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... Mre4No ME.ETING. Tbe Spring Mceting of tick Club took pilne on tire Earl of Eglinton's eatiti' At Aldlrotan, on the I lth nail r 2ti instant. Tire wentiher *net vlear nd wrn, os Miii- s inminrr. nil. aiong jitlh a full nttendalnre of mrembiers of the Club, tle etoud of iininoknes woo very nuineirditi. Aiemiogst the e nnpnny preartnt girt tbe feilgl on ntil clnyar Wu olibsiriril thle Real andi ...


... GATmE-IwlSTRiUCTriON OF VERMIN. .t li'le fine llighlind property of Glengccrry abounds 1. il ganie of various descriptiois. but, like most es- t tntes orf i simsilitr situatlion, it hns agso iceen subject ;f. to tie ravnges of vermin. Fromn tile ilrdly engle . dlown to the stot and weasel. those lestruetive (deni- C zens Or tbe wood and wild find nmpile room for exer- It tion anmidst the vnst ...


... CALEDONIAN COURSING 1IMEETING. P WLc INER1 ANDs I-FET O 'T0 AL.EXANDERn si Il iiAInAl, 58Q. OF OAI'ILLV. 01 ?? g la-t, the members and friend, C( of' the CReolnCoursing Club dinted together in si- the Eglisnton Arms Itnn, Ardromitan. Trhe duties or sl Chairman onl thle occasioin wvere ably performed by of thle Honourable Enrl of liglinton and Wintoun; 1i 'rho company having paraklen of an ...


... Yesterday tire annual gymnanstic games took D place rat 110li, in presasnc of a large assemblage been of spectator~a, wen tile prizes wore awarded as fol- i low a- ai 11irLE Stt1iOTtNGc..4lelal gained by Mir Parld of ?? Leihb. Ttosa PUTTINGo IEAVr BALL.r 221r119. WmaHTr-Gsaind by Th Mrt Thnnmis Menceis, Edlinburghr, who throw the ball 33 Fix inches. PavrTTsN Lonui BALL~r, 11a11S. WRIMIT ...


... Far somce time limt, Sparkei's Cricket Park irs l;rosve Street hra,. beens a point or great attraction go ate cimateors or tire- trigger; and toanly pigeon ulatrches heave coline ol'll there, heeldes several of those wlielt wre have recorded between two of the crack til qlios of the clvy. isnatuly. Capitain Ito-is and Lord all5 Miuedorcald. Two other mrnstelces cante oN' oil the, ea sirnil ...


... the WCrte 11IFAr. JULtYi 14. h1w The Critxteti, g'a,.skt of lbs snvereigns eaich. 10 ft.. with el ?? notled,. (-.e taile atiti a quarter. 7 coubacribere. voll Laid 0I. Iienithrik no. b. e. Dr Caities (l.yo) . Ion, Atlf 111i1*lale'l It hi. Illoumatrrol 2 Ti Dolor o ci levelistil's ch. C. (Jman . I Asir (irayithin no.*t. ch. b.fy Ziralat . . 4 Sir Ri. ?? Buielayolf h. J. ha toliwlrk * . Betting ...


... (For the following account of Fridatosproceedings we cre odelbted to the Eilitor of the Stirling Observrer:- RIDIsAY. ?? 8. Her AInjelly's Plate oif lo5 sovereigne, granted to the Ca1ellonietn Hunt. Four milen. Charles Xll. walled uver. A Forcel ?? of 10 envereigns eaeh. 5 ft., with 50 r snvereigis siilled by the Calelohnian Huont, for thle winners of All the stakes to which money lte been ad. ...


... The Biceat nr Upper %Vnrit of tinarkshiro Ce iifg Club lellit ito i rrnid meeting of the efOOl nt De Inal hrn, on tle priperrty of sho flight lion Lord Doegll', oI Tlurgduy and Fridy the 21 -,Il 31d current, to ru' I or thC autoluwift lnrizea, Vic :_ C0e4 presentdil by Lord Douglas. FIRTST CL~AIM Mar Berron's bik b Belle heat Mr AnderSnl.'O bik ilid Dlr l)iokleou's bik II Dandy Dinmont beat ...


... CALMDONIAN GOLD CUP, VAI UE ?? SaVenttt'.tNs. Itri Together with thle Highlandl anol Loveland Stiket, tr Value Bo Sovereigns eachi. rn 'l'bin grrat Cwoursing M1atch, which erommeneed on Mrrrdayl ann, loiniilcil ira Titorlay, ba. ~as usual. ex- pc citeil great intoolet in tho spurtinig world. Large sumse l l,.ire changed hannd iht cunseqntunte oi '.naterlno being so defeated. It will bo rorn ...


... INVERNEMS FANCY BALL. On Tuesaly the 30th ultina p fancy ll tmnk place iii tire Narthera etig 1hI RoasI , ?? inte, noil wll roll utledew pith nsate and brillirfcy never before witnessed a tlto north. The Harriers Hlunt Club having colln thled ?? Denslon, the MrImers reolmvd to - weind up tn Nl Wriht o t f Iltheir.b Immnly aullexhlyrunen.l wit!: a finale worthy oftncnni'ur arlrrir bepertall ...


... DONCASTPR RACES. A vatiety of circumstances hive arisen daring the last 1t three or four months to diminish the ordinary attraoe hi tione Of the rare coure As the mnsot powerful; 50 mnr jjf select the genecal election, end the deprssedi state of be trade in n1l parts af the country. These causes naturally etfeet Doncaster es well ne places of leos vote; but K other., of a local and peculiar ...


... Jr1P4T AND STIIRL-1:O ?? 1 '\cE;1S. j1, niee Grtinn q on . . ?? * reo Greinnit tinl tacrs-flzt ut pettco e f tithe livy. The9 fI.Al ,r Tile,jte ni n p1 oddo the r inf il, to thoe fi oh ti-e t l Ii' f olbdi p ?? (wnon'] 5 5. lii p p° (ti n . 3 thin *d, ' ' 4iv III$ 'a ..,I41 i0 00 , I11.111di, ap s etms l. ti¢ e f'falf'j ail ,. 1o 1 tn . , :! , ?? ;. Miri .,hf l. A . 1wit * Lod FA ?? c * ...