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... THSI WEUD. (r~rom Ireland-it-e Scenery and Character.) BY Slit. AND MROS. S.C. HALL. JACKe CASEY Was a prosperOUs and wealthy farmer, but his ncighbours called him 1hard arldhonest, and certainly, what-' ever swore his claims to the latter distinction, there could be no. l. doubt as to his meriting the former. Hie had two daughters, Aisty anid Holno th eldet, a cheerful, sunny-hearted girl, ...


... l)3ortup. S O N G. NOT a cloud in yonder west Mhidway between earth and hea. Dims the glorious god of day, ven. All the gales are gone to rest, Ness I seem with peace to dwell, Silence meets me an toy Way; Mmtsmngi high to me are given 'TAsthe timo wherleavolypowe r Words are all too leak to tell Seenso to mnelt into our hearts Shadowiags of future bliss And Cite Influene of the hour nGather ...


... I oettr2. .. [N-S TO A PORTRAIT OF THE QUEEN. [iY BliSs rABROWV.] - iQUcPN.tRoSI of Englandl! round thine ancient throne, Sit dding soft ligit~o0 suit fl ivliness, And kindling wit it sey youth and Womanhood, As with warm life, tire thne g'er br power, BT is sweet to gaze on thingse usojenteid , Wreathed only cy its waves of lustrous hair,- 'iTh'y soft eyes, ounsle tranred-thy ohild-like lips, ...


... A ittraturic. A CyJexpdia of Domestic Medicine and Surgery, by Thonmas Andrew, Surgeon-Blaclkie ani Sots, Glasgow. Analphabetical accautut of the various diseises incident to the 31suan framne, with directions for their treatment, and for the more simple operations ofsurgery. It also embrnaces instructions for adminiisteriun medical substances, gives plain and succinct rules for the regulation ...


... O 1 1 I-.l V I AI RS. OUIR SKETCH BOOK. il lit - et, I i'steilgt e W- 11ilii)N Sel 1) Is: I (h1 I F t ?? 't is e t srce ttedot oI It It 'II t I tieicjt tutci ?? i tettittl tie I e I tIetti;itt; I to , Mit s LirThii a t. 1; ?? ?? .I I Iele it - !, L ,t c ljw ititt tir llitlt, l i i ti le tsot it titherl' ti ?? Sot-ll ill tillg ti D.ii eetio l, itee- li tie-tt-i 'I t l, ute, SC--,eit it tit' I ...


... [Eot THE EXNUTLt 7O.YI.NG4rOST,3 Tho' tow thou lart gOI10 to thy Houso ia tho West, Thy dear imago renlsllineth wvith Ioe, Ansd ibo imprint of nlI that is hlolicst anid best, I-Ias been ?? revived by thee. 3Iy Heart, so near brolkon, lms lost alI its Core, 'By thy forniless ,so Mildly ?? And my Spirit, now bloonst, is tighter than) nir, Sineo Volt sild I was all that Y-na tovaod Tien hoists, ...


... T'hiu Ep csro's Almonw; or Diary Y' Good Livlng.- By Nlawi *1 , ?? util Paorsonis, 132, Fleet Strcot, Lenelen,5.01---lir good jijilig the beglish o, or wero inftuend; inoleuw, on celhbrutedl sor they as lovert of helioies, In Stiuhg, olilt thu Immioitiail Bard iou ilto the ti'oiitli of the Scottib aoorp~or I1to worth tenlu Dly falso ThaInes, And ltiu910 With the English opiOuros. v To what ...


... FASDIONS FOR OCTOBER. od i ?? Par'is L(adies' Miltgazie of' i (I (Fron the Lodest Fashioln.) Cesciiis{ 't sle tin c-csriend ar. 's biecricnsncjse, mwoire a v11t ~lcno minor, Lr crrndrc' cii' vines, j1irtciccet i sinicil stripes, p1ertieolccrry violet DdOf lllc , scone ' icisic tiottrc'55, l'nrneil- nii ginee, 'chine., CO ,e lolc'n, &o. tireltcihtccg 1cinr Atm, lighter costcriols lor hi ...


... .ZTERAILY VAr.ZETXZS. Sheridan pacified a quarrelsome fellow one evening by 0lbaerving, I should not like to go up in a balloon with you, I for fear of our falling out.', True misanthropy consists not in pointing out the faults and follies of msen, but in eocouraging them in the pursuit. Theywieo: wish 'well to their felldw-creaturoB are angry at their vices and sore at their mishaps; he who ...


... Lk TETR Y (Fort TFIF E XrTRi FLY11.40-OST.] on a ltrlitttrtul 141IFin wtou jf4l, ?? S (IN' O OY HOAD VIONMt. -Ar little fluttering tinselled thing, Chil- of tilo %s.beurio. eReotr. of all hour, Floaonig voluptiloons on Zphlyr's bnimY wving. Sipping Enrth's sweet, distilled from overy 1ioweor. Vbv should I taoo thr little life an Ry, whlyt h0op theo captino, or thy illoy restrain? Likc m;1e ...


... , 'TRY ?or, I I tlo r aitit ba nab a ?? Yeo tlioI OpOII ithetron, ?? lones ! Yo oidlt, a n 1db, nud l to; Antd qeiclly yo rikhttl to dI 'st Bollte' tito trealid of tko passol-by. Ye solttrti the tloto ,roliouteeid on ots, Antl t~rtiftgtto wlt olnur thito; A id wio riot soe york oritiile liti to nt'tht Nor tis owli eboil tlso esntottllil'lto ; Yit goily doligo in tho s nugilir broIozo, ?? ve ...


... (T!Cb .0lebeti of Xf~i' V 5t#OI~ Flowers of the Spriog! how welcome S5D111 Your early bee ?? 'hr~ll ?? Yo glcatO, Nonn ir e from her tioub! Beouenth the HIeaoolls bios cope A thousanid dronms ye briug, Ye erotho most likollope Flovwer of the early Spring. Flowers of thr ensmmer! freely given, Ye bless tho smsiling serth, P'oured from tho sunny gato of Heavon III rieh abandauoc tbrth. Ye ...