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Hull Packet


... varfctirs. NI . en e | What boxes govern the wvorld ? Thle cartridae-box. the I ballot-box tlte jury box, and the bandi box. Govermnncut are about laying outlI arge sums in strengthen- uing the fortifications of Gibraltar. More rain fell dunriue the last month than in any former October for more than a quarter ota century. WOOD P.AVIxrG.-Theo M1ero-0litaii Wood Paving Coin- pany have just comp ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... 1 Sacht 1 of J$asbionabe life. r a t - The Earl and Countess of Winchilsea are passing the autumn at Eastwell park, near Ashford, Kent. Mr. C. Tunsor, A.P., and Lady Catherine Turner, are staying at the above seat, on a visit to the noble earl and countess. Mr. L. Fox has left Bramham Park, in Yorkshire, for his seat near Bingley, in this county. Mrs. L. Fox is on a visit to the Riglht lion. ...

The Church

... I7- ,, G * 1Oe lurcb.l' Her Majesty the Queen has forwarded through Sir Henry Wheatley the sum of £59 towards the erection of Poulton Church, Lancashire. T're Queen Dowager has contributed £10 towards erecting a new church at Kimibervorth, in the parish of Rotherham. The Lord Bishop of Ripon left his residence, Bishoptou Grove, on Monday, the 28th ult., for Bishopthorpe Palace, on a visit to ...

Selected Poetry

... *Electrb 1?;,Ottrp. I THE TWV7O PATHS. The patis of life ale rudely laid Beneath the blaze of burning skies ; Level and c )ol, in Colujtered shade, The church's pavement lies. Along the suilerss forest glade Its gnarled roots are coiled like erime Whiere groats the 6rass * ith freshelrtig blade, Thine eYes tnay tracl the serpent's slme Bct there thy steps are urlbetrayed, The serpent waaits a ...

Original Poetry

... Orginal v Itt I S O N G. A ruthless spoiler is old Time A ruthless spoiler be; Bie mows down the strong, as he passes along And spares neither slave nor free. A. Tuthless spoiler is old Time I A ruthless spoiler he; Deep lines he will trace over beauty's face And quench merry childhoud's glee. ,A ruthless spoiler is old Time A ruthless spoiler he, Fond ties he bath riven, linked hearts he bath ...

Foreign Varieties

... :gftfpl Yarictfes. ___ _ _ r e . I ~ . _ . A NorsTsIE RN JoS.1I{tnix.-There i a lady in P ultcney town (Wick) so ottraciire, that a compass placed upon the tabLe, imwmediately indicatcs her position in the room Wl'ick pIaper. PnoGnESS OF TvAvELatNo,-In 1500, the journey from Muthausen to Strasburg occupied eight days, in 1600, six days; in 1700, four days; in 1800, two days; in 1841, two hours ...

Selected Poetry

... 5?clcctcv Vamp. I THE STARS. Trandated fio; tI/e German of B. iZ. Arntdt, BY titLkrL \'TitOt OF THE `WOoD sTrIaT, &c. DIE STERNLEIN, tied die Soene, sie machte den wleitn Rit, LT,, die Welt, 'nd die Sternleiea sprachen ; gvir reisen nit, $ Una lie Nealt.'' red die Soane sic s5halt sie; ihir bleibet za oIu3, Dean Ich brenu ucua dlie geldenen Aeuglein aus, Bei dem feurigen Ritt uni die ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... 1adrt of IrasbijonabIe life. Lord and Lady Wenlock and the Hon. Miss LaN I, y hare returned from the continent, and have arrived at their seat in Yorkshire. The Earl and Countess of Carlisle and the Ladies Howxard are now at Castle Howard, where they intend remaining until after Christmas. FAsIeorNs FOR TtE \WEEK.-(Received direct from Paris 9-My notice must be brief this week, as I reaLly ...


... 31(tuaturc. i1 London _publishers can forward Mheir ivorks for review, addressed to eke Edi!or qf iMe IfoU Packet, to Air. C. MITCHELL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street; or to ML'ssrs. LONGOIAN and CO., Poaternoster-row, to be forwarded in Jlir. Brown's pa cel No periodicals or serialls will be noticed tMat are not received regularly. SArAN: OR INTELLECT WITHOUT COD. By Rom.BnT .1 ...


... TIHE THE&TRE. Mr. HoorEn has, With the aid of the Adelphi company, brought forward, this week, several new pieces and revived some old ones, Of the formaer class, the comedy of London Zassurance, from the popularity it obtaioed in town, demands the first notice, It is a bustling, active, lively production,-contajning several characters with whom the admirers of the drama are Wrell acquainted; ...

Foreign Varities

... lForcip yarictits. Mrs. Fitzwilliam continues in New Orleans, and Power in Charleston. Brahanm has given his last concert in Boston. Dresden theatre opened on the 5th of March, with Goethe's Tasso, ahd a prologue By Lutwig Tieck. RoxE.- Six consecutive representations of Donizetti's new opera, Adelia, have completely confirmed and ratified the success of the first night. The house is ...


... varietiez. The success of Mdlle. Rachel has been so decisive as to lead M. Laporte to re-engage her for five nights. Our contemporaries speak of the re-opening of the shilling concerts at Drury Lane, in the interim which must elapse ere Mr. Macready assumes the management. They talk, too, of Mr. Burin undertaking the revival of the gay days of Vanxhall, when his duties at the German opela ...