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... ROYAL HORTICULTURAt sOCIrTY OF IRr' I .. ~~LAND. The spring exhibition of fruits and flowers of this so. ciety was bhld on Saturday, at the Rotundo. The'specit. lmens were very numerous, and beautiful in the extreme; and the attendance of visitors, notwitbstanding the unfa- vpurable nature of the weather, was as numerous and as fashionable as we ever witnessed on any - mi occasion. His ...


... THEATRE, ROYAL. I TI'he new national comedy of Irishlr Mnufacture, or Bob M'Gawtley's Project, by William Carleton, Esq., was repeated on Saturday evening with increased success, We have already remarked of this piece that as a drama it bears evidence of being the production of one who, though so deservedly celebrated for his energetic and powerful style as a novelist, is still an unpractised ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIESF COURT CIRCULAR. Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal Was taken an airing by her attendants on Thursday at Claremont; and on Friday afternoon, at two o'clock, the Princess and her attendants left Claremont for a drive in an open carriage, drawn by a pair of ponies. His Royal Highness Prince Albert, attended by Mr. George Edward Anson and Sir Edward Bowrater, passed the ...


... ASHION AND VARIETIES, ?? s o s, WasnzaDAY. S~hi ~o~(irm ghlajesty ~and his Royal Eightess Price Ulbert took srtlkin~taerciae in the Pleasure grounds ad. joining the Castle. -'ad - Her BRo' Highness the Duchess of Kent walled t Adelaide Lodge this morning unattended, In the afternoon the Queen and the Prince, attended b Colonel Arbuthnot and General Sir Edward Bowater b' spected thea new Biding ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIZ9. The Queen, accompanied by the Princess of Leininger. took an airing on Tuesday afternoon in a landau and four Lord Alfred Paget, Equerrv in Waiting, attended her M, jesty on horseback. His 'Royal Highness Prince Alber7 accompanied by the Prince of Leiningen, rode t 07 horseback at the same time, attended by Colonel Bouverie and Captain Francis Seymour. The Marquis of ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIES, e HIer Royal Highness the Duchess of Rent j It ?? on Monday afternoon at Buckingham Palace y lisa Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, it is said, i d about to resign tbe Grand Mastership of the ancient old It of Freemasons, and it is also runnoured that t id5l be tendered to his Royal Highness Prince Albert ill The Marquis of Lansdowne arrived in Berkel on Thursday from ...


... PASHlON AND VARIrTIERL Ile? Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent ieted the Duchess of Gloucester on Wednesday at Gloucester House His Serene Highneje the Duke of Saxe Meiningen psi4 visits on Wednesday to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, at Clarence House, St. James's; to her Royal High. ness the Duchess of Gloucester, at Gloucester House and afterwards to their Royal Highnesses the Duke ...


... \ FPASHIO AND VARITRTIE\ I ; WINDSOR, SUNDA7. ThrQeen and Prince Albert attl;rded Diviiievs this aatnoon, with part of the Royal suite, in treC Boyal, rt. George. The Rev. C. W. Kayvett °lfti -4 Mr. ElvS presided at the organ. X ed. After sldvice her Majesty and Prince Albert, anl.:,t Queen qf hie Belgians, rode out in an open pony ea and four, Ittended by the Dowager Lady L,,rr, Countess ?? ...


... FASZIION ARD VIARIrIES. The Queen and Prince Albert attended Divine service on Sunday morning in the Chapel Royal, St. james's_ The sermon was preached by Archdeacon Goddard, from Romans, chapter 13, verse 1- The prayers were read by the Rev. Horsley Dakins, the lessons by the Rev. W. Hall, and the communion service by the Bishop of London, the Rev. Dr. Sleath, and the Rev. W. Hall. The chant ...


... I (Fromn the Court Circular) Lord rllenborough had an audience of the Queen on yriay It Buckinrham Palace, and lkisscd hands on being icd Goscrlor. General of India. ier lajrsty and Prince Albert walked on V riday after. ,in -e garden of Buckingham Palace. tbe HOnourable Miss Devereux, and not the Honourable 5S ly, is in attendance on her -Majesty as one of the g ids Of Honour in Waiting 1 ...


... V:SnBXdtolf oP THE ROYAL HIBERNIA t ACADEMY-SECOND NOTICE. 1o I- mgEYLrn.RJA 'Tis an ihvidious office to drwtedistinco of mjr a or minor degrees of merit between rival works of geniis, C V especially between those of men so nervously sensitive as artists; but if this might be done in the instance of the pre- a sent exhibition with less risk than usual of exciting profes., d sional jealousy, ...


... FASR70N AND PARZRtlES. The Queen and Prince Albert arrived in London at h, r. Past five o'clock on Friday afternoon, in a carriage and four preceded by outriders in scarlet liveries, and escorted by a party of. Hussars, from Windsor Castle. The equerries in waiting, Lord Alfred Paget and Major-General Sir Edward Bowater, followed in a chariot and four. Her Royal High. ness the Princess Royal ...