... |OUINTY AND JURY I -n .f'rpnr' w i1. coraserence yesterday between the membte. of the city and county and grandjuries, for the pnrpose of taking into consideration the proposed ?? ?a a ?? S ,The planes baying been laid before the assemi bly ard eta' 1'j plained, Mr. C. Fitzsimon said the proposed plan of wide%5 the present bridge would not effect all the desired relief,'aw the ...


... Loreueo Ni.ksol Izod, Esq., foreman; Sir R. COx, Bart.; 'William F. Tighe, Henry Wemys, William Bayly, John H. Jones, Arthur St. George, William M. Reade, James K. Aylward, William L.Flood, Peter Connellan, P. S. Butler, James P. Poe, Ponsonhy Moore, Hugh Greene, James S. Lane, Robert Tyndal, David Burchael, Michael Cahill, L. S. Ball, Robert Neville-, John P. Ryan, and John Cooke, Esqrs. ...


... INSOL VENT DEBTORS' COURT-YESTERDAY. I I 2rp- - - . .- . _ . (Before Mr. Commissioner Curran in Fourteen cases were entered on the list; all of tbem were Lu, thre matter of the Hon. Henry Alexander Saville, Mr. ?? said that, on the part of' his c'ierts, who were Eng- 99lish creditors, lie withdrew opposition, and consentedto the U.discharge of the insolvent. He felt, at the tame time, de- ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-YESTERDAY. I : I - no ~ T (Before Mr. Commissioner Farrell.) The case of Anne Caldoe, an insolvent, which was r before the court on Monday, was again called on. George Alley, the Governor of the House of Industry, was examined onsthe part of the insolvent, and said the in- solvent received a pension out of the parliamentary grant of 751. a-year for life. His Lordship ...


... I(PBOas OUR OWN CORaEsrPorNNtT) -- (Mr. Cobb, Mr. Corbally, and Mr. Ball, presided.) John Loch v. Philip Ec/lin. On this case being called, Mr. Loch stated he bad been informed that a pew in the chapel of Rush had been broken and taken front the chapel, and he had reason to' believe it had been done by Philip Eohli*-AFoi-ivhic h-e had him brought before the magis- trates that informations ...


... REGISTR1Y COlURT-YTzmhlDAy. DZCISION IN cASE or Tait NEiw FEEZMEE ADMITTED BlY MIR JIOHN kINGSToN .tAMES. Mr. Conway E. Dobbs, registering barrister, delivered his judgment as follows, at the sitting of the court yesterday Estorning. The question in this cawe arises on the claim of Edward Beale to be registered as a'freeman of the borough of Dub- lin, admitted by SiW J. K. James, as Mayor of ...


... IIMILBRo UG G@rSTrEET. On Tuesday a person, evidently moving in a superior station of life, was placed at the bar before Mr. Maltby, charged with an indecent assault upon a policeman. The prisoner, who gave at the the fictitious name of Charles Edwards, was brought to the court in a cab. He was dressed in a large blue cloak, with dack brown strtout beneath, and a small check ...


... Johln Xu2n-t.- -nl -r AA - h ' lugent applied on Saturday to beaic h his petiiOn. He was supported by Mr. Crih, 0 opposed by Mr. Rogers, ol the part or aredigt°, and a Donnegan. His case seemed to exeite conrider tiled lerest-he was a butcher by trade, and voted far tin * candidates at the list election. There were a Tgre y ir ber of persons in his own lire of business preae u. t under the ...


... QgEu ENS RANCED Chm &M lL IJudgeB=rto sat iii Chamber tab he. - was only one mnotD n c in r t h x on 'oemton on notice in tbe case 4f Thft Lessee RatFtonv. Bafe. Mr. RateifTr applied on part of t'e Plintjf stay of execution inserted in the con-ent f - th filed by the defendant should be e opu rg l atd plantitf migbt-snas judgroent. Ete maHe, ad i rca made bq the plaintiffs attorney, statingth ...


... LAT IIhTELLIGENCR. he COURT OF QUEEN'S BE NCHY-stEUDAY ~a. Browne v. BeDo l. ?? ?? opened the pleadings. It was an action for :he 351.5s.5d., the amount of a bill of eosts. The plaintiff was gh an attorney, and the defendant a respectable fruiterer, su. residing in Mary's-abbey. In 1838, Mr. Sbeils, the con. ro ectioner, had, and for some time previously, some dealings tan with r. Bagnall, and ...


... DUBLIN POLTCEYMSTEnDAY. HAD.OPFICE. Y A TIMELY DEUCSlON..A man: named William Young 0 appeared before Mr Potter, at this fice, yesterday, to d answer the complainant of a person named Brady, fot ille- r. gallidetaining a clock. t Mr. J. A. Curran attended for the complainant, and Mr. . C. Fitzgerald for the defendant. e It appeared from Mr. Curran's statement, that the de- fendant had been ...


... COURT OiQr ON1OflDDAlt Y ..ACm oF PrEolu1si5S M&U5tAaGC. Mary, artfia Greetitted\pV.'Jhsn Charles North. [ This was 'as action of breaol c ' promise of marriage- I Sir F. Pollock and Mr. Bal endgeted the plaotiff's case; E Mr. Thesiger and Mr. Bareto 1b'defendant's. Sir F. p9ollo stated the oa48toate jury. The plaintiff l was a young woman,- the . tayg'ter of a widow, who had been comp.5lled ...