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Hull Packet

Original Poetry

... I rl vot. I STANZAS. The summer flowers are faded, The summer breeze is gone, The sun is cold and distant, Like the hopes that lured mne on: The red lear, sere and withered, Lies thick upon my way; Each omen round about me Speaks of ruin and decay. One brilliant star was lent me To light life's dreary road; One gentle kindred spirit, To share my heavy load: That light is quenched-that spirit ...


... Yavfetfis. A recent decision of the Germanic Diet has authorised I. WXagncr, the secret of whose electro magnetic machine it has lately purchased, to take oat patents for it with any foreign governments, before communicating his invention to the public at large. Al. Liszt left London on Saturday morning for Ham- burgli, being engaged to perform at a grand musical festival w hich was to take ...

Foreign Varieties

... ~fforein Yzarietics. The State of Ohio, in 1840, paid 1100 dollars for the scalps and noses of the evolves destroyed wvithin the year. The Mladrid Gazette publishes a royal decree for the establishment at Seville of a naval military college, in which 50 pnpils are to be instructed in every branch of the nautical science. A circular, addressed by the Spanish minister of the interior to the ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... Xi0,1CRU of Jasfionlable 'ife. Lor,1 Wharnclifle, lord president of the couicil, has been suffrtrittg from an at tack of gout at his rcsidence in Gerzon- street, btit is now better. The Sirl of einco'i arrived in Portman-square, onl Wed - tnesdaiy, froln an excnmioun in difercnt counties, undertaken fbr tihe pirpse, of hispecting the state of her Majesty's woods and fotrsts, preparatory to ...

Foreign Varieties

... -fForeign fTarietfes. You are too pressing, as the mouse said when the Nvaggon ran over it in the corn-field. A western gentleman has invented a new sort of matches, which will take fire at a wink. They are called ophthalmic magnetic matches. GENIUs.-There is a young lad down east, who learns so rapidly his friends have to keep pouring water on his head to prevent him from catching fire. ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... ( ? 10acket of fashionable 'Effe. I - - Lord Beaumont has engaged a splendid suite of apart- ments at MIivart's hotel for the season. The Duke of Northunmberland, it is said, will be installed as Chantellor of the University of Cambridge, at the com- mencement of July. We regret to state, that the Earl of Errol! has been severely indisposed for some days past, which has pre- 'vented his ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... Vaiect of Fa 11ionable 3lfe. T?- I- > .. . . A.> A___ O__ rAASItONs FOR TIlfl WsEEK. - (R/eceired direct from?, Poris.)-Thl fashious are nearly the same this week, a, they wvere last, A robe ` de bargeg orange grould, and white designings. Mantelet ; do mousseline brodoe, hled with sky blue cachetuire ; orange crape bonnet, -with a garland de Margoerites blue tendre, is highly ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... Bljoaht 11of fashionable life. The Archbihhop of Canterbury commenced his diuner parties on Wednesday week, at Ltambeth palace. Lord Willoughby d'Eresby left town on Friday for Grimnsthorpo, the family seat in Lincolnshire vwhere lady Willoughby and the lon. Mliss Willoughby are staying. The noble lord and lady receive a hIrge circle of friends at the above seat during the ensuing month. ...


... 'Afteraturt. Lye London publishers can forward their worksfor review, addressed to the Editor of the Hull Packet, to Mr. C. MITCOHELL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street; or to Messrs. LONGMAN and Co., Paternoster-row, to be forwarded in Air. BroW71'S Parcel Ago periodicals or serials will be noticed that are not received regularly. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. May, 1841.-London and Edinburgh: ...

Our Scrap Book,

... Our *Erap 33ook, OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKs, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. LovaF or l0ossE.-There is a feeling, well, but rather inelegantly, perhaps, expressed in English by the word home-sick. In somen minds it is feeble, but in the sensi- tive it is strong. In some situations, also, it is felt more acutely than in others. To come from the country to a large and gay capital, is a ...

Our Scrap Book

... Our crbap Buoo. Olt EXTRACTS LHOO RJECENTLY PUBLISIIED WORKS, AN,' D PUBLIC JOURNALS. L TrE 110G. neRTs1 d',IA: -During the Hlogarthiain mania, excited by tht ingenious pen of Mr. Ilorttin Walpolc about Seventy years ag;, an tl1imesstt rubbed oft' in printcr's ink cin te paper, and preserved, fetched at a public sale tlte sann of twetity-five poutids. An impression 2 of Tonm Walket's b-ecfit ...


... Mrs. Hooper's benefit took place on Friday evening; and we regret to say, that the house, though very genteelly, was not so numerously attended, as we had hoped and expected. Probably the weather prevented many persons from attending, as it was very cold and inclement; and a heavy shower of rain was falling during the time the company waere going to the Theatre. The performances were The ...