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Morning Chronicle


... PUBLIC AMUSEMJENTS. MORNINGS and EVENINGS.--OSLER'S ANEMOMETERt, PANORAMIIA of the CiTY of CANTON. elaborately fnisdled by adistieauished Chinese artist. This tearitiul picture, with the remrarirublo MODEL of the IINIIER CLIPF of the Isle ot ~igirt. end the PAINTED GiLASS, after Martin and Danby. is viewad binder a ,eaetifyio jtpowver; an uriqlue and valea- WePry orks foa the edish governmient ...


... PUBLIC AMUSIJMIRNTS. BR'ITISHI INSTITUTION, P1all-nIfaU.-Thle G ALLFRY for thie EXHIBI ITION and 8A I.E of the WORKS or ?? AIRTIWJ'd is OPEN daily, from Tren In the Morning till Fi'i e ii the Evernittc--Aduteieeon, Im :tCatalogtte, Is. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. The ROYAL POLYTEC]INICIN-STITUTiON. -The lDAGUllRIRFOTYP'E PICTURtES. ILLUIMINATED UJNDER a &IAGNllF 1,NG POWSR,and teli WIDlE LIGII i' ...


... TO IV. U. AlACREADY, .ESQ. Oft mlid the shock ol battles ('tis averr'd) Above the roar, a whisper may be heard Thus o'er the tuilult of the living sea Thrat heav'd auid swell'(l with joy to welcome thee, I heard aI sound too lie for hinman speceh In its most sweet approval, e'or to reach. Lo! in the circle dignity has drawn Round thee-there stoodl, as gentle as the dawnl, The spirit of ...


... ,Ayrci's Crie'7cter'8 (,'uide. Second Edition. Edited by CIIAS, COWDEN CLARKs . [Edinburgh: Caldwell. This little book is of great scientific and practical interest to those who delight in the noble game ot'cricket. It main- tanis the good old principles of the game; for there is, it seems, a Reform party and a Conservative party ill crieketinll as ill politics; but the Conservatism of the ...


... GLOUCESTER MI USICAL FESTIVAL. Tiuk festival ecainenieed on Tuesday last. It is the 118th t;. :il Mtill three choirs of' Gloucester, Worcester, atid ?? ;IIdI ii;IS been luore successrul than 1dioso rnect- i cii - i~eee ur ¢ several years past. Oin Tueiday morn- i: trs W10ti Is ?prelched in tie. cathedral by tile Ttev. Dr. Lt 1AV(N, IVI10 (o fe idi'e thei fi!stival from the objections whlb iire ...


... THE ITALIaN OPERA. The weakest of l,.llm Ni's operas, lA atriect d T'eida, wias peltirttteil last night, w ith the very ooderaite success Willb Ii nighit le expected to atteld Siuch a 1rodtictioll. We arc suiprised, indleed, that attentpts sitlit still be niadc to kccp alive a piece which does not possess merit enough to satisfy even the par tisa;ts of the Illodernl Italian style. To that ?? ...


... The Visitors of the ROYAL POLYTECHNIC c INSTITUTION are respectfully Informcd that aftfr Saturday. thed 4th 8 eoternher. th Inetitution will NOT BR OPENED on the SATURDAY EVENINGS. It will be cntinetd open au all othir ecenings as well as in the nerrinqs, with the new ana varied LEC- TURE , ORRERY, DISSOLVING VIEWS, and nearly 2,15 0 WVorks,P which display emiloentart, sciance, and ingenuity, ...


... TO 71lE 11--B3LR THll, ?? IN P-T1' ?? fEJBLED. The litalile I'etitioII of the lI tfrist Iillows. f''Jiolnri' ol the PUniversity of' Ni'ewga t Tha t, ut lrinull it the recent e.lplo.ion ol whitg'ey, -So pregniant with ruin to ill surts of priggery, Aid justly indiguunt it this their Inot new ]i hIC Fur stoppill, COI1filSiOk1S Of 1nUInin and InumI, P'rovidinig that he ti ho would ratther not ...


... The SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the NEW SOCIETY of PAINTERS In WATER COLOURS is osow OPEN, at thelr Gallery, st, Pall.ntsil, next the British Institution, from Nine o'clock till. ust.-AdSmisolou. 1. Catalo ues, fOd. JAMES FAHEY, Secrstary, EXHIBITION of tiie SOCIETY of BRITISHI ARTISTS, Suffolk-street, Pall.msi1lI East, is now OPEN for the sea- son, daily, from Nine till dusk. Admission Is. ...


... .PUBLICY AhMJSBINI'S. The GREAT FIRE of theTOWER of LONDON, with tinl Military sitnals mndi Music in two beautitul adlittional PICTURES tire pist added to other chlarites, in those reeiarkaiiO ecClIee, the DISSOLaVdIiNG dfitoVtrIEWS. Varhid Lettures, Orrery, aienirt. anld iegeaolatr A Vi W of CAiN!TON, elaborately n af t lte it. Eveninlg ErtiiibltlllP.-AdtilitlOfl. lis. Not open on Saturday ...


... The MAGNIFIED DAGUERREOTYPE PIC- TURE$ ILLUMINATED, ?? the tinest view's in GREECE, ITALY. PRANCE. and ENGLAND. rhe PANORAMA Of CANTON, try a distlnguished Chinese Artist, tke PIltpyc% on Glves. alter Mar lab f Wgh epulr LrtuableModr'~(iitlao Under Cliff of tire tehtain ti Electrotype, j eatsrlmnte Mirosthe'~utt~ thi ard erv, Moel , mmmc. Oeiee'e Anemetnetsr. lehI To in the evenin g, l~csnlur ...


... i'(]J3l.IC AXLJS.IMlJEiN'T2' ROYAL ACADEMY, TRAIFALGAR-SQUAR.-- Tho EXHIRITIDN of tim ROYAL ACADENIY IS NOW OPEN.- Adoi.ile (iroratn Fight o'clot1h till S.ell', It. Catalogae Ir. HXNRY .HOWAR), R.A., SecretaTy. TheTHIRTY-SSEVENTH ANNUAL EXIIBI TON of the iOCIETY of P'AINTER9 in WVATER COLU~l:S, tl their uallery, Pall-mall East, IS NONV OPEN.-Open each day from Nmie till dusk.-AdllittaiCe, Is. ...