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Bristol Mercury


... BERSTOL LEATHER WaXR. Our fair commenced on the 7th instant, with a good sup- ply of most descriptions of leather; the attendance of buyers was numerous, and a large amount of business was trans- acted at the following quotations :- For Caors, the demand has been confined to those of prime quality. BUTTS,-The supply of heavy foreign was very large, and the demand good, at a reduction of id. ...


... AGRICLTURAM T INTELLGENCE. Exisibition of Sheep-Shearing. Thle annual exhibition of sheep-sheuring of the Bristol Agri. cultural Society, and the show of ransa in competition for the society's premiums, took place in tile Nowy Cattle Market, on Wednesday last. The attendance of visiters was not so nunmerouss as could have been desired, but the competition, as wvell in the rants ats the ...


... Jr. w. 21. carpenter's inueeuin mectures. LECTU555 XX)IvI. After recapitulating theprincipal facts eospectiag Fishes stated at the eonclusion of the preceding lecture, Dr.C. thus continued: The general rule of their progression in water is modified in a few instasices; thus, the flying fish spends a large portion of its time its the air, but its motion is givea to it not by its fins beating ...

Column for Christmas

... column for VJWI'fltao. : O. uHRISTMIAS. HeaP on more wood-l-the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, . l We'll keep our Chiristmas merry still. . Eac Bage has deemed the new-bern year The fittest time for fesfalcheer: Even heathen yet, the savage Dane At 1ol more deep the mead did drain; High on the beach his galleys drew, . And feasted all his pirate crew ;. Then in his low and ...


... = voetr)p F RE E-T RA DE. [The followiog lines were recited by Mr. Buckingham, at the close of one of his addresses in favour of free-trade, at the Mlusichall of Leeds.On Saturday last, and produced a very powerful impression ot a crowded audietnce.3 And God said, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth. -GOenesis 1. 28, IF God's free bounty bids this globe produce More than enough ...


... - qoett). QN THE LOSS OF THE EMIGRANT SHIP, GOVERNOR FENNER. A~oO'In prey, dark ocean! Wrapt in unconseIoos slumbers, 'tbthy yaweirg depths Ia gone, W ithinl their berths reposed. And thy aves, cs w1 ild c~Oisotion, O'er thoese devoted numbers O'er ?he fatal scene roll on; The greedy waters closed. Another tale of sorrowll How fearfYl, yet how brief!- OhA! who may tell tieir feeligs, iThe ...


... LIZTIR'A7. VAILZETZES. Ibe Moa E FoIa6ETHAN REFINEocEoe. -_SCOtt, in hiS Christian 3n, Life, speaking of sinners going to heaven, said, Thej would he find tliemoslvei like pigs in'a draing-room'' nd Constable; thlie Edinburgh bbo cseller, was asked, at a din- hb ner-party; what wae his opitfalf The Lay of the;a'st Min- ed steel * Opinion I hejeepled .- why I have :solt mre thamn ier two ...


... - votetrv THE SYLPFH OF SPRING.-By W. H. PBIDEAUX. Mo.r.r, smeek, and tender, 1 Voicing an oblation, With eye of glorious sheen,- Morning, noon, aId night; Aobd in crsaten of greedor Tripping tihrougis tile valleys- Ato bed a n cr o eno f d green l, lous .Spurting every glade, V.7Y love and smiling Where tile sunbeam dailies Like a-perfect joy; 'Through the leafing shuade: Grief, of tears ...


... qa: I . R V.IET- EB . L w4TZIAIILT VA'LS X- TEB.q BoOE-mAKIxNG.-The Abbe de. marolles was so fond of boak-making that he published the names of all his friendsi and all their acquaintance in a catalogue at his own expense. This gentleman said to one of his companiens,;' MY verses Cast me very little. They oest yoa as much *ae they are wt6rth, re. plied his'friend. AN EXCELLENT SPEEcH. ...


... Ta1E 'o7VES' of ZZONARD & MGAXamET -: ReOSEiT SOUTHIEY. T'ticre is no aegument of more antiquity anl elegancy than is the matter of Love; for it seems to be as old as the wvorld, and to bear datc from the first time that man and wsoman weas: therefore in -thisac in the.fineit metal, the freshest wits have in all ages shown their best werormauship. Leonard Bacon hod becn left aa orphan is ...


... FASHIONS FOOR JANVARY. Materials shaded in rose delehiWn and Wsor aselaze blue with 6iraneii on 'white, are the most fashionable .olburb 'rvery ele- gant dreoses are mnadein tho latter style, the~pattefll. in proangge en white satin or reys, haviilg -tis effct 6f' gold; they nre triammed with blond, -undCSesrfsye'imatc Mny dresses are made of the tunic form,. which is sometimes pf ...


... i . 1 V - 71 ; R Z at i Ll\FMAU VARZETIS. :MILDzrg S.-Be aleways~as mild. as You can; a spoonful of honey attracts more flies than a barrel of vinegar, 'If yoauriust fall into any extreme, let it be onthe side of gentleness. The human mnind iso cattrfiected, that it resists rigonr, and yields to softness. 'A itild worl quenches ange,; as water quenches the rage of ire; 'and by :benignity ay ...