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Hull Packet


... T*ThIsic INTRIIDUCTION, and BRILLIANT VARIATIONS, on the beautiful old air, All round the Maypole. From the Comic Opera of Midas.-Cornposed for, and inscribed to, Mrs. Robert Raikes, Eastlale, York- shire-by G. J. Skelton.-London: D'Almairne and Co. This is a very beautiful composition. The themeris well chosen, for the old air of All round the Maypole is one of those simple, playful ...

Foreign Varieties

... JfJ2igfl VarfetftS. We regret to state, that the Crown Prince of Hanover (Prince George of Cumberland) has irrecoverably lost sight of both eyes. A private letter has reported great things of a new Italian composer who has appearerd, however, on no wider arena than the Opera stage of Reggin. It is stated, that regular steam-vessels will be employed between London and the Sublime Ottoman Porte, ...

Original Poetry

... Ortinal ipoetr . SONG. The minstrel's is the craft for rte ! When the world grows cold around him His harp is strung, end its magic tongue, In a wondrous charm bath bound him' Some sing of wine, and a bright wreath twine For the br'ow of their jolly king; But the lyre asd the lay will have regal sway, When the chalice grows a useless thing. The minstrel's is the eraft for me I I have traced ...

The Church

... '' -J l a : E t . - Thie Rev. Dr. Hook, Vicar of Lceds, has been pleased to a1)poilt .heo 1ev. George Hills, to be Lectuler ot thi Parish Church of Leeds. vice thIe ,exV. John m. Clark-. resigned, Thn C QuLen b -an beenl crn iculov pea.,ed to adlliess a loetm to thle ArcllotiSilop of Canterburyx requiring a collcetiont to bmade in verv Churoll and Cli pcl, in aid of tIIhc feulds ...

Original Poetry

... Original Vottxp. BALLAD, INSCRIBED TO Oh dear, yes ever dear thy name ! 'Twas dear to ine in days long past- Its spell is like a magic chain, That binds and holds the captive fast. When I 'was bless'd with friendship's smile, Anw kindly greetings oft I knew, Thy look my senses would beguile, And fil my soul with raptures new. Does love's fonLId look delight me, now, That friends put on an ...


... yarietim | If you would be known, and net know, vegetate inl a village: if you would know, and rot be known, live in a city. To speak so low that nobody canl hear, and to write a hand which nobody can read, Mrs. Hannah Moor classes amnng the minor inmoralties. It is now pretty clear, that Louis Philippe both reigns and governs again, despite the efforts of the party whose motto is, Le reo ...

Selected Poetry

... I'Vlatclo vaoxv. THE BOY. Visa e lTc Governess, by Maloailn B. Rsofrey.' There's sometlaing in a noble boy, A bravo ivre-hearted careless one, With his unchecked, unbidden joy, Hiis dread of books, and love of fur, And in his clear and ready smile, rnshaded by a thought of uile, And unrepressed by sadness, 'Which brings me to my childhood bck, A4s if I trod its very track, And felt its very ...

The Church

... VI uc. The Chancelior of thic Duchy of La:caatr ':> the Rev . stainforth lo Ilhe vicarage of Purr riot. Ln thle county of York. HI-H CHUttCHMEN.-11 his Chuvrch` DrconoaW Dli Hlook gives the follovil, def.niioLn of tre tcrn ' Di tt C'urchmen:-Tlis is the nicknamec givfUen to th ,?u who rirdftul of their sulscriptions an.d vo%-s desiro t'LIe as the Church believes, and to act as thle Churclh ...

foreign Varieties

... ZDretkn Yartties. Rubini has consented to sing one more season at Paris. While the Queen Dowager of Spain was stopping at Macon, the other day, the curtains of her bed by accident took fire; which was, however, happily soon extinguished. The church of Chemilly, in the Sarthe, wias struck by lightning not many days since, and entirely coisumed, nothing hut the walls being left standing. After ...

The Church

... , 0be 02urcIb. TIE Wilos AND THE Cueuitc.-They re-possersed themselves ooi'tlce in IS35, expressly on the ground of their declared intention of seizing upon a portion of the revenues of the cherch of Ireland. 'i'he promise titus held out was a main ground of the suppoet. given to them by the enemies of the church of every sort and description . Appro- priation of chcilh revenucs was a ...

Selected Poetry

... *dertelo voctry. STANZAS FOR MUSIC. f'Y MISS Z. NELSON. Be gentle with woman !-ye know not the hour When heaven's bolt may shatter your own cherished flower, For the dark storm may come, and the flower may lie crushed, And the young heart's glad music lie fearfully hushed, Bie gentle with womanl-her love is a light Crnfading, unwavering, through sorrow or blight: Though crime's blackest ...


... Iftcraturc., ?t London publishers can forwac'd their works for reviez, addressed to the Editor of the HSull Packet, to Mr. C. \ITcvccrLL, 12, Red Lion-ronrl, Fleet-street; or to Messrs. LoNiom.eS and Co., Paternoster-.row, to be forwarded in Ir. Brown's Parcel .N1o pereiodicrils or sertals will be noticed that are not received regalargy. THE 'METROPOLITAN M1AGAZINE. No. 125, for ...