... FAS.JION AND PJRIPtjsj, % This morning her eatyandi cyalighnss Pri Albert took their accustomed drive to Adeie Lodge The Princess Royal has taken an airin g. L His Royal Highness drove her Majesty out in a p any phaeton this afternoon, followed by Lady Portman the Hon. Misses Paget and Lister, and Admiral Sir aot et Otway, in an open barouche. Colonel Wemyss atten dtd on horseback. Colonel and ...


... - -- FASHION JND VARIETIES. Her Majesty the Queen had a grand dinner on Saturday evening at Buckingbam Palace, the Duke of Devonshire Duchess of Sutherland, and a large party of the haut ea6bse having been invited by the xoyal command to meet his M jesty the King of the Belgians. It is not the intention of her Majesty and court to remove to Windsor Castle from Buckingham Palace for several ...


... I FASMION AND VAn4RWxt Her Majesty and Prince Albert took an eiringon Mon. day afiernoonin an open carriage and four. Her majesty was attended by the Honourable Miss Paget and the Hon Miss Anson, Maids of Honour in Waiting. Sir Edward Bowater, Equerry to Prince Albert, attended on horse. back. Viscount Melbourne bad an audience on Monday of the Queen. The royal dinner party at Buckingham ...


... FASHION AND PAWRATIES, ?? SUNDAY. S This morning her Majesty and his Royal Higltess p,- D. Albert, and the distinguished visitors and suite attended Fe divine service in the private chapel at the Castle. Prayera p; re read by the Honourable and Rev. Edward Ssuthw'li a- Ksepel. n. In the afternoon the Earl Delawarr, the Earl of War. - wick, the Honourable C. A. Murray, Lady Caroline Cok ie and ...


... 0g ZWNDSOR, SUNDAY.-Her Majesty was not present during divine- service at St. Georges Cbapel either this morning or in the afternoon. The royal closet was ordered to he prepared for the reception of her Majesty. It i Dstated that slight indisposition was the cause of the absence sof 'the Queen. Her Majesty remained vithin th MCastle during the whole of tbe day. Not one of the few visitors ...


... DRURY LANE. Weber's Oberon was revived on Monday night. It was curious to see an English opera, long fallen into disuse on the stage for which it was originally composed, reproduced in a German form. Fair justice was done to the music. Haitzinger fell short of the better days of Braham; but from Madame Heinefetter we had a manifest improve- ment, in purity and in strengrth, upon Miss Paton; ...


... The Negroland of the Arabs Examined and Ex- plained; or an Inquiry into the Early History and Geography of Central Africa. By William Desborough Cooley. Arrowsmith. We cannot recollect to have read, upon any subject, a more ingenious, learned, or conclusive argument, than this which is now before us. it has for its object to establish, upon a firm and intelligible basis, the early geography of ...


... I Taglioni has re-appeared at her Majesty's Theatre, to give what help she can to the fag-end of a season of uniform ill luck and many disap- pointments. She is more thin, and more faiscinat- ing, than ever. Mademoiselle Rachel is lingering on through her five nights more; another night more being added, though the specification was quite unnecessary, for the benefit of M. Laporte. We had ...


... CONCERTS OF ANCIENT MUSIC. Seventh Concert, Wednesday, May 19. PART I. Introduction and Chorus, , Ye sons of Israel (Joshua) . . . . . . . Handel. Anthlci, Hear my prayer . . K. ent. Song, M iss Bruce Wyatt, Pious orgies (Ju- das Maccableus) .Hade]. Concerto (A minor) . D. . . .Martini. The Hymn of Eve, Miss Dolby, How cheer- Iu I . Dr Arne. Recit. and Aria, Mdlle Loewe, Aufstarkem ...


... Sketches of China. By John Francis Davis, Esq., F.R.S. 2 vols. Charles Knight. Mr Davis's admirable Account of the Chinese is well known and deservedly esteemed. The present book he seems to have written, less because he had anything new to say, than for the temporary interest the subject has of late ob. tained. And for that same reason, though but the scrapings of his portfolio, it will no ...

annuAi Hn BaUot. Knunl ot

... annuAi BaUot. ot National Sovereignty. k-the travels of Lieutenant Francis Hall, an of. the British army who, a little after the ttjoody war against Napoleon was terminated, visited the United States of America, we find .yeral disquisitions on the science of government, ivliich, for clearness of perception, and strength of argument, would do honour to the greatest political philosopher of the ...