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Hull Packet

Packet of Fashionable Life

... l Waditt' of tasi(onaible Aift. Tile Duke and Duchess of Suitherland havc arrived at Trentham, their scat in Staffordshire, from a visit to the Archbishop of York, Newnham Park, Oxon, Tlie Marchioness of Neormanby is staying at Mlgrave Castle, Yorkshire. The noble marquis and marchionress contemplate a continental tour in tile autunmn. The Dulce of Rutland, with Lord Charles Manners, M.P. has ...

Foreign Varieties

... Somali vatirtim bliss Clarla N;ovella made her first appearance on the Italian stago at Padua, in Seorirazielde, witlaperfect success. Wtr.rT'S IN A NA NAME !-Thie New York papers talk of the success of a Dr. Feuclitwvanger in destroving vermin, an art wh hich they call sooiiootrzzioology. The Bishop ofAljrers has arrived at Cauterets, in the Pyrenees. to take the -vaters. He is accompanied ...

Our Scrap Book,

... I - --- D- tt. *crap Boot, OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. THE CRoWN JEWELS.-The King of Hanover is return- ing the rompliment of the demand made to him of giving up'his rooms in St. James's Palace, by instituting a legal and very unpleasant inquiry respecting the crown jewels of thekingdom of Hanover. Thesuitin chlanceryis instituted nominally against Sir Henry ...


... var~tties. it is a curious fact, that in tile limes of the Common- wealth, thle Jews presented a petition to Cromwell, praying him to gralnt St. Paul's Cathedral for a synagogue. A subscription is very'actively on foot in Edinburgh for a monument, to be erected in that city, to the memory of David Wilkie. T'ie Londoti subscription with a like object is advancihg rapidly. A French journal ...

Our Scrap Book,

... Our ,c'rrap 130OL OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. DBSTRUCTIVE ENGINES IN WARFARE.-As a recent invention for blowing up and destroying ships or towns has of late excited considerable curiosity, the annexed extract from the travels of Count Falkenstein (Joseph II., Emperor of Germany) will be read with interdst:-* A native of Dauphiny, by name of Dupre, who had ...

Selected Poetry

... ::71? *Zlrcttb wortrp, FALLING STARS. Astar hatli fallen-one bright gem kias faded from the brow of night; The fairest in her diadem, Amid those worlds of living light. A star has fallen-yet as bright Seems you eternal heaven's glow- There is no gloom to mark its flight, Its radiance is not mise'd below, A star bath fallen from our earth: A noble and a gifted one, Whose worshipp'd name, o'er ...

Backet of Fashionable Life

... 1adcit of .fasbionablt Life. It appears, by the last advices from St. Petersburgh, that the marriage of the Hereditary Grand Duke with the Princess Mary of Hesse Darmstadt is definitively settled to take place early iii May. T'Ie Earl and Countess of Eglington, on their return to towni from Scotland, intend taking a mansion fur the seeson, and will, shortly after their arrival, give a series ...


... UMrm turc. - - \~~~~~~~~~ -~ Linp zteh~recan forwec'ei their 2vor~rs fee reviewv, -ntteo-to tile Edt/cot' of the hull Pocket, to Mjr. C. MITOCMLL, 123, Redi Lion-n-i~CtP, Fleet.streee; N ~icro~tic oSerifls will be noticed that arc no0t -cedretjslnrlii. Jai~ELA\ND :ITS Sc-ia-c`,7ClncrLc.B r '-S. C.T ~ HA L-etdon : Roew nod Persojj$. fu vl keop. upI its iintercst as it progrc~e ''~oativ ...

The Church

... I _ _ _ _ I U w£'t- QiD. IIis Urec the ArOnawhop of fork has apl)wi-ted i;'-o Rev. Dr, lIook. Vicar of Leeds to a Canoum-y ilh York Minster. Tli inooaaDn.-Onl ThurS daV the lfi2att Ic:u. to-;I Wh~!larit 'Ijie hai~l t!hC foml -'JoK ,-t-':.e foJr tlo nev ichc : abo;:t to be erectelat Thniaml. Io e lva as beau;tif'ullv fine, anm a crcat COLnce uta ot' f c)pi attenIded to :Ince the celiemony. ...

Our Scrap Book,

... Our *crap Bookh, r. - - 1 I - - As.rm OR EXTRACTS F1iO.M: RECENTLY PUBLISHED WTORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. NEW YEAR's DAY AT A GERMAN UNIVIRSITY.- (From oisr correspondent at Heidetberysj-Your lively account of the festivities of the season in merry England -for a merry land it is in spite of all that foreigners say of our hypochondria-finds its type in Germany, where the coming of the ...

Our Scrap Book,

... I -- uv ~ frazp ~Mo OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. POETRY BETTER PAID FOR THAN ByaoN's.-On one occasion Jaines Smith was well paid for a trifling exertion of his muse; for having met at a dinner party the late Mr. Strachan, the King's printer, then suffering with gout and old age, thongh his intellectual faculties remained unim- paired, ho sent him next morning ...


... Aitfrature. *Londonpublishers cjnforward their works for review, t'drersed to the Editor of the Hull Packet, to Mr. C. PMI1TC11E]LL, 12, Red Lion-cosrt, .Feeet..stree. No y.eriodicol3 or serials wil be noticed that are not rcewveX repularlZ,. THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE. No. 127, for Noyember, l841.-Londorn: Saunders and Otley, COnduit.streete E rs Trollope's entertaining novel of The Blue ...