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... FAS.JION AND PJRIPtjsj, % This morning her eatyandi cyalighnss Pri Albert took their accustomed drive to Adeie Lodge The Princess Royal has taken an airin g. L His Royal Highness drove her Majesty out in a p any phaeton this afternoon, followed by Lady Portman the Hon. Misses Paget and Lister, and Admiral Sir aot et Otway, in an open barouche. Colonel Wemyss atten dtd on horseback. Colonel and ...


... - -- FASHION JND VARIETIES. Her Majesty the Queen had a grand dinner on Saturday evening at Buckingbam Palace, the Duke of Devonshire Duchess of Sutherland, and a large party of the haut ea6bse having been invited by the xoyal command to meet his M jesty the King of the Belgians. It is not the intention of her Majesty and court to remove to Windsor Castle from Buckingham Palace for several ...


... I FASMION AND VAn4RWxt Her Majesty and Prince Albert took an eiringon Mon. day afiernoonin an open carriage and four. Her majesty was attended by the Honourable Miss Paget and the Hon Miss Anson, Maids of Honour in Waiting. Sir Edward Bowater, Equerry to Prince Albert, attended on horse. back. Viscount Melbourne bad an audience on Monday of the Queen. The royal dinner party at Buckingham ...


... FASHION AND PAWRATIES, ?? SUNDAY. S This morning her Majesty and his Royal Higltess p,- D. Albert, and the distinguished visitors and suite attended Fe divine service in the private chapel at the Castle. Prayera p; re read by the Honourable and Rev. Edward Ssuthw'li a- Ksepel. n. In the afternoon the Earl Delawarr, the Earl of War. - wick, the Honourable C. A. Murray, Lady Caroline Cok ie and ...


... 0g ZWNDSOR, SUNDAY.-Her Majesty was not present during divine- service at St. Georges Cbapel either this morning or in the afternoon. The royal closet was ordered to he prepared for the reception of her Majesty. It i Dstated that slight indisposition was the cause of the absence sof 'the Queen. Her Majesty remained vithin th MCastle during the whole of tbe day. Not one of the few visitors ...


... ORICGJL AI. POETRI. THE LAST OF 111S RACE. ?? AN' i'Nl'TlMlSllD P'OEM, B1Y D. MiiE. YODDL'I.,.. 11Yrril the liue chy above hilni, t lie green earth below, Anid the pure air around Iii h, w lcre'er lie nay go Witi a stlsreig limid to velcomne P is friund3 1r Iilid foes, A nil a dclg. ever fai dlful, to wateh his, reproe ; lie wavkes on tile )Ullntaill, lie Mieeips ill the glen. IeI drinlis of ...


... . I THE CITIZEN. The number for this mronth opens with a review of Dr Taylor's essay on the Natura~l History of Society. The Doctor appears to be a great favourite with the Reviewer; and, fromn the specimens of the work with which we are pre- sented, we believe th~e favour well bestowed, 'Tite story of Hlernani; is, we have no doubt, unfortunately one of which we hlave hlad but too many ...


... PASHION AND VARIETlES WINDSOR, FRIDAY EVENINGo.-Her Majesty anlri4t Albert, accompanied by the Duchess of Kent and the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, and attended by the usual lords and ladies in waiting, will leave Buckingham Palace to. morrow afternoon, at half-past two o'clock, for Claremont, where the illustrious party will remain during the greater part of next week. His Excellency the ...


... LZT2RATURE. THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. The University of the new year comes out in new vigour, new beauty, and new interest, We have not seen a nium- ho her, since the birthday of this periodical, that teems with a cb richer gush of sweets than the present. We meet here of with long-lost and dearly-remembered friends. Carleton Isi is again '-up and at them. His sportive and rollikin fancy is ...


... PAMsSON AND PARIETIES. The Queen and Prince Albert visited the National .Gal. lery on Friday afternoon. Viscount Melbourne had an audience on Friday of the Queen. His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge arrived in London at seven o'clock on Thursday evening from Dublin. His RoyalHigbness Prince George of Cambridge visited Prince Albert on Friday. The Honourable Admiral Elliott is ...


... L12'ERArUAR. t reared ?? THE CITIZEN. C Each successive number of this talented and national ti periodical contains many articles on which we would wil. ti lingly dwell at some length, but the bustle and pressure of a' election time oblige us to bestow only a very brief space A upon our remarks on the present one. The first paper in the number for July bears the expressive, we would say the ...


... TIHE DREAM-A MYSTERY. I RSEBMT that I was vardering by a stream, Along whore shelvilg biaks graow mnialy a flower Of rtairy briglhtcss, aad whose breast did aeem Trerdling u itlh jay, as if it ielt the powvr (f its own tir illitig inelody- the glcania Ot day's declina g orb, hI golden sh civer, Descended o'cr the earth, nod hiomn t!e shy D)ay brcathed in even';s ear big pia a Ling sigh. ] ae ...