'clock ilk the eveninfg are amon, the ?? UR taorp jc tit'5 Os Anemometer;i thde Uniiue r tnd Valuabl, Co0 dln th0 M py~ ok ?? ?? J allazto y an thetiner.t Chinee crtisto the Model in r~ti Lecturea varled Ewiherinexte. ?? . Df K 1I lt t ATho ...


... - - M- PUBLIC AMUtSBENTWS. The GREAT FIRE of' the TOWER of LONDON, with tle Military Sisrnals and Music, in two beasutiul additional PIC- TURE8, the DISSOLVING VIEWS. Varied Lecturee, Orrery, Mlicroscope, Divingluiel and Diver, ned2000l. wais of eminent Art science, ?? a VIEW of CANTON, elaborately tinished by a Chineas artist. aita other COSMORAMIC VIEWS are added in the Erening Exhillene. ...


... PU31AU' AM.USES I'NTh. -.0 ROYAL ACADiEMY, TitAALGAR-SQUARB.- ihe EXHIviriON of the ROYAL ACADEMY 14 NOW OPEN.- A4Lilislo, (ftrontEiglt o'clock till Soln), In. Calalogue Is. Hi 'IRY HOWARD, R.A., SecretarY. The THIRT~'Y-SVPNiTI- ANN AL EXHIBI. TION or the SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS, tt their Gallery, Paoll-mall East,woliCLOSE onSaturday, July [0.-Upon eaichl day Iron, Nhiu tiil dsk. ...


... PUBLIC A-AlsIuSMENTS. Thenf1-IR''Y SE'ENTTI ANNUAL EXIIIBI. lION1, of the SOCIETY of PAlNTFRR i WATEltCLtl~ 11hpir Oaldlry, 14tl-' all Enat, IS N(OW\ OlVENO-t(V r (|.lrj'lay 'rToIII Ncl,. till 1f.,8k. -Adroit tafl!l. Iic. CoIlaoii ii i us secreFtry. The 4EVE N1'1 -I L ENIJ iBXJ lION of lCiE3lr' of PA IN MES iATER ColLOU s, FIFTY. T- I a It, 1'olkIn~i wrxt C00 Britkil flti ,t'lliell. 1p4 Nu1' ...


... I EXHIBITION of the .ROYAL ACADEMY. (Continued.) The apartment devoted to sculpture and models is filled with an excellent collection of statues, groulps, busts, re- ilevos, and monumental pieces ; and there is to our eye a perceptible improvement in this department. There are evident signs of a close observance of the chaste models of antiquity in the simplicity of most of the compositions, ...


... SOME ACCOUNT OF TIle LATE FOGS I IN TIHE 1J0 USE OF COMMONS. [FllOMt TII LAST NEUMBIMR OP TilE OmirTEojti,O(;l ,1L JOURN'At.i I n o11r Cthapter oil Fogs, ?? VC ei vh some uctl Is ?? a stralige flew ?? of fIO Wlhieh prevaiils Very much in our new Ilonse. of ('01mii1nsI, ol late; Witliult alwralys sets ill ait the]onr oflilm a tr , Anl gets but thlc darker (as fbirs arc won1) The more one trics ...


... OIRIGI1 NAL PAPERS. OUR SKETCH BOOK. A N prr-i-i Ori ?? Itll1Iti-it TRIFUIR,vi - Old Will Slthaspcrr. Ti EV N STII IlE TA L ES. Wheii somit two or itttire Months hail slipt away, midt Ba,,, iii tiist ?? Avlviitttre liV the idli-gossip orpjryting ctttotit of is Nis-lt uti, is-gotl to liotle thalt it was. iltret fr~itei oitili Wt>loial totrli lut' itlhroat olt-ctid- hit ?? aidl lotil Flit it bN% ...