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... PisASSOX AN'ffVAA}~J1RA WIINDSOR, 1Rt5tDAy. Last evening the Earl of Surrey arrived at the C on a visit to her Majesty, and the Earl and Couthsl Uxbridge and the Ladies Eleanora and Cou~flilcepagtt the honour of joining the royal circle at dinner This morning her Majesty and Prince Albert ied as usual in the Park, and her Royal Hab11ness the pr- Royal was taken to Adelaide Cottage. - Ins the ...


... I = 1;l A X A - - 1 - A- L T _S . _ .. His E~xcellency the Lord Lieutenant held the second w levee for the s-ason on yesterday. The attendance was tw( very numerous; a guard of honour from the 99th Regi- rs ,ment, and the splendid band of the 12th Lancers, were ino attendance. The following noblemen and gentlemen were at present:- ni PIUVATE ESNTEE. VI Duke of Leinster. re The Lord Chancellor, ...


... FASHION AND VARIEgTgS. WINStDOR. T'UESDAY. The Queen has not taken her accustomed airing today, in consequence of the unfavourable state or the weather. His Royal Highness Prince Albert skated on the lake at Frogmore this afternoon. The following gentlemen ac- conmpanied his Royal Highness :-Lord Lilford, the Earl of Surrey, Dr. Pretorious, Colonel Wemyss, General Bowater, Mr. Anson, Mr. Rich, ...


... PAs49O9 AND VRInftgs, WINDSOR, SUNDAY. Her Majesty and Prince Albert and the Royal Hlouse- hold attended divine service this morning in the private chapel in the Castle. The Rev. Dr. Short, Deputy Clerk of the Closet in Waiting, officiated, assisted by the Re,. Isaac Gosset. Doctor Short preached, taking his text from Galatians, chap. 4, verse 6. Yesterday her Majesty and Prinee Albert walked ...


... FASIhION AND PARIgET1E5 His Exce1lency the Lord Lieutenant entertained the fol- lowing distinguished personages at dinner at the Castle on yesterday :-Lady Catherine Fellowes, Lady E. Fortescue, Lord and Lady Kerr, Major and Mrs. Bouverie, and Miss Stewart, Honourable Mrs. Howe Browne, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dunne, Captain Williamsthe.Missespeltowes, Mr. Stewart, Mr. R. Burke, Hon. John Fortescue, ...


... LONDON AND PARISIAN FASBIONS FOR I SEPTEMBER. (Fromi the WForld of Fashown.) BONNETS._11.rawn bonnets of apple-green pou de sole, with the exterior ornamented with a demi wreath of velvet foliage, in various shades of green, and the interior of the brim trimmed with moss rose buds, and rose.coloured rib- bon brides are fashionable. Lace retains its vogue; it is adopted for bonnets of every ...


... FASHrION AND V.RIETIES, WINSDSOR, TUESDAY. This morning the Queen and his Royal Highness Prince. Albert took their accustomed walk in the royal pleasure grounds. His Royal Highness Prince Albert afterwards drove ta Ascot Heath, accompanied by Colonel Wylde and Mr. e. E. Anson. His Royal Highness went to see the beagles hunt. At five o'clock in the afternoon her Majesty rode out in the Park in ...


... 2'SHE MACGAZIs tax JUNp. Our-natona THE CITIZEN. to Ouir national dagazine opefis this month 'with one of ti these sound political articles. which have contributed sod outcah to its sUccess. Oftthat article entitled Rints to- England we have already made use in a recent number of h ourjournal. From ouroobservations,and the extracts there n given, the general tone and style of the article ...


... FASIox XD ?? S, WINDSoR, FRIDAY. Her Majesty and Prince Albert walked ai usull it tha forenoon in the vicinity of the Castle, and in the afternoon at five o'clock, the royal party went out fora drive. He; Majesty was attended by the Duchess of Bedford and the Lady Mary Gertrude Vyner, occupying a pony carriage and four. The carriage following (a pony phieton) conveyed the Marquis of Headfort ...


... - . FAIRSj I Wexford fair was Alusually will attended with all de- seriptiona of stock, which met a ready sale at advanced prices. Store cattle Averaged from oil. to 91., and milch cows went as high as 131. 10a. Pigs 403. to 44s per cwt., and stores from 20s. to 35s. e ck.- ?? Independent. At the fair of Newcstle,4Limerick, ou Friday, there was but a small supply of stock of every description, ...


... PASHION AND ?4RIRTIES y (P0oW TEHE COURT CtUCULAaR opwDE ne The Queen will hold a Privy Council Dha@sAY) o'clock this afternoon at Buckingham Palace bf past one Her Majesty and Prince Albert took an Parks yesterday afternoon in an open carr airing in the e. Lord Charles 'Wellesley (C!aerk Marshal). anded rle Bouverie, the Equerries in Waiting, COoei onhorseback !se Honourable Misses Paget and ...


... FAS4HION AND MAARETIES. WYNDSOR, TUESDAY. in This morning her Majesty, accompanied by his Royal ad Highness Prince Albert, took walking exercise on the terrace. In the afternoon the Queen and his Royal High- ness again walked out in the royal pleasure grounds. Us ' Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, attended by be Lady Fanny Howard, walked through Ithe new inclosure Ins to Adelaide Lodge ...