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... Mr TH JMAS RESPECTFULLY informs the Nobili'y, Gentry, and Public of Breconshire. and those of the Shires adjoining that, to his present Profession of a LAND-AGENT AND SURVEYOR, he intends to connect the business of an AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, and begs to solicit a share of their patronage and support, as it will be his aim to do his duty to thoir sa- ti»f-»crion. Brecon, 23d March, 1841. ...


... MOON'S AGE. Fur.L MOON., 9 1 51m n thp morning So deeply penetrated was the Roman Senate with he value of human existence, that it decreed a civic crown to that individual who had saved the li e of one citizen. Ii is a p'easingr and condolatory reflection that the progress of disease has been aricsted, and not merely one but numerons persons have been uatched from the tomb by the medical ...


... Saturday, September 4, 1841. Published by the SOLE Proprietor HENRY WEBBER, at Woodfield House, in the Parish of Saint John, in the lown of Cardiff and County of Glp.morgtui, and Printed by him at his General Printing Office, in Duke-street, in the Town and County afore- said. Advertisements and Orders received by the following Agents.- f,ON DON 'Ir. Ilarker, 33, Fleet Street; Messrs. Newton ...


... EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES. •JEJk* The first rate Coppered American Ship, St. MARK.; Burthen 500 Tons. THOMAS ALEXANDER, Master; WILL SAIL from N EWPOtt-r on or-about the 80th of THIS MONTH, wind and weather plotting, for SAVANNAH. This vessel has excellent accommodation for Pas-en- gers, being rt great height between decks, and affords desirable opportunity for persons wishing to ...


... MERTHYR TYDVIL, GLAMORGANSHIRE. 0 1:0 lis oli) bt) ftuctiim, BY MR- JOHN JONES, On Tuesday, August 31, 1841, ty-two following days, AT GWAIX VAREN COTTAGE, Near the Penydarren Iron Works, ALL THE SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, The Property of Mr. GEORGE GRENFELL, late Manager of the above IVorkii, CONSISTING of mahogany, four-post, French and tent Bedsteads, and Furniture; prime feather Beds ...


... er important subjects, I trust I need not iu with a long detail of political professions. olitka.1 life is you, 1 hope you yi found me ready to stand by the Altar, the iui th*> Constitution and the few remaining iy politic*] life, if you again think n.e worthy houVof representing may depend on >e devotee to uplwsld, unimpaired, the reveied ns of our beloved Country. Believe me to be, ...


... PROFANATION OP MERTHYR CHURCH. APOLOGY. 1 CHARLES JAMES POWF.LL, one of the 9 CHURCHWARDENS of the Parish of MERTHYU TVOVIi,, in the County of GAS, and Ojoci se of LLWDXFF. n'u desirous of embracing the er.rlu-s crasion of testifying, not only to my fellow I arisliionrrs, but to the Members of the Church and to the Pub'ie at large, inv unfeigned sorrow, that I should hnvp been induced. tinder ...


... Just Published, in Demy Svo., Pfrite Jos. Boards, A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THB LAW OP IINES AND MINERALS, COMPRISING a detailed account of the rospr-c- live Rights, I nterest, Duties, Liabilities, and Hc- medies of Land Owners, Adventurcis, A,-ents, anI, Workmen and of the Local Customs of Derbyshire Cornwall, and Devon. With an APPENDIX of Legal Forms relating to Grants, Leases, Transfers, ...


... NOTICES, &c. TnIE CARDIFF and STEAM PACKETS NAUTIJLUS, JOHN ALLEN, Commander. IjABY CHARLO rrE, HENRY JEFF lid Y, Commander, ARE INTENUKD TO SAIL During the NEXT WEEK, follows— (From the BufeSllip Dock.) FROM O 4 H D JFK Nov. 22.. Monday Naatil 1f) morning 23..Tuvada^ oliarloitv II uioruing 24.. Wednesday.• .• Nautilus. 12 noon 25..Thursday .Lady Charlotte 1 afternoon 26.. Friday Na,itil,iq 2 ...


... BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. TAND, CONTIGUOIS to these DOCKS, for BUILDING HOrShS, SHOPS, and other Erec- tins. rn.,v now he had ou Lease. For terms and other particulars apply to Mr G. S. rlt'awq,wn Stirvv,r. CarditT t'or QUEBEC from CARDIFF. The fine new Barque MARQUIS OF BUTE, 900 Tons Burthen. JAJlES FRAZER Master, ftteds SA 1 ILING from CARDIFF, the 1st day of PRI r lIext. I his fine Vessel ha* ...