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Hull Packet

The Church

... Z?c Q,:,burclj.ll The Hon. and Rev. Philip Yorke Savile, son of the Earl of Mexborough, has been presented to the Rectory of Methley, in this county, vacant by the death of the Hon. and Rev. A. H. Cathcart. Patron, the Crowin. The Rev. William Moxon Mann, has been presented the perpetual curacy of Thornthwvaite, leswick, void by the death of the Rev. Joseph Lancaster. Patron, the Vicar of ...

Selected Poetry

... 17,zrlrctrv 1?3ottrv- THE INVITATION. Though humble the banquet to which I invite thee, Thou'lt find there the best a poor bard can command Eyes, beaming with ivelcome, shall throng round to light thee, And Love serve the feast with his own willing hand. And-though fortune mav seem to have turned from the dwelling Of him thou regatdest, her favouring ray, Thou wilt finld there a gift, all her ...

Foreign Varieties

... ,jjoreigjr v~arretim. AN AmERICAN JUDGE.-J. H. Canr, judge of Monroe county, Missouri, died suddenly in a drunken frolic, at that place, a few days since. He was a man of property and distinction -New York paper. The Alsace states, that during the first week of the present month, some gamblers of distinction, at Baden lBaden, broke the bank of the rooms there five times run- ning; occasioning ...

Backet of Fashionable Life

... iadcet of Sasbfonable alife. I I v- rs .. . I - - - . . - -- _ s * _ _, His Grace the Archbishop of York and Miss Harcourt have left Nuneham Park, near Oxford, for town for the season. STOCKIHOLM.-Tlie chastisement given by Count Matus- chevitz, the Russian ambassador, to a footman in the service I of a lady of distinction, is the universal topic. It arose l from her carriage being brought ...

Selected Poetry

... .40-- ,*-:rlcctco Wortru. CONSERVATIVE SONG. toe Mwe wve ralse, r itlr glad accord, the old inspiring strain, ,d1 UT'ee tire social ring around the brimming bowl to drain; Nor macli tire liquor or trle lay will go agarllst the graim, Whfere oll have tuiirsted tirus to see replaced its power again Tile best of good Concervatives, who love tre olden time. b5Oper to our gracious Quieei !-Wc hail ...


... (c' London publishers can forward their uorksfor review addressed to the Editor of the I-ull Packet, to Mr. C. MITCIIELL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street; or to Messrs. LONGOmxN and Co., Paternoster-row, to be forwarded in Mr. Brown's pamcel ..o. N periodicals or serials wilt be noticed th at are not received regularly. SATAN IN LOVE, A DRAMATIC PoEMv, by Mrs. Hn.R- ilIET DowNeNG. author ...

Our Scrap Book

... Ouv I~bcrap Zook. OR EXTRACTS F[tOM RECEN TLY PUBLISUIID WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. EGYPTIAN AssEs.-I never before experienced the perfection of smiootl progrcssive motio-. 'I'he fleetness of' the Egyptian asses' amble is not to be described, one glides on, and, as on a railroad, you can onlyitjdge of the rapidity of your progress by secing how fast you lose sight of suc- ceeding objects. I ...

Foreign Varieties

... ;Nortci Yarfojies. Tue Italian press speak in the highest terms of the debut 'I of our fair countrywoman, Clara Novello. 0 Mr. l3ochsa and Mrs. Bishop are at Moscow. The once all-celebrated Sontag is at St. Ioetersburgh. She is wife of I Count Rossis. the Sardinian ambassador. P The king of Sardinia (says the Courtier de Lyons) does b not appear disposed to abandon the project of cutting a t ...


... lfitraturr. I :e London publishers can forward their worksfor review, addressed to the Editor of the Hall Packet, to Mr. C. MITCHELL, 12, lIed Lion-courl Fleet-street; or to Messrs. LONGMAN and CO., Paternoster-row, to be forwarded in 1r Brozwn'spm ce o perioditats or serials void be noticed that are not received regularly. THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN REVIEW; or EUROPEAN QUARTERLY JOURNAL. ...

The Church

... 'I'Tbe (Tburcb. We observe that the Dean of Durham has resigned his large living in Yorkshire, which was tenable with his deanery.-11inisterial Paper. The Rev. C. Webber, who for many years has filled the important office of Archdeacon of Chichester, has retired and the bishop has appointed the Rev. H. E. Manning, Rector of Lavington, his successor. The Rev. I. M1. Wilkins, B.A., is appointed ...


... I L London publiss4er s earl fo r'd their works for review, addressed to the Editor of the Hull Packet, to Mr. C. MITCIIELL, 12, Red Liown-Court, Fleet-street; or to Messrs. LoNGINIAN ard Co., Paternoster..row, to be forwarded in .ir. Brown's parcel No periodie.itfs or ser (ls oill be noticed that ore not received reglanrly. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE for August. No 310.- H'im, B'Rachwood and ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... illpacyett of gasbionable life. In _ a.- TuE DucuIESS or KeXT.-Hler royal highness's return to this country fromn the continent may be looked for about the third week of next month. MAcDAM CATAt.L.NI.-.WC inserted last week, a para- graph, stating the death of this distinguished and anmable lady. oti die 2f0th ult. We have been since pleased to see the following paragraph in Gtignaeni's ...