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Advertisements & Notices

... -rTHEATREROYAL, DUBLIN. h e of Miss ELLjEN TREE and Mr. giNDEl~uN, Of the Theatres Royal Drury-lane and T/n 1j5prlde-n if0ND AY, Ocrher tbe 26tb, will be frmdth~e fv orjt' Pla yofthe ff e LADY OF LYONS; on, LOV'E AND PRIDE. (Writt n by Sir E. L. Bulwer, Bart.) CIaude 1,elnotte, Mr. Anderson ; Colonel Damas, Mr. ret; Monsieur Deachappelles, Mr. F. Cooke; BeauI sejet ~r. Hudson; Gl ovis, PMr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii AXY 6omnpits having been, justly made by the e ,oardof Trade and the Pubiie, againit the Shop- keepers, for imposing English rnanufactured' Goods on pur- chasers for Irish, Ifthink'it may duty to subm-t ite following document to the Public, and in particular those who have beensodeceived, inorderthat theymay see where Irish Manufactured guods can be obtained. r I take this opportunity to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V tJJ , ~TIIEATR,13 ROYAL, DUBLIN. Week but one of the Engagement of Miss ELLEN >|te TaET andl Mr. ANDERSON. 5 present TUESDAY, October the 26th, will bell .Eerformed, for the first tire those five years, Shaks. .Tragedy of a 1ROMEO AND JULIET. roir. Anderson; Mercutio, Mr. Hudson ; Capu. I tr gBarrett; Peter, Mr. Compton; Juliet, bliss E. 11 Act V.-A Solemn Dirge, by the entire Vocal strengrh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE GENTLEMEN OF DUBLIN. FRENCH HA TS, Waterproofed, and superior in shape and durability to any hitherto imported, in every variety of Fashionable Shapes, at 12s. id. each. RYAN AND CO. J[ AVE received at their EstabliahmerLsd i WEL.. LINGTON- QUAY (Essex Bride)a nd 41, DAMiE.STREET (corner of Trinity-etr an exten- sive Stock of the above Goods, which, frt teir having adopted several ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOI ., EN DAR A PEIY 1' A NI) LONDfX'ON H tAT HOWI AeE, 45, 1HlGII-STREET. VIITF Svbscriher having ret Urndfl from complefinr in 11. the Englislt Markets. lhi SUMM IER ASSOitI.. 31ENT, ?? ?? intimates that. tor variety of shade, elegance of stile, anm beauty of pattern, in C'ltIo~hsi, Trasisttcs.t, asse %sid W iseii. elu fuels confident of gratifying the most fastidious taste. RK 4'>04T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W R.1121 ; 4S, U- VSsXr TLJAVF TEIIS DAT roceirod their firit Iff tioii of M AL- AAGt FitU IT, ox SY ph, vi i,[J t-r. poil, all of prime (quiality alld piarticurlzrl)y slc.,l 1, lwir in Malaga, viz. 30 Box.s A icli 3lSctelRI.tlSlS, ii,, Lyer, 20 ?? oiiS. (Il). dr,. I0 Bxies Bunch (to. df,1. 20 Quarzrer 1/o. d. (6 IBorres Jor'r'rrn .A1 ,10O.WD. 4(1 Brcrs GRA PES. aboiut 401/,A. 6, 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tijra21 , fnseann 4 0re15 at nn nall 019als Coalts. COTT BROTIHERS, haveon hand on Supply thQ O r 0 A S, which they arc te ao S on telraterti at their YARD, No. 75, RI RITCIIE S 15htg0 Btlilding, October, 21, 1 41. (20S CO :llURNs 14, CASTLCEsT -SREFTR et' i i'ii l hin ack a];ledg ments for the patf'onato *Iifer erdilp upn him, For the last e t s, takes CL ti, state, t hat l Establishmllenit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itLSTER TEWPEtweEVts 1E1TY. THE REV. WILLIAM GIBSON, I nte to Preach T o1 T'rnPEBANCE: AS TAUGIHT IIV 'etH (RACLE Or COD, at UALlF PAST ONE, in his o% 'hullch oil SABBATH First.: THOMAS IIINCKS, I SrClRETATSIES. JOHN EDG RR, N E W B A liE R Yo No. 1, ARTHUR.SQU ARE. f r HE G.en1try and Inhabitallts of Belfgqtan its vi- I cnlity are re'opectfully inForn'ied, tha t ?? qcriber will, in falt nrc, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, D&BLIpj By Desire and under the Patronage of Lieute ?? the Right Hon. Sir EDWARD BLAKENEY, ?? &c. &c., Commander of the Forces, Lady Blakeney, the Commanding Officers of Regiments, and the Oflfeers I of the Garrison. u-HIS EVENING (SATURDAY), January 9, 1841, _will be Performed Auber's Grand Opera of FRA DIOVOLO. Fra Diavolo, Mr. Wilsonp; Giacorno, Mr. Morley; Zerlina, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ds bAtit-MiSH BfiANIPA0Ttt9E- v * Meeting of the Committee of the Parishes of St. A i Ncholas, St. (Catherine, and St. James, held in Long's Rooms, Thomas-street, on Friday, the 1st January, The Rev. T. J. ENNIS in the Chair: It was moved by William Bradshaw, Esq., Churchwarden of St. James's Parish; seconded by Dudley Fletcher Mur- pby, Esq., Churchwarden of St. Nicholas Without: Resolved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL XA$IAftOOIATIO TUE LOYAL NAT IOA ASS CI. TATION OPIRELANO,fil~t ebeG BOOMS, CORN-EXCHANGE, on MONDAY June 21, at TWO O'CLOCK. ' Each person not Enrolled to pay One ShillinglAd iug- The Gallery Free for Ladies, as usual. N B. More than one-half the Boom will bI reserved for Associates. Each Member, in passing through the Secre. Wry's Room, whete the Books lie, will have to show ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tOYAL UNTIONAL UtIPRAL ASSOC&ATrIla 7HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ,&8 CI- m ATION OF IRELA1SD will meet at the G BAT ROOMS, CORN-EXCHiANGE, THIS DA ( ' day), August 9, at TWO O'CLOCK. 1 The LIBERATOR will attend. 1' Each person not Enrolled to pay One Shilling Admission The Gallery Free for Ladies, as usual. N B. More than ooe-half the Room will he reserved for Associates. Each Member, in passing ...